The Ninja Surgeon

By moonriseprime

5.1K 66 11

You think Jay is the typical ninja of lightning we know and love. Well what if I told you, there's a side of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 4

371 6 2
By moonriseprime

Jay's p.o.v

Walking in the recovery room, I go to the desk. Looking in my cubby, Wyvern's folder is in it. Picking it up, I go to her room. Passing Marco, he winks. I nod, I knew he did it. Going to the door, I tap on it. Opening and walking in, I make my presence known. "Little hey, little hoe." I say. "Little high, little low, hey BJ." Wyvern says as I round the corner of the curtain. "Hey little D. How's my patient." "Your my doctor." I smile. I go over, sitting down I feel her arms, legs, listen to her heart. "Your doing good. Given you've been in a coma for thirteen years." I say. Ruffling her hair, I step out. Going to my computer, i type in my results. The alarm goes off, I know that alarm, the Bounty is inbound, a ninja is hurt. I grab my coat, running down the hall.

Kai's p.o.v

Cole is on the gurney, blood staining his black gi. Cole is bearly holding on, I hold his hand. Looking at Zane, we think the same thing. "Where's Jay, I want to sock hem so hard right now. I know his sister woke up, but we had a mission." I growl. He shakes his head, Jay didn't respond to his comm. link. When I see Jay, he's eatting my fist. We bust through the doors, the hall clear. I go to yell when someone slides into the the far wall.

He pushes off, running to us. Me, Zane and Lloyd freeze as his ginger hair, blue gi and freckled face is seen. Jay slides beside Cole, skimming the wound. "Move now." Jay takes off, we follow. Jay touches an ear piece "Marco, OR room three, STAT." Jay orders. 'Got boss.' Marco said. It hits, Jay works here, but for how long. I can tell a while cause as we come, the hall clears of staff and patient's. Marco runs up, taking my place as Allison takes Nya's. Lloyd let's go and all we see is Jay busting the doors open. We sit down and wait.

An hour later, Wu, Garmadon and Misako had joined us. I look at Wu, his look says he about about Jay. I lean my head back, closing my eyes.

Jay's p.o.v

Cole's flatlined three time so far, I had to use my element to bring hem back. Thankfully, he's now in the clear. I stitch the stab wound close, going to the slash across his chest. Closing that, I wash the wound with saline. Barb dabs my forehead sweat drops into my eyes. With a nod, I continue to save my friend. Going to Cole's thigh, the cut to his bone. Putting in a plate to strengthen the bone, it fractured, I stitch the cut up. His ankle is broke, I cut down to it, setting, placing a plate there, I stitch the muscles, tendens and skin back together. That's it, I saved my friend. Nodding to Marco, he sets about getting Cole set.

I go out the OR, Wu, Garmadon, Misako and the others are there waiting. Clearing my throat, I get their attention.

Lloyd's p.o.v

Someone clears their throat, I look, along with everyone at Jay. He dressed for surgery, post-surgery. Blood covers his scrubs, a smidge on his cheek. "Cole..." Jay clears his throat again. "Cole is out, he made it." Wu gets up, he goes to Jay. "Who preformed the surgery." That's a good question, cause I know for a fact, Jay helped the doctor. Jay clears his throat again, Nya gets a cup of water, giving it to hem. Jay nods, drinks deeply. He clears his throat "I did. I am the head surgeon so cases like Cole's come straight to me." Jay said. He pulls off the scrubs, the cap and gloves, throwing them in a janitors hazard bag. The janitor nods at Jay, Jay tips his head. Not the first time.

"Now there were complications, Cole flat lined three times. I had to resurt to my element to bring hem back, he is being transferred to a room as we speak." Foot steps come running, a nurse grabs Jay's gi sleeve. "Doctor, there's a kid in room three, shortness of breath." He said. Jay looks at us "Duty calls. Any and all information you want, talk to Marco." Jay said, running with the nurse. I look at dad, he has a smile on his face. "You knew, didn't you Wu." Dad said. Wu smiles "And if I did." I gap, uncle knew Jay was a surgeon. "That's why you never punished hem." Kai said. Wu grins. I settle back in the chair, I'm glad Jay was here. "I'm glad Jay's a surgeon, I'm glad Jay was here, that he operated on Cole. Imagine if Jay wasn't in that room, if he was here with us. We would have gotten a different story. Y'all heard Jay, Cole flat lined three times, Jay used his elemant to bring hem back. A normal doctor would have let hem die when the first flat line hit. I'm glad Jay was in that room, he fought to save his friend, his and our brother." I said. Kai scuffs in laughter "That's so true, it's funny." He said. We settle back down, waiting to see our brother.

Jay's p.o.v

"So I'm giving y'all a prescription of abrivo, but for now, I have a small inhaler of it. Francis will be fine but anything too strenuous will trigger an azima attack." Francis dad nods, I give hem the inhaler, he walks back into the room. Going to my desk, I fill out the slip, and hand it to Marco. Going to Cole's room, I stop to grab my coat. Going to the room, I grab the folder outside, looking. Tapping the door, I slide it open. Lue is sitting beside Cole's bed, Cole looking at me, but he's still doped up. Turning to Lue, I tell hem the stats on Cole.

"How long will he be on bed rest." Lue asked. "Given the extent, I would recommend a month at least. But if he does get up, crouches are highly recommended." I tell Lue. "Thanks Jay, or is it doctor Jay." I chuckle " just Jay, Lue, just Jay." I leave, replace the folder and head to the ninja.

Kai's p.o.v

Jay told us Cole was to make a full recovery. He had Cole moved to an ICU room. Man, Jay jumps through massive hoops to do what he does. I grab Cole's hand as he smiles at me. The gang is in the room, Lloyd takes pictures for later. "Kai" Cole says, speech slurred a little. I smile, Jay gave hem some heavy drugs. "I may have been out of it, but I know when uncle Lue was in the room, a sware Jay came in, dressed as a doctor." Cole slurred. I grin "That's cause Jay is a doctor..." A knock at the door has us all looking. "Howdy, howdy. My ears a burning, so someone's talking about me." Jay says, walking in.

Cole goes wide eye, he, like us is shocked. Jay grins, he gets this a lot. "Right now, I'm your doctor, not brother in arms. Now, I need to do a few things, so can your doctor do them." Jay said. Cole nods, Jay goes to the table, getting a tray. He sets them on the bed, grabbing the I.V. taking a corten ball, Jay cleans Cole's good arm. "Make a fist." Jay asked. Cole does it, Jay ties a strap around Cole's bicep. He finds the vain, sticking the needle in. Jay takes three viles is blood, writing and pockets them. Removing and tying the I.V prick, Jay takes the stethoscope. "Sit up, I can listen to your breathing." Jay said. Cole sits up, Jay slips his hand between the folds of the gown. He pulls back, standing straight.

Jay than taking a blood pressure bag, wrapping it around Cole's arm again, pumping the ball. Jay looks at his watch, counting. After a minute, Jay deflates the bag, taking it off. "Everything sounds good, I'll send the blood to get tested, right know, as your brother, what the hell happened." We all grin. "The thugs that rubbed Ninjago bank, they did it. One cornered Cole, smacked hem with a pole in the ankle, knife cut to his thigh and chest, stab to his side." I say. Jay nods, he grabs a syringe, it filled with a clear liquid. "This is to help you relax, Cole, and to help you sleep." Jay said. He gets up, placing the syringe in the intake of the I.V. He injects it in the line, Cole's eyes slowly close. Jay pats Cole's arm, turning to Wu "Bed rest for a month, if he gets up, crunches are highly recommended." Jay says. "Now, I have a sister to go see finally." Jay takes the tray, folder and leaves. I rub Cole's arm, laying my head beside my twin brother. Closing my eyes, I go to sleep.

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