Grace Flynn: A Walking Dead s...

Av Lady_Gryffindork23

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Book one of three. What happens when the shit hits the fan! Like for example what would you do if the dead s... Mer

Chapter Two: Humanity is gone
Chapter Three: My Saviour
Chapter Four: The Prison
Chapter Five: Strangers
Chapter Six: The black sheep
Chapter Seven: The hunt
Chapter Eight: Haunted by the past
Chapter Nine: Getting closer
Chapter Ten: Figuring shit out
Chapter Eleven: Anna-lee
Chapter Twelve: One step forward, two steps back.
Chapter Thriteen: Walls come undone
Chapter Fourteen: Strangers to friends
Chapter Fifteen: Welcome to Woodbury.
Chapter Sixteen: The Governor
Chapter Seventeen: Dixon vs Dixon
Chapter Eighteen: Asshole
Chapter Nineteen: Gone
Chapter Twenty: Broken
Chapter Twenty-two: Dixon Brothers
Chapter Twenty-three: Fight or Flight
Chapter Twenty-Four: Simple-minded piece of shit

Chapter One: Grace Flynn

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Av Lady_Gryffindork23

Grace found herself alone, starving and weak. She was somewhere in Georgia, had no idea where except that she was in the woods. Georgia wasn't her hometown; she wasn't even from America, so she had no idea how to live off the land and her ignorance of survival is what got her in the situation she was currently in. Taking a deep breath that filled her lungs with oxygen, she closed her eyes while feeling the heat from the sun against her skin. It had been almost three days since she had last eaten, and her last drink of water was over a day ago. Also opened her eyes and exhaled her breath knowing that she had to keep moving, she forced one leg in front of the other, she was thankful that there were no walkers around because there was no way she could fight them off or run for far to long. As she was walking her breath was heavy and her brain kept telling her to lay down and sleep, but she kept pushing onwards and pushing the thought to the back of her mind. Sometime while walking Grace reach down to the elastic that was around her wrist and it to tie up her dark black hair to help cool her down due the hot Georgia sun. Scanning the area with her deep green eyes.

"Where the fucking hell am I?" She whispered to herself as she sighed with frustration and continues walking towards more trees that surround her in every direction. It really felt like an eternity, that was until she stumbled across a log, causing her to trip over, hitting her head on a sharp rock, making blood to flow down the left side of her head.

"Shit." She said lightly touching her head where there was a medium, not to deep cut just along her hairline. Using all her strength to push herself up, her eyes widened when she noticed that she had indeed stumbled upon a campsite. Looking around, scanning the area for anyone alive or dead, but it was empty. Grabbing the hem of her shirt, she torn a long enough piece to wipe the blood off her head and then wrapped it so that the bleeding would stop. After that she looked back at the campsite and noticed there were three tents and a fire pit in the middle of the camp. As she was looked around more, she had seen some blood splattered on the ground but didn't think much of it as she took a deep breath, taking out her hunting knife she had found when the world ended. She tightened her grip as she walked towards the first tent, opening the door slowly, with her knife being ready to kill a walker that was possible behind the door of the tent, she opened it.

No walkers.

She exhaled her breath in relief as she walked inside, scanning to see if there was any food, water or other supplies, but everything was mostly gone other then two sleeping bag which she grabbed, throwing it outside before moving to the next tent, tightening her grip once more.

No walker or food.

What a day! She thought. She had hoped in finding something that would be helpful but that hope soon started to fade as she went on the last tent. Her heart felt like it jumped out of her chest when she opened the door, seeing a rather large collection of food, bottled water and other supplies. She quickly placed her hunting knife back in its holster as she rushed and dropped to her knees, grabbing a bottle of water, her hand trembled with excitement, taking a gulp after gulp until the bottle was empty she closed her eyes and smiled the first real smile since this whole thing started. Still on her knees she thought that if she believed in God, she would be thanking him right now. She knew this belonged to someone. But she couldnt care less at this moment. She went back outside and found a backpack that was full of clothes, she emptied it as she walked back into the tent filling it with more water and food. She also rolled up the sleeping bag and tired it to her backpack.

"Sorry." She said out loud, knowing that she was taking food and water from people who might even have children. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and pushing the feelings of guilt to the back of her mind, as she opened her eyes and started walking around the tent, ready to leave she stopped dead in her tracks when she noticed a row of bodies to her left. She quickly bent over and saw that they all had gun shot wounds in their hands.

"They were human when they were killed." She whispered to herself and she realized this meant that someone had attacked their camp and had killed these poor people. Her head shot up when the sound of a vehicle was approaching.

Fuck, shit, shit. She thought to herself as she quickly grabbed her backpack and throw it over her right shoulder before she darted for cover in the bushes, she heard more vehicles approaching unsure of where they were coming from, she had made the decision that it would be best it stay hidden in the bushes, her heart was pounding fast against her chest hoping that no one had seen her just as the vehicle doors opened and slammed shut.

"Alright boys, lets gather this shit up and get home already." Grace could hear an array of male voices as she peeked up from the bushes, she had realized that she wasnt that far away from the site because she could still easily see it and the men that happen to be all armed. She watched as one of the men went into the tent she had raided, and her heart sank.

"Everything is fucking gone!" The man in the tent yelled in anger as he came out.
Everyone turned and faced the man near the tent. Grace brought her eyes to another man who jumped down of the back of the truck. Grace noticed that he had a certain arrogance with the was carried himself, he looked inside the tent, dropping the door as he turned around, pursing his lips.

"Yup, someone was definitely here. Left in a hurry too, look at the footprints. Let's spread out and see what or who we can find." Grace watch as the man ordered out to the men.

"You got it Merle."

Grace gritted her teeth together as she hid her shaking body down completely, trying to stay out of sight, clenching her backpack against her chest hoping that these men wont find her, knowing that she didnt feel like killing anyone today. She held her breath, listening intently as her heart started beating fast against her chest when she heard footsteps approaching her. Well its fight or flight Grace, make your decision. She thought to herself as she could only hear the footsteps getting closer to her, so she made her decision to fight. She crouched in the bushes, slinging her backpack over her left shoulder, ready to pounce at the man that came into her view. He hadnt seen her yet, so she took this as an opportunity to make the first move. Right then she lunged herself at him catching him off guard. Her fist connected with his face, knocking him back. He quickly reached for his gun and aiming it at Grace, but she moved quickly to grabbing his wrist, twisting it up hard making the man cry out in pain as he dropped the gun. She then moved quickly grabbing the gun and without hesitation she shoots a bullet right into the man's head.

FUCK! She knew she had just screwed herself by giving away where she was when she heard another set of footsteps heading her way rather quickly. When they reached her, she turned the gun on him, shooting him in the arm before taking flight. She ran as fast as her small legs would take her, the adrenaline pumping through her veins was helping her mover quicker throughout the trees.

"Shit! She took out Brown." One of the men shouted.

"Let me go!" Grace cried out from the pain but also anger in her voice as two trucks rolled up not to long after the got her. The rest of the men had gotten out of them along with the man they called Merle, holding his gun in his hand and a smirk on his face. Grace eyed him with a glare, her eyes widened when her eyes landed on his right hand which has been replaced by a metal appendage with a bayonet attached at the end.

"Thought you could pull a fast one on us did you, sweetheart?" Merle said walking up to her with amusement in his eyes. The man that was holding her kicked the back of her legs making her fall to her knees, he then quickly grabbed her hair again, forcing her to look at Merle, cocking his gun to her head.

"That man you shot back there; he was a good man. Has a pregnant girl back home and you tried to steal all of this from us?" He said kicking over the backpack making all the supplies fall out onto the ground. Grace looked him dead in the eyes, showing him, she didn't fear him as she breathed heavily.

"I'm starving and I needed that food, that man pulled the gun on me. It was him or me." Grace growled at him, trying to reason.

"That's true, but you got yourself caught anyways. I could care less that you're starving sweetheart. Anyway, as they say, An eye for an eye." Merle said grinning at her, his amusement made her sick to her stomach. Grace waited for him to pull the trigger, she waited for her life to end. She didnt show him any hint of fear as he held his gun to her head.

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