Cutting Threads (Ryuko Matoi...

By CruderPlace13

59K 952 738

Meet C he's a multiversal savior with more power than your normal overpowered anime protagonist. C was the le... More

Rewrite Announcement.
Rewrite for Book 1 finished.
OP 1
Chapter 1: GearEyes and An Entrance Exam
Chapter 2: Super Kinky Outfit and Kicking Ass
Chapter 3: Tennis Match and Dinner
Halloween Special
Chapter 5: Training
Chapter 6: Old Friends and Rivals
Chapter 7: New Duds
Chapter 8: Friendly Origins & No Tardies Day
Thanksgiving Special
Chapter 9: Dates
Chapter 10: Average Sunday
Chapter 11: Mohawk Man
Chapter 12: The Cook-off
Chapter 13: Challenges
Chapter 14: The Birth of Fight Club
Chapter 15: The Death of Fight Club
Christmas Special
New Year's Special
Chapter 16: Naturals Election
Chapter 17: Ryuko's Past and C's Gift
Chapter 18: Preparing for the Sudden Death Runoff.
Chapter 19: Discipline and Information!!
Chapter 20: Pinky's Music
Chapter 21: C's Rage & Ohma's Power
Chapter 22: Aftermath of C's Rage
Valentine's Day Special
Chapter 23: C's Recovery and the Raid Trip
OP 2
Chapter 24: The Cultural and Sports Grand Festival
Chapter 25: C's Past
Chapter 26: All the Confirmation We Need
Chapter 27: The "Rescue" Mission
Chapter 28: False Happiness and Guilt
Chapter 29: Real Happiness (Lemon)
Chapter 30: Nearing the Threads of Fate
Chapter 31: At the Threads of Fate
Chapter 32: Cutting the Threads of Fate
Chapter 33: The Search
New thing
10K READS!?!
Chapter 34: Rules of Nature
Discord Server is Up
Extra Chapter: Bloopers

Chapter 4: Getting Info and Confessions

2.8K 45 30
By CruderPlace13

POV Change


I look around. I'm in some kind of office of sorts. Great I have no idea where I am. Then a voice interrupts my thoughts.

?: So there is another being composed of life fibers. Well aren't you special.

?2: I don't know what you're talking about, but I do know that if you help me find who I'm looking for I'll help you.

I don't know the first voice at all, but it sounds feminine. The second voice definitely sounds familiar.

?: Oh I would be delighted to help you. Do you have any idea where this person might be?

?2: I've got an area marked here.

?: Oh that's Honnouji Academy. My daughter runs it. I can send you there right after we conduct some test in exchange for me helping you.

?2: I need one more thing first.

?: And what would that be?

?2: I need permission to let loose in this academy because when I find the man I'm looking for nothing will stop me from completing my goal.

?: And what is that goal?

?2: I'm going to kill the man known as C.

My eyes shoot open and I gasp for breath. I lay still for a few minutes getting my composure. I then feel some weight on my right arm. I look over and see Ryuko snuggled against my arm. I smile at this. I gently move my arm to wake her. She pulls my arm closer to her. I keep moving my arm. She eventually mumbles something to me, but it still seems like she's dreaming. I decide to whisper and see if that'll wake her up.

C: Ryuko. Ryuko get up.

Ryuko: No...Mr. Hippo.. I don't wanna...get.... up.

I somehow manage to hold in my laughter.

C: Well could you at least let go of my arm?

Ryuko: It's.... C's arm....not yours...

C: Well could you let go of C's arm?

Ryuko: No...

C: Why not?

Ryuko: because.... C needs.... a hug..... and... I' him...

C: Why just you?

Ryuko: because... C.....

I don't know how to respond. Then Ryuko shifts a little and yawns. She then opens her eyes.

C: Good morning, Drifter.

Ryuko: Hey C. You okay? You're face is red.

C: Well that might be because of the beautiful girl on my arm.

She then sees how she is hugging my arm. She quickly let's go and jumps out of bed.

Ryuko: Sorry.

C: It's fine.

I then snap my fingers and stop time. I quickly rush downstairs and grab Senketsu and put him in the wash. When he is done I put him in the dryer. After he is dry I put him back on his clothes hanger and bring him to Ryuko. I snap my fingers again.

Senketsu: AHHHHH! What happened!?!?

C: Nothing much, here Ryuko.

Ryuko takes Senketsu and walks into the bathroom. While she does that I get dressed and head downstairs to cook breakfast. I settle on muffins, so I get everything ready and toss them in the oven. As they're cooking Ryuko comes down and sits on the counter.

Ryuko: We need to talk to Mr. Mikisugi.

C: Hmm why?

Ryuko: He owes me some info.

C: Explain.

Ryuko: After I left you with the tennis club he stopped me and gave me this.

Ryuko holds up her left hand which had a red glove on it with a pin of sorts.

Ryuko: It's called the Seki Tekko. It allows me to give Senketsu blood easily. He also said if I beat Hakodate he would give me some info.

C: Ok I'm in. We'll corner him after class and make him tell us everything he knows.

Ryuko: Sounds like a plan.

C: Then after that we'll go shopping.

The oven dings. I pull out the muffins and set them on the stove. The smell of fresh chocolate chip muffins is intoxicating. I look over to Ryuko and see her staring at them with a bit of drool coming out her mouth.

C: Wow it's nice to know my cooking is appreciated.

Ryuko: Huh?

I then point to the left corner of my mouth. She touches her's and feels the drool. She quickly wipes it away. I then take two plates and split the muffins between us. I hand Ryuko a plate with three muffins on it. She takes a bite of one. I swear her gear-shaped pupils turned to hearts.

Ryuko: These are amazing!!!

I don't say anything but I give her a smile. We sit side by side on the counter eating our breakfast.

C: C'mon Drifter we got a teacher to interrogate.


After class, which consisted of Ryuko burning holes into Mr. Mikisugi's back with her glare, Mako came flying at us. Ryuko caught her and on her back was a note. The note told Ryuko to meet him at his place.

C: There is no way in hell I'm letting you meet up with a man, probably twice your age, at his place alone.

Ryuko: Oh I was going drag you with me anyways.

C: Awesome glad we're on the same page.

We then leave to go meet the blue haired teacher.

Mikisugi: We got a problem. I saw the way you were staring at me in class, all passionate like. It would be bad for both of us if people started spreading rumors about our relationship.

Ryuko walks up and grabs him by the shirt collar.

Ryuko: The only "relationship" we're going to have is the one my fist will have with your face you freakshow!

Mikisugi: I knew it you can't keep your hands off me.

Mikisugi unbuttons his shirt and Ryuko quickly backs up to sit on the couch.

Ryuko: Look I don't know what you want, but what I want is some info! Like who you are and how you know about Senketsu. You said you'd tell me after I beat that Hakodate chick remember? So come on let's have it!

Mikisugi then sits down next to Ryuko sliding close to her.

Mikisugi: A man's word is only good on the day it's made after that yeah... not so much.


I don't know what it was but for some reason he was pissing me off on levels I couldn't even explain. I jump off the spot where I was leaning against the wall and grab Mikisugi by the shirt. I slam him into the wall.

C: We want information God damnit!! And you're the best lead we have and so help me God if you don't start spilling the beans I'm going to FUCKIN CASTRATE YOU!!!

I sit there staring into Mikisugi's sunglasses. My eyes were burning and everything had a red tint to it. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I then let go of Mikisugi's shirt and he slides back down to the floor. He stands there looking up at me.

C: I'm sorry I didn't mean to lose my cool like that.

I sit down on the couch next to Ryuko. Mikisugi pulls off his sunglasses and slicks his hair back somehow removing his stubble.

Mikisugi: They're called life fibers.

C & Ryuko: Huh?

Mikisugi: They're living fibers woven into clothing for combat. One-star uniforms are made of ten percent life fibers and two-star uniforms are made of twenty percent. See how that works? When worn by humans these special fibers enhance strength and reveal special abilities.

Ryuko: Now that you mention it?

Flashback to Ryuko absorbing the Boxer's uniform with SEN-I-SOSHITSU and C absorbing Tennis Twat's uniform with SEN-I-KYUSHU.

C: Those must have been life fibers.

Mikisugi: They were, also there are outfits made entirely of life fibers these are called the-

C: Kamui.

Ryuko: How do you know?

C: Satsuki was originally going to make me a two-star uniform but after seeing my immense strength the head of the sewing club, Iori, wanted to test my life fibers resistance. So I was tasked with wearing a five-star Goku Uniform. I agreed but only if we continued to scale up till the outfit was entirely life fibers. To which he replied that he wouldn't make a Kamui. Until Lady Satsuki came in and green lit the idea that is. So I put two and two together.

Mikisugi: Wait Honnouji Academy is making you a Kamui?

C: Suppose to get it tomorrow actually. I still don't know why she even agreed to do it to be honest. Is it really that big of a deal?

Mikisugi: There are to date only two known Kamuis one was created by Isshin Matoi and the other belongs to the Kiryuins. So yes this is a big deal.

C: You mentioned Ryuko's dad. Where does he tie in to this?

Mikisugi: Dr. Matoi developed Senketsu in his lab and the Kiryuins wanted the secret of life fibers to stay hidden see where I'm going with this?

C: So they had him killed and my guess is they wanted Senketsu but they couldn't find him in that giant ass basement.

Ryuko: And how do you fit in?

Mikisugi: I hate the Kiryuins so I helped Dr. Matoi to stop their plans of world domination. One day I got a letter from him. It said: When I die give you know what to my daughter. Good luck finding the needle in the haystack.

Mikisugi then takes a seat next to us as he slowly slides to Ryuko. I simply sit in between them but he doesn't stop sliding.

Ryuko: So getting me to fall down that hole to find Senketsu was your idea.

Mikisugi: I had to do something to get the two of you together. You showed up at the mansion all I did was open the door.

He is now practically on top of me and I give Ryuko a pleading look.

Ryuko: Fine whatever! So did that Satsuki Kiryuin chick kill my father or what?

Mikisugi: I'm still not one hundred percent sure on that.

Ryuko puts a hand on my thigh and glares at him. He backs off finally.

C: Oh thank the god for you GearEyes that was extremely uncomfortable.

Ryuko: Looks like I'll have to beat the truth out of her. I can't wait.

C: Geez ignore me then.

Mikisugi: Whatever you two do don't blow my cover. I infiltrated the academy to find out what the Kiryuins were up to. So at school you're students and I'm your teacher make contact only when safe,

Suddenly Mikisugi is on top of me again.

Mikisugi: But here you can "make contact" as much as you want.


Ryuko puts a hand on my chest and with her foot pulls out her scissor blade and cuts Mikisugi's pants right where the crown jewels are.

Ryuko: How about my foot makes contact with your ass! Sound fun?

Mikisugi jumps off chuckling to himself.

Mikisugi: Ahh young love.

C: Wait one more question. How come when Senketsu transforms he becomes a super revealing sexy outfit?

Mikisugi: I guess Ryuko's dad was into kinky stuff like that.

Ryuko: You're kidding.

Mikisugi: Yes I am I have no idea why. There's a lot even I don't understand about the Kamui. You'll just have to find those answers yourself.

Ryuko: C'mon C let's go.

Ryuko then gets up to leave and I'm hot on her heels to keep the blue perv from trying anything. I don't fully relax until I close the door behind me.

C: You know he's still holding back on us right?

Ryuko: Yeah I know.

C: I could try beating it out of him, but I doubt that'll get us anywhere.

Ryuko: Yeah I figured that too.

C: Well time to go shopping.


C: I can't believe this!

Ryuko: C, it's not that big of a deal really.

C: Not a single place here sells clothing and to you that's not that big of a deal!

Ryuko: Hey don't you go yelling at me!!

C: I'm sorry!!!

Ryuko: You're still yelling!

C: Because you are!!

Senketsu: Will you both shut up!

We all stop and after about ten seconds I start laughing and eventually both Ryuko and Senketsu join in.

C: Alright looks like we are going to have to go out of town to get you some clothes and other stuff.

Ryuko: C we really don't have to.

C: Well as hot as seeing a sexy woman walking around in one of my shirts is. You still need clothes of your own.

Ryuko blushes as I then walk into the garage and flick the lights on. I hear Ryuko gasps behind me. In the garage are the vehicles my family left me.

C: I knew they would bring em.

Ryuko: Wait your family brought these here? When? How did we not hear or see it?

C: Drifter, I learned to not bother questioning it a long time ago.

Inside the garage where three vehicles all custom built. One was an armored SUV that could survive an atomic bomb. The other two were my personal vehicles. The first one was a a car it resembled a red 2019 Dodge Charger, but it was way more than that. It had some seriously amazing upgrades. The thing was fast enough to break the sound barrier. The car's biggest feature was the ability to take elements and use them for some crazy shit. The only problem was that the driver was the only one who could channel their element into it. The car was red with a black racing strip down the middle.

Ryuko: That's a nice car.

C: X custom built it just for me. Ryuko meet Locus Version 2.

Ryuko: Locus like the bug?

C: No that's a locust. Locus is space in Latin.

Ryuko: Oh well what happened to version one?

C: Got sent off a cliff while overheating to the point it became a bomb with a supervillain strapped to the hood.

Ryuko: Damn.

C: Yeah that was an eventful Tuesday.

I then look over to my second ride. It was a motorcycle. The motorcycle resembled nothing from my old world but looked more like it came from a steampunk future. Considering every piece of it was handcrafted by arguably the best blacksmith the multiverse had to offer, Nothanial Drake. Yeah it was a badass machine. It was red, and not like a paint job, the very metal the bike was made of was red in fact it matched the color of Ryuko's scissor blade. The metal had markings etched into it. The markings were symbols representing each element ranging from fire all the way to time. Every element was in this thing effectively making it an extremely dangerous weapon, not to mention it was just as fast if not faster than Locus. The bike absorbs elements just by being in contact with them. It was easily the most versatile thing every made.

Ryuko: Damn that's a nice bike.

C: Noth made it specifically for me. It's able to channel any element through it for either combat or driving. There is a limit though and when it runs out of an element it needs to recharge. Noth etched the Name on the exhaust.

Ryuko crouches down to look.

Ryuko: Tempus. What does it mean?

C: It's time in Latin. Noth and X made them both around the same time so they both gave each other name ideas. Now then on to business. Pick our ride.

Ryuko looks at her options eventually she points to Tempus.

C: Nice choice.

I walk over to a shelf and grab Ryuko a standard red motorcycle helmet and hand it to her.

Ryuko: Really?

C: Once you see how fast we'll be going you won't question it again.

I then tap my left temple activating a full head mask it's a simple white mask with red lenses for eyes and a red C that goes from above my right eye to the left corner of my mouth. Reluctantly she puts the helmet on. I hop on Tempus and my very touch causes it to roar to life. Ryuko gets on the back and hugs me from behind.

Ryuko: Let's go!

C: Yes ma'am!

I kick the kickstand up and we take off. We were easily going two hundred miles per hour and Ryuko was hanging on tightly, but yet I knew she was enjoying this. It's almost like I could feel her smiling. I crank up the speed going three hundred. I decide to mess around with Ryuko. I activate space in Tempus and channel my own powers into the bike. We were going down the highway when we suddenly jump up like we hit a ramp. Ryuko squeezed me even harder waiting for us to fall, but we never did. Space was allowing us to essentially make our own road and ride it. Ryuko eventually pulls her head back and looks around. I hear her shout in excitement. We eventually reach a clothing store so I bring Tempus down and park it.

C: So what did you think?

Ryuko: That was the most fun I've had in a long time!!

C: And here I thought you'd be mad at me for that little stunt I pulled.

Ryuko: Oh no I'm still mad.

I deactivate my mask and she pulls off the helmet. She then hits me over the head with the helmet. I fall to the ground.

C: Okay I deserved that one.

Ryuko: You've deserved all of them.

C: Whatever makes you happy, beautiful.

Ryuko blushes and I wait for her to stomp me. She instead reaches her hand down. I grab it and she pulls me up.

C: Aww I knew you loved me.

Ryuko: I'll hit you again.

C: And you'll prove my point. Now let's get you some clothes!


After we get back home I put all the bags on the coffee table.

C: I still can't believe you forgot we were on a motorcycle.

Ryuko: You said get whatever I want. You said there wasn't a limit.

C: I know, but Jesus woman for a "tomboy" you sure can pick out a shit ton of clothes.

Ryuko: Oh come on I didn't pick out that much.

C: Ryuko you're lucky I can manipulate space otherwise we would need to have made at least three trips in a car to carry your stuff.

Ryuko: Quit exaggerating.

C: You bought thirty outfits, Ryuko. I'm not exaggerating. The sad part is you'll never wear them, except for the pajamas.

Ryuko: I will too!

C: Oh so all these new outfits will boost your power like Senketsu?

Ryuko: Well no, but I'll still find some time to wear them.

I then start laughing.

Ryuko: What's so funny!?

I walk up and hug her.

C: I'm just playing with you, GearEyes.

She doesn't say anything, but she hugs back. After about ten seconds we separate.

C: Okay GearEyes you find a place for all your clothes.

Ryuko: What are you gonna do?

C: I don't know.

I then leave the room.

Ryuko POV

I reach for a bag, but then realize something.

Senketsu: What's wrong, Ryuko?

Ryuko: I don't have a room to put these in.

Senketsu: I thought you and C shared a room.

Ryuko: What gave you that idea?!

Senketsu: Well he did bring me to you this morning and you were both in sleepwear.

I feel my face heat up.

Senketsu: Are you okay Ryuko? Your heart rate and blood flow have increased.

Ryuko: I'm fine.

Senketsu: It happens a lot when C is around or mentioned. You like him don't you?

Ryuko: Sh-shut up.

Senketsu: It's okay Ryuko. I might not be able to measure his heart rate, but judging from his body language, his attitude towards you, and my other observations of him I think he likes you too.

My face really heats up to that.

Senketsu: You should tell him how you feel. If you don't then I will for you.

Ryuko: You wouldn't dare!

Senketsu: If you tell him yourself you won't have to worry about that.

Ryuko: Ugh fine.

I then walk around looking for him. After checking the upstairs, basement, and what I thought was all the downstairs I can't find him.

Senketsu: Ryuko you missed a door.

I look and see he's right. I open the door and see what looks like a music studio. There is a door on the left side of the wall opposite of me, a window to the right of the door, and in front of the window is a whole bunch of monitors, buttons, and other things that I have no idea what they do. C is inside the room the window shows. In the room is an electric guitar, an acoustic guitar, a drum set, a piano, a base guitar, and about six microphones. C is wearing a pair of red wired headphones. He is scrolling on his phone and eventually clicks something. Eventually music starts playing from the headphones connected to the table in front of me. I sit down and put them on and eventually C starts singing.

C stops singing. He takes off the headphones, hangs them in the mic stand, grabs his usual black cordless headphones and hangs them on his neck. He looks out the window and sees me. His eyes widen and he exits the recording booth.

C: Hey how much did you hear?

Ryuko: I got in right when you started.

C: Oh so all of it.

His face is a red color and he won't look at me.

Ryuko: What's wrong?

C: Nothing it's fine.

Ryuko: Oh I get it you're embarrassed I caught you.

C: Don't phrase it like that.

Ryuko: Looks like I have something to tease you with.

His face goes a bright red. He looks away and throws his hood up.


He doesn't respond. He doesn't even look my way. I take my left hand and put it on his right cheek. I then gently make him look at me.

Ryuko: I was just teasing you. I wasn't trying to make fun of you and besides you sounded good.

He doesn't say anything back, but he does lift his right hand and put it over my left. I finally realize how close we are. I put my right hand on his chest. His left hand rests on my waist. I slowly move my hand up his chest until I make it to the back of his neck causing his hood to fall. His hand comes up to my midriff. His touch is gentle and warm. His hand moves till it rest on my back. He leans down and I get on my toes. I release a breath I didn't know I was holding. We are inches from each other. His eyes are on me and only me. Then his phone rings. C is still staring into my eyes, but it's clear that the moment is gone. Damn we were so close. I pull away and C does the same, but we're still holding hands. He grabs his phone with his left hand, checks the caller ID, and answers it.

C: Oh you have no idea how pissed I am at you right now.

I giggle to this.

C:... Two universal disturbances after mine?.... Yeah I got it. I'll keep an eye out..... Yeah probably so..... If I see him I'll deal with him... I know that we're evenly matched.....

C then rolls his eyes and starts mockingly mouthing words causing me to laugh.

C: Hmm?.. oh that's just Ryuko... Okay one sec, Noth and the gang said hi.

Ryuko: Tell them I said hi back.

C: She said hi... What do you mean?.... What the hell?!... I don't need love advice!... Oh and what kind of experience would that be?... Oh yeah you were married... Fine one sec. He wants to talk to you

He then holds the phone out to me and I take it.

Ryuko: Hello.

Noth: Hey Ryuko it's Noth. Hey quick question where are you two at?

Ryuko: At home in the music studio.

Noth: Perfect. Make C go in the recording booth.

I look at C and point to the recording booth. He gives me a "really?" look. I glare at him causing him to throw his arms up in surrender. He walks into the booth and I close the door behind him.

Ryuko: Okay now what?

Noth: Go to the panel and make sure the headphones LED is off and that the microphone LED is off as well.

I check it and hit the headphones button to cut it off. I do the same with the microphone button.

Ryuko: Ok done.

Noth: So now we can actually talk. Okay so what is your relationship with C?

Ryuko: I-I-I um we're j-just friends I guess.

Noth: Ok judging by your response I'm going to say you either have feelings for him or you're lying to me. Which option?

I sigh in defeat.

Ryuko: The first one.

Noth: Ok, so how long have you known him?

Ryuko: A couple days and I know that sounds bad, but and I know this sounds crazy. When I'm with him I'm at a peace that I've never felt before and I genuinely care for him as he certainly does for me. Even at first when I didn't want to believe I was falling for him it was like an invisible force just kept pulling us together. Everything he does just somehow makes me want him more. God I sound crazy.

There is silence for a couple of seconds and then I hear Noth sigh.

Noth: Ryuko let me tell you something. I met my wife at a bar fight. She was the bartender and she was studying to be a nurse. After the fight there were two assholes laid out in the parking lot, and I was in the bar with shards off glass sticking out my back. My wife offered to help. At first I told her I didn't want to burden her, but she said it would make good practice so I obliged. She then removed all the glass from my back and poured Vodka on my back to disinfect it and then she sewed me up. Afterwards I got her number and we went out the next night. In four days I confessed that I loved her and within six months we were married. We stayed married for four years until she died. I then became infused with heat and flames and became the leader of a group of multiversal protectors all with similar powers. Within two years of having that job I met C and lost the leadership position to him. He only had his power for two weeks. That shit is crazy you just described love. There is a dramatic difference. Trust me I know.

Ryuko: Um okay.

Noth: Tell him how you feel. He's not dense, but he's afraid of messing up what you two already have, so he probably won't confess until it's too late. You'll probably have to take the first step. You can let him back in now. Bye Ryuko.

Ryuko: Bye Noth and thanks.

Noth: Anytime.

I then let C back in and give him the phone.

C: Hmm? Ok see ya later bro... yeah give everyone a hug for me.

C then hangs up and pockets the phone.

C: What did you two talk about?

Ryuko: Oh nothing much.

C: Okay.

Ryuko: You accepted that very easily.

C: I learned a long time ago that if Noth doesn't want you to know something it's usually for a good reason.

Ryuko: Geez you make it sound depressing or foreboding. It's not like he's plotting on killing you. It was just a private conversation.

C merely shrugs and walks out the room, and I follow him.

Senketsu: You should tell him Ryuko.

Ryuko: Sh-shut up, Senketsu!

C stops in his tracks.

C: Tell me what?

Ryuko: Nothing don't worry about it!!

C turns around with a smug look in his face.

C: What do you love me or something?

My face flushes, and I look away. C goes silent. I steal a look at his face, it's bright red, his once smug look is gone replaced with surprise, and his eyes are wide. A silence fills the air. It last for about three seconds, but they're the longest three seconds of my life.

C: Ryuko.

He almost never calls me by my name, but I still don't look at him out of fear. He puts his right hand on my chin and lifts my face. He leans in and kisses me. I stiffen up for a minute, but I quickly melt into it. His lips are soft and the kiss is gentle. He puts his left arm around my waist and pulls me closer. I wrap my arms around his neck. We eventually have to separate for air.

C: I love you, Ryuko Matoi.

My heart skips a beat at that.

C: I love everything about you. Your determination, your attitude, your smile, your laugh, your beautiful looks, your kick ass body, I honestly can't find a single reason to not love you. I know we haven't known each other long, but if you'll let me I'll stay by your side till I die, and I'll do everything in my power to make you happy.

I laugh and kiss him on the cheek.

Ryuko: C'mon all this sappy romantic shit ain't my style, but I love you too.

He laughs and scoops me off my feet and we go and sit on the couch.

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