How To Irritate A Pirate

By CaptainSarcastic101

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Title is self explanatory and consists entirely of my own opinion. If you feel I should add something then fe... More

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Animé Wars: Subbed vs Dubbed

120 11 23
By CaptainSarcastic101

Now I know, this isn't really a rant. But this one is a common occurrence between animé fans. Now for those of you who don't know, (hey, it's possible) animé is a type of animation, usually Japanese which people of all ages watch.

It is not just for kids.

The two most well known (in my opinion) of anime's are Yugioh and Pokemon.

Still not just for kids! (Despite my references.)

Now here we come to the big question between animé fans.

Which is better, subbed or dubbed? *pauses for effect as a mass war brakes out*

Either you are part of the Subbed State or the Dubbed Dynasty, you cannot be a part of both.


*another fight commences*

OK,OK! Put a sock in it!

Look I'll use myself as an example, OK? *fight quietens down*

When I first started watching animé seriously (yes, I know. Me? :P) I watched dubbed *subbed fans boo* because it was the only animé which would work on my phone. If you don't know, my phone is a Samsung Galaxy Y. Google it. Basically, it has a teeny screen big enough to just see what was going on without turning you blind and I was able to listen to the dialogue at the same time.  If my earphone's broke I was screwed.

Every time I talked with my friends about animé they all ridiculed me for watching dubbed and how I should watch subbed instead. *subbed fans cheer* So eventually a miracle happened. I got a tablet for my 18th birthday (after 4 years of watching it on a small screen) and the first thing I did was checked whether subbed anime websites worked on it. And they did! So I watched subbed for a bit and thus came to a conclusion.

I like watching both subbed and dubbed animé.

*crowd gasps in mock horror*

I know, I know, it's a shock to the system. Some anime's I prefer the subbed over the dubbed and vice versa. Yes you can argue with me til your blue in the face but I don't care. I watch both.

Each are good in their own rights.



Is the original anime version

Voice actors fit the characters better as they are the original choices for the cast and make the characters sound more realistic.


Some people don't like to read subtitles or apparently have a low attention span

On the rare occasion, the dubbed is better voice acted than the subbedñ

I'll give you my own opinion on what anime I've seen where subbed is better, dubbed is better or both are good. I'll start with the most recent.

Log Horizon

I have just recently finished the subbed version of this anime and I loved it. Especially Akatsuki the female kickass ninja.

I then found out their was a dubbed version just released, as a fan of both versions, I decided to check it out with high hopes.

Then came the problem. The voice over for Akatsuki was all wrong! Instead of the awesome calm ninja voice in the subbed, they turned her into a high pitched squeaky toy!!!


That's the main problem with subbed vs dubbed, the voice actors they use aren't as familiar as the subbed version voice actors so people are put off.

But some dubbed versions are great and some are on par with their subbed originals as shown by my next examples.

Result: Subbed

Yugioh and Pokemon

Both of these are extremely popular anime's. Both have good subbed and dubbed versions. I grew up with these anime's so I watched both versions.

I felt the both versions did themselves justice but unfortunately as the shows lasted for longer seasons they got worse. The plotline was the same in Pokemon and Ash (or Satoshi as he's known as in the subbed) keeps freaking losing! In the dubbed they sometimes change the names, e.g. Eureka becomes Bonnie, Satoshi becomes Ash ext.

In Yugioh it wasn't a case of the voices. (In my opinion.) They kept bringing/out new ways to play a card game. As soon as they hit playing card games on motorcycles against the police, I was gone.

The second season was brilliant but they ruined the ending! But I'll spare you the dramatics.

So, in a nutshell


              Sucky continuous plotline

              People fangirling over how hot Yugi is (ergh)

              Pkmn Battles aren't as cool any more and are unrealistic.

              Grass winning against fire? No.

Results: Tie

One Piece

I started to watch this in the dubbed version and I couldn't watch it, but then I couldn't stop watching it! Now I can't watched the subbed because I love the voices too much!

I.A.N (in a nutshell)

Slow to start off with

Luffy's voice can be irritating at the start but then you can't stop listening to it

Plot fillers galore

Tons of random action/blood

Characters are funny and memorable

Results: Dubbed (by a teensy bit)

Accell World

I love this anime! I need a second season!! It's so clever, the animation, the designs, Black Lotus!! Love her! And the Red King! So funny! Nico!!!

I watched the dubbed and couldn't watch the subbed. Sorry.


Wimpy main character

Relatable situations e.g. Bullying

Confusing tech speak at times

Awesome battles/characters you can relate to

Didn't like other female girl/ too whiny

It can be a little eechi and awkward at times

Results: Dubbed

Sword Art Online

I love this anime! It started off as really good but then it sorta went a bit too long in the Elfheim Online stuff, the baddie was good but the story line was a bit too romantic and stuff, lots of people stopped at this point but I stuck it out til the end. Then there was a subbed season two version with a new female character who wasn't Asuna. I thought it wouldn't work but I was pleasantly surprised. I love Sinon and her badass sniper skills. I'm not sure if they are gonna do a dubbed version but I might check it out to see the difference between the two. But for now, I'd suggest to stick it out til the end of season 1 or start watching season 2 for the awesomeness.


Kirito -  irritatingly awesome until romance crap

Asuna - ditto

Yui - cute and badass!

Sinon - badass

Leafa - cool at start then meh

SAO season 1- good til Alfheim happens but stick it out til season 2!!

season 2 - too awesome for words

Results: Tie

Fairy Tail

This is the anime I started with after Pokemon and is one of my favourites. I started off with the dubbed version and eventually caught up with the subbed version. I love the voice actors in both versions despite the fact that yes, Juvia does sound French. Apart from two characters, Sting and Rogue. There voices are horrible.

Then there was a massive gap so the anime can catch up with the manga, which was disappointing but then it came back and the animation was so much better! And it was really good before!


Lucy irritating at times (I don't regard her as the MC.)

All Dragon Slayers are awesome and funny at times

Natsu!!!! :D

Lots of filler and plotlines could get confusing and sometimes unnecessary just to introduce important characters later on. Wth was that massive clock thing before Grand Magic Games?! Pointless.

Fairy Tail - awesome

Other guilds - Meh

Results: Tie

Soul Eater

The storyline was awesome at the start, Medusa was a badass baddie and the dark themes and epic soundtrack made it even better. I loved Maka at the start but then the end came and she irritated me. Ever noticed how much she whines? A lot. Kid was...kid and Black Star was OK but I preferred Tsubaki. The animation and action scenes were unbelievable and the voices I felt fit the characters really well. Apart from the dubbed version of Black Star. If I hear his voice saying "YAHOO!" In his high pitched, ear breaking, irritating voice again, I will be forced to cut my own ears off. No. Never again.

Shame the ending kinda sucked.


concept good

characters good apart from Maka at the end

ending sucked

music awesome

Result: Tie

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

Now this an unbelievable anime. This is a rewrite of Fullmetal Alchemist which apparently has a different ending to the newer version which is closer to the manga. I don't know much about it but according to other fans it's a lot better. Now, I started watching the old one and compared to this one, the animation is outclassed! The storyline itself can be quite confusing at times but oh my god, the characters are memorable, the fight scenes are unbelievable just all of it is great!! And unexpected! And brilliant!

IAN: plotlines great

         lots of filler/back story


relatable themes and characters

Reboot is better than the old version but WATCH THE OLDER VERSION FIRST!!

Amazing cliffhangers

Con's: NINA!! So sad!!! ;( (If you watch it you'll know what I mean)

Results: Dubbed


I will end you.


Attack on Titan

Now, these next anime's I haven't finished (so no spoilers please) but I will when I get round to them. From what I've scene (and heard) attack on titan is one of the best anime's out there, it's up there with fairy tail and full metal (in my opinion) the characters are relatable, the dark storyline is brilliant and it keeps you on the edge of your seat. I love it. The dubbed wasn't bad, I just hated the voice used for Eren. Eugh.


gory but brilliant storyline

Some of the characters can be irritating at times but the action is worth it

Watch til  the very end

Results: Subbed

Code Geass

I loved this anime but unfortunately once the second season came around I stopped and skipped to the end because of all the hype I heard about it. And the end, is SO WORTH IT! OH MY GOD!

Results: Dubbed

But for now, here's the quick fire on the results of other anime I have watched. I'll write my opinions in later, OK?

Death Note

Ending sucks. End of.

Results: Tie (aka Same shit)

Black Bullet

Haven't finished.

Results: Subbed


Not finished.

Results: Dubbed

Kill la Kill

Random plotline, a lot of fan service but surprisingly good.

Results: Tie

Akame ga Kill

Good until kill fest. Game of Thrones meets strange magic stuff = loadsa pointless/annoying deaths

Results: Same shit, don't matter

Kaitou Joker:

Love it. Short, memorable, entertaining.

Results: Subbed (because it's only out in subs :( )

Assasination Classroom:

Interesting. I read the Manga so I'm not just waiting for the next arc to start.

Results: Subbed (the dubbed is awful)

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