Scp 035 x 049

By Satanscaprisun

161K 4K 3.4K

One day scp-035 and scp-049 had a interview. They understood each other, they liked each other, or maybe not... More

The interview
The amphibians
Why don't you recognize me?
Old friend
The feeling
Not alone.
"Don't leave me again."
Thank you!
"Are you ready?"
"Dear prince charming.."
Near freedom
"I thought I could trust you"
His story.
The nurse
Another host
"I hate you"
You rang the bell?
//Kissing the fights away//
Shy guy
//They're back\\
A t t e n t i o n
Merry Christmas
s o o n
T e a


8.2K 184 140
By Satanscaprisun

Both were froze.

The doctor grabbed the other figures hand and rushed trough other tunnels.

The doctor had no idea where he was leading the mask to.

To his surprise, there was a elevator.

He heard loud noises from behind.

He ran to elevator, still holding the masks hand.

He pressed the button twice.

The mask could see his panic and tried to calm him down.

He touched his shoulder.
"It's fine.. they are far away.., they can't find us.", he managed to calm the doctor down.

The door opened and both stepped in.

The doctor pressed number '30'
"Why are we-", the mask tried to say.
"-Because we have to turn down the door control system..", the doctor interrupted him.

"Rude..", the mask mumbled.

The doctor only rolled his eyes.

The doors opened.

"I can't see anything..!", the mask hissed.

"Be quiet!", the doctor hissed back at him.

They were like cats..
hissing at each other..

The doctor couldn't see anything either, but he managed to find a sort of flashlight.

He picked it up and turned it on.

The light shot into the masks eyes.

The mask held his hands into the mask.

"..What was that for?!", he sort of yelled in a whisper.

The doctor chuckled.

"I'm sorry..", he laughed.

The mask blushed a little.
But he was still angry and annoyed.

Suddenly they both heard something roaming around.

They hid behind some crates.

"What is that?", the mask asked.

"I don't know...", he whispered back.

"Should we go?..", the mask asked.

"..Run into the elevator and press a random button..", the doctor whispered as he had the feeling something is coming towards them.

The mask rushed into the elevator.
The doctor ran after him.

In the last second as the door was about to smash together, the doctor got through.

"18..", the mask mumbled.
"We have to be careful on this floor.."

The doctor glanced at him.

"Why?", he asked.

"I think there are many guards.., many creatures are on this floor..", the mask explained.
Both stepped out as the door opened.

Both already heard voices.

"Wow, now I wish this were the dogs..", the mask said.

"Dogs?", the doctor chuckled.

"Yes, scp-939 is like a dog!", the mask said.

Out of a sudden the door i front of them smashed open.
A guard ran into the doctor.

The doctor luckily held his hand out to touch him.

The man fell to the ground.

"He has to be cured...", the doctor mumbled.

"What cure? No! Whatever you do, it's not the time for this..", the mask hissed.

"Pardon? We won't handle this alone.., we need some help..", the doctor hissed back.

"Fine! Go ahead..", the mask mumbled annoyed.

He sat down and watched the doctor taking his different knifes out.

"What are you doing..?", The mask mumbled.

"Can't you see?", the doctor said annoyed.

The mask kind of fell asleep.

The doctor woke him up.
"Wake up..!", the doctor tried to wake the mask.

The mask woke up, just facing the doctor very near.

The mask blushed immediately.

The doctor slowly realized how near he actually was.

He blushed too.

"S-sorry.", the doctor apologized.

"It's fine..", the mask said.

Both got on their feet.

The mask only saw a kind of zombie walking around slowly.

"Gross..", the mask mumbled.

"So, i think we better start searching for keycards.."

The doctor glanced back at the other scp.

"Fine.", he said.

The mask lead the way trough the corridors.

There were doors on all sides.
"So, let's begin searching here..", the mask ordered the doctor.
"Excusez-moi?!", the doctor hissed.
"Don't tell me what to do.."

The mask rolled his eyes.
"Just do it!", he began to argue.
"Why should i?", the doctor began to annoy him with intention.
The mask ignored it and began to search alone.
The doctor stood in the middle of the corridor and watched the mask.

He enjoyed to annoy him.
"So this is the '18t' floor..", the doctor thought to himself.


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