Cursed with fins

By DezWeasel767

55.3K 2K 517

My name is Skylar Smith, On a normal walk back home from a friends house, a storm hits. I get sucked down int... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 1

13.9K 330 112
By DezWeasel767

I felt like I was floating, calm, and peaceful. I was weightless. My body was relaxed, like I had nothing to worry about, not a care in the world. Suddenly, it felt like I was plunged deep, under water. I held my breath, my heart rate hitched. I started to panic, trying to swim up to the surface but only to find that I couldn't. I finally made the decision to open my eyes seeing nothing but darkness.

The water was freezing cold, I began to get a huge urge to breathe. I was holding my breath for far too long. I tried to hold it for as long as I could, afraid of drowning. The feeling was unbearable and too strong, it forced my mouth to open, taking in all the salty water. I could feel all of the water just pouring down my throat, unable to stop it. I practically clawed at my throat, feeling so much discomfort. I knew I was gonna die, I was gonna drown any minute now. I was waiting for my demise until I realized, it never came. The discomfort faded away to nothing, I can breathe. I felt at ease, like I was at home, like I belonged there. The water strangely got a little bit warmer.

A light began to shine through the water, a ray of light. It made me rather curious why is there just a single ray of light. I noticed movement, I squinted my eyes to look closer since I couldn't go anywhere.

As I tried to look closer, a figure swam by it. My eyes widened as I jumped back in surprise and shock. Actually being able to move back a little, I felt the back of my head come into contact with the corner of a huge rock. It made my vision blur. From what I have saw from the creature, it looked to be just as big as me! Similar figure shape too, except no legs?

Something slithered by my feet, I yelped, yanking my legs up. I stared down where I had felt the thing, but saw nothing but darkness. I tried to get a closer look, until a hand reached out at me, grabbing my ankle. It yanked me down with force. I yelped in absolute shock. I was starting to disappear into the inky blackness of the ocean. I kicked at the thing that held onto my ankle, but it wouldn't budge for nothing. Once it reached the bottom, it held me down. I felt my toes graze upon the deep, cold sand that laid at the bottom of the ocean. My eyes had finally adjusted a little by now, there wasn't just one creature, there were like millions of them! They were all circling me, what were they doing? Actually, what were they all gonna do with me. They had human features, but instead of legs, they had what looked like fish tails.

Finally, I felt the hands leave me. I was no longer held down. But I couldn't feel my legs anymore. I looked down to see in its place, was a fish tail. Just like what the other creatures had. I felt my jaw drop in surprise, I was frozen in fear. I didn't know how to quite respond to this. Just before I could think about doing anything, a loud sound began to ring in my ears. I clamped my hands over my ears, squinting my eyes shut from how loud the sound was. When my eyes opened slightly, the creatures were gone.

I clamped them shut again until the sound had dialed down. I forced my heavy eyes to open but only to realize that I was in my bed and the sound I was hearing was my alarm. I sighed, rolling over, I slapped my hand over the off button. Moaning, I was far too tired to get up.

"Why did I have to get up so early for again?" I groaned, rubbing my eyes until a realization had hit me.
"Oh yeah... First day of school.."

I practically rolled out of bed to get ready. I threw on fresh, new clothes my Mother had bought me. Of course brushing my teeth and hair, I was sure I was completely ready before running all the down stairs.

"Hi honey. How'd you sleep?" I heard my Mom ask as I passed her to grab a cinnamon roll from the oven that she had prepared for me.

I took a bite. "Alright, I guess." My words came out slightly muffled by the food.

"Skylar, what have I told you? Please don't talk with your mouth full."

"Sorry, Mom. I gotta go. Can't be late on the first day of school! Love you!" I ran out the door, throwing my bag over my shoulder, taking another bite from the cinnamon roll.

"Alright, Skylar. I love you too!" She called after me.

I ran all the way down to the bus stop, tossing the last piece of the roll into my mouth and brushing off my hands. The bus then flew around the corner, slamming on the brakes in front of me. The doors sprung open, surprisingly not braking the glass. Oh no.. Not Mr. Acher.. He is like one of the most reckless drivers.

He smiled a toothy grin at me, even considering he didn't have really any teeth except for one upfront and a few in the back.  His white hair not even combed, blue eyes shinning at me. I breathed, readying myself for what was ahead. I climbed up the stairs and started to quickly look for a seat before..

He slammed on the gas a little too hard, making me yelp and fall forward. I tried to get back up, he slammed on the brakes. I fell backwards. Everyone burst into a fit of laughter.

"You okay, Ma'am?" He asked, looking down at me.

"Sure sure." I waved him off, grabbing onto the closest seat to help me up. He now decided to be a gentleman and wait for me to actually find a seat. I sat in the closest spot I could, since the bus was mostly filled and I guess I was just lucky to find this spot. I felt my face heat up, embarrassed about what had just happened. I felt someone tap my shoulder from behind me. I turned my head to look, I smiled.

"Hey, Skylar!"

"Hey, Ava!" I exclaimed happily. Ava was one of my closest friends.

"What's up? Are you okay?" She lightly laughed.

"Oh I don't know, almost possibly died from the drivers horrible driving is all. No biggy."

She nodded in agreement. "Yeah, he does drive horrible." She giggled. "When are they gonna fire him?"

"I don't know, probably never. But if this bus ends up in a ditch and they still don't fire him, I'm walking to school thank you." I laughed with her laughing along with me too. Luckily I didn't live too far from the school, since I hate riding the bus, we arrived at school fairly quickly.

"Bye, Ava!" I waved, she gave me a quick wave in return.
"See ya!"

I headed for my first class, home base. As I walked down the hall with a bunch of people running back and forth, I looked down to my schedule.

"Mrs. Parker, room 203." I mumbled to myself, looking at the room numbers. 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, here it is. Nervousness hit me like a brick when I walked in, I was greeted by the teacher.

"Oh, hello, you must be Skylar."

"Yeah." I say, sounding a little unsure.

"Okay great! I remembered your name." She laughed, I smiled, trying not to seem rude.
"I'm Mrs. Parker your home base and science teacher." She introduced, offering me her hand.

"Hi." I shook her hand.

She clapped her hands together. "Well, you may sit wherever you like, there is no assigned seats."

"Okay, thank you." I responded quietly, forcing a smile while I walked past her.

I scanned the room for a good seat. There wasn't many people in the class room at the moment, maybe six or seven at the most but it is suppose to be a big class. I spotted a seat pushed up against the wall in the back of the room. I decided to take that one, I hesitantly walked back there. Sitting down and placing my bag next to me on the floor. I crossed my arms on the desk, just staring down to avoid eye contact. I couldn't help but feel very uncomfortable, I didn't like to be in big groups or around a bunch of people like this. Still in my train of thought, I felt someone tap my head. My hand instantly went to the back of my head to feel if anyone had put something in my hair, people, especially kids or teens can be rude and cruel. I spun around to see Noah sitting next to me. Noah and Ava are my only other friends, we have been really close since we were kids.

I smiled. "Hey!"

"Hi!" He returned the smile. I was so excited that I hugged him. He of course willingly gave in and hugged me back. I haven't seen him since last year due to him going to some sort of boring summer camp that his parents apparently made him go to that didn't have any good cell phone reception, so we haven't gotten to talk in a while. I let go of him and moved my stuff more behind me to give him some more room.

"Oh look, it's the love birds." I heard a voice behind us, approaching. I spun around to see black hair, brown eyes, mint green sun dress and sun glasses on her head. Great... It's Blair.. I can't stand her, she's always picking on me since elementary school. She never really liked me but I don't even know why. I have never done anything to her, she practically just came out of the blue like 'hey I don't like you.'

"We're not dating." I stated firmly.

"Ha, yeah right. You two were so hugging and that is a total sign that you both are dating." She said with a smug look.

"Friends are allowed to hug, so leave us alone alright." Noah cut in. Blair hasn't seemed like she really cared much about Noah, she seemed more like she was just after me and only me. Unless if someone else gets in her way or bad side. She rolled her eyes.

"Fine, uh okay. I'll leave you both alone so you two can make out." She snickered, walking away with her squad of two girls following down behind her. I balled my hands into fists, Noah placed one of his hands over mine. I looked up to him. "She's not worth it, don't waste your time on her." Noah whispered, I nodded and tried to relax myself.

"Alright class, please take your seats and I will hand out an 'all about me' work sheet. It's just a sheet you will all fill out so I can get to know you all better and faster. When you are done, place them onto my desk into a neat little pile." She announced, walking around the room, giving one sheet to each student. When she got to me, I looked up at her as she tried to get one sheet out of the pile she was holding. She smiled warmly down at me, laying it down onto my desk and moving on. I turned it around so I could read it properly. It was just basic questions, such as 'what is your favorite color? How old are you? When's your birthday? What are your interests?' Those types of questions. It didn't take long for me to finish it. I think it's a little childish to be still doing this type of work sheets but if it gets me out of doing actual work, I'm all for it! I got up to go turn it in, I handed it to Mrs. Parker who smiled at me.

"Thank you, ma'am." She took it, placing it in the pile of papers on her desk. I gave a half smile before returning back to my seat.

Mrs. Parker stood up from her seat, placing her phone down on her desk.
"Okay my lovely students, while I'm working you may all read something, draw, or whatever you want as long as you do it quietly." She said, returned back to her seat to pull out some papers and a pen. Everyone instantly started to whisper to each other. I on the other hand just pulled out a little book to read until I felt Noah poke my arm. I looked back to him as he slid a little piece of paper to me. I leaned over the paper to read what it says. Up at the top, 'conversation box' was written.

Noah reached over with a pen and wrote "hey," under 'conversation box.' Then stared at me, trying to push me to give in. I smiled, rolling my eyes and closing my book to set it aside. I grabbed my hot pink pen and wrote "hi," back. The entire class was spent that way, just writing back and forth on the piece of paper until the bell rang.

"Have a wonderful day, everyone!" Mrs. Parker yelled out to us as we left.
I pulled out my schedule to see where exactly am I going next until someone snatched it out my hands. I quickly looked up to see Noah, holding it over my head.

"Can you get it?" He snickered.

"Noah, give it back." I reached for it, standing up on my tippy toes. Noah held it higher.

"Noah." I groaned, still reaching.

"Come on, you gotta get it." He laughed.

"Ugh, Noah, come on I'm going to be late!" I whined in frustration.

"Ah, your no fun." He handed it back.

I looked down to my schedule to see the class. "Hey, do you know where room 541 is?" I asked Noah, showing him the paper.

Noah leaned a little to the side to see the paper. "Uh yeah, you go down this hall and take a right, go all the way down here and take a left and it's the first door on the left." Noah pointed.

"Okay thanks." I looked back down to the paper.

"No problem."

"So what's your next class?" I asked.

"History, I'm going that way." Noah pointed in the opposite direction I have to go.

"Oh, okay so I guess I'll see you later."

"Yeah, bye." He waved.


He walked away. I followed the directions he had told me to lead me straight to my algebra class. I walked into the room and took the best seat I could find away from people. When everyone came in, I scanned over them all in case Ava could be in my class. She has mentioned once that she was also taking Algebra, but of course she could be in the class but a different time. I also looked that maybe it could be someone that I'm well acquainted with that I could just talk too. None of them.. Everyone took their seats as a female teacher came up and stood in front of everyone.

"Hello class, I'm Ms. Seymour and welcome to algebra." She offered a smile to everyone.
"I will next hand out a work packet to everyone to see what you all know, if you don't know it's okay, just do your best." She began to hand out packets to everyone. Once I got mine, I noticed I knew a lot of it, actually, I knew all of it. Algebra was always my favorite and easiest subject to me. When I finally had finished the packet, I turned it in and sat down to read my book for the rest of class while Ms. Seymour was checking the packets with a red pen.

"Yo, Ms. Seymour, what we get on the packets?" Some boy shouted out.

"Andrew, I would appreciate it if you wouldn't yell 'yo' at me but everyone basically got all 70s, 80s, and 90s on the packet," she set her red pen down to intertwine her fingers together.

"No 100?" Andrew asked.

"There's actually one 100."


Ms. Seymour made eye contact with me, then pointed. "Ms. Skylar Smith." She smiled, everyone's eyes fell on me. I sunk down a little into my seat.
"Nicely done, Skylar." She congratulated me.
"Okay, I will hand you all a text book and I want you all to put your names in it and get a book cover for it by next class."

I waited patiently for my book, when she sat it on my desk, it made a loud thump. I opened the book, writing my name inside, then sliding it into my book bag. A couple minutes had past and it was finally time to go.

"Have a good day, everyone!" Ms. Seymour shouted out.

I threw my bag over my shoulder and walked out of the room and down the hall. I looked at my schedule and looked for the numbers of the room. Luckily, I remembered where this room was. Then I felt someone bump into me. I quickly looked up to see Noah.

"Hello." I smiled.


I looked at him weirdly, he looked back and laughed, making me do the same.

"So, how was your class?" He asked.

I looked up. "Good."

"Just good? I'm pretty sure there's more to it than that."

"Well nothing really happened. I passed a test with a 100. That's about." I looked back down.

"Oh, so we got a nerd here." Noah nudged me jokingly.

I looked up and smiled.

"So what class you have now?" Noah started to get a peek at my schedule.

"Uh, PE." I said with my eyes scanning over the paper, looking back up to him. Not paying much attention to where I was going.

"you say your going to PE?" Noah raised an eyebrow.

"Um yes? Why?" I asked with confusion lingering around my voice.

"Because your about to miss your stop." Noah pushed me out of the traffic of people and into a big room. I looked around to see it was the gymnasium. I looked to the door to see Noah was already gone.

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