I Got My Mind Set On You - Be...

By Dreamcast45

16K 354 42

Kara Roberts is a Jewelry maker from Warren, Ohio who lives with her boyfriend, Gerald Rush in Los Angeles af... More

Cast of characters
Chapter one- Coming home
Chapter two- The BBQ
Chapter three- the bartrayal
Chapter Four- A safe haven
Chapter five-I got my mind set on you
Chapter Six-Shopping
Chapter Seven- Dinner
Chapter Eight- The Trip
Chapter Nine- Hawaii part two
Chapter Ten- Feels like the first time
Chapter Eleven- The Luau
Chapter twelve- Leaving Hawaii
Chapter 13- Back to work
Chapter fourteen- An annoying visitor
Chapter fifteen- Grocery shopping
Chapter Sixteen-Getting some advice
Chapter Seventeen-Talking to Holly
Chapter Eighteen-Another Facetime Call
Chapter Twenty-Tea Time
Chapter Twenty-One-Party Time
Chapter Twenty-Two-The Talk
Twenty-Three-Peace, Love and Understanding

Chapter Nineteen-Reunited and it feels so good

383 11 3
By Dreamcast45

Later that evening the plane touched down in London's airport. After a few min, the first-class cabin was let off and Kara checked her make-up, grabbed her curry on bag and preceded to baggage claim. She wondered how she was going to get to Ben's place, if she should even go there first.

Once she got to baggage claim, she saw Ben standing there with a sign with her name on it and a bouquet of red roses. She ran over to him, put down her curry on and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tight. Ben returned the hug and then still holding her, looking into her eyes and then kisses her. They did that for a few min, then Kara looked back at him. "I thought you weren't coming. I hadn't heard from you."

Ben looked a bit guilty, "Sorry, Love. I was working and I wanted to surprise you."

Kara smiled, "It's ok. This is the best surprise."

"Come on, let's get your bag." Ben let her go and waited before Kara's bag come about the conveyer belt. He grabbed it and led them out to his car that was in the pickup zone outside. He unlocked the truck and put in the bags and closed the truck. He ran around to the passager side door to let Kara in with her curry on bag. She got in Ben closed the door and jogged to the driver's side door, got in, and drove out of the airport towards his house. He put on some Queen's greatest hits, kept one hand on the wheel and grabbed Kara's hand, kissing it. "I missed you, babe."

Kara smiled, at his affection. Two weeks felt like forever. She almost didn't make it through, but it was worth it when he was like this. "I missed you, too."

He held her hand on the whole drive over to his place. Only letting it go when he had to make turns. After a half hour, they arrived. Ben pulled up in front of his place, took out his key, got out and went to the trunk and got out Kara's bag, closing the trunk and walking up to his front door. Kara got out with her bag and followed him to the front door.

Ben unlocked the front door and let Kara go in first and she looked at it after Ben turned on a light and closed the door behind him. The place was a little bigger than Rami's. She eyed everything around that she could see. Ben's dog Frankie came up shortly to Ben. "Oh hey, baby girl." Ben went down to pet her. He the picked her up and introduced her to Kara. "Kara this is Frankie."

Kara's heart melted when she saw Frankie in Ben's arms. The pictures online were cute, but not nearly as cute as Ben holding her in person. Kara never had a dog growing up, but she loved them and really wanted to take care of them. Maybe this was her chance. "Hi, Frankie. Aren't you a pretty girl." She said, while petting the adorable dog.

Frankie sniffed Kara and liked her smell. They will probably get along great. They adored each other for a few min and Ben let her go. "Let's unpack your stuff in my room." She nodded and she followed Ben upstairs to his room and Frankie went over to her spot.

They got up to his room that was complete with a kind size bed, a walk in closet and a bunch of dressers. They unpacked all her stuff and Kara turn to him, "I made you something." She reached into her curry on and got out the sear plastic bag they used in fancy jewelry shops and got it out. "I know it's cheesy and man don't wear bracelets, but I wanted you to have it."

Ben was touched that she put in the effort into making something like this for him. She handed it to him, and he put it on. "It's lovely. And I love you for making it for me. Thank you." He looked at her and pulled her in for a kiss. "Are you hungry?"

She smiled and nodded her head, "Yes, I'm starving. Haven't eaten since breakfast."

"Okay. Want to go out or stay in?"

"Let's stay in. Pretty tired from the flight."

"Ok, I'll order from Panda inn. Sound good to you?"


Ben got his phone from his pocket and ordered a few dishes, plus egg rolls, dumplings, spareribs and some wonton soup. When he was done ordering, he put his phone back in his pocket and put his arms around her again. "Want to watch a movie while we wait for the takeaway?"

She nodded her head and they went down to his living room. Frankie soon followed them and sat down next to them on the couch. Ben put on the Netflix and started the movie five feet apart and Kara snugged up to Ben, wrapping her arms around him, put her feet on the foot stole in front of her and rested her head on his shoulder.

As they watched the movie, Kara was starting to cry at the part where Stella is doing one of her social media videos with her sister and she's crying because she always knows the sister is dead, because her own sister is, and when she talks to Will about it, it's all too much for Kara, but she hangs in there. Ben looked down to her, "You ok?" He asked knowing that it was something other than just the movie.

"Yes, I'm ok. Lets just watch the movie."

Soon they get to the point where Stella finds out that instead of standing six feet apart from Will and other Cystic Fibrosis patients, that she can stand five feet away and how she was taking the foot back. She thought to herself how lucky she was to be able to be close to Ben like this finally and they could touch and do other things. Something she don't take for granted and never would. Especially now.

Ben's buzzer rang and he kissed her forehead before having to not embrace her. He got up to answer the door. Gave the post mates guy a nice tip. He took the food and thanked the guy and went with it to the kitchen. "Hope your still hungry. There's a lot here." He called after her.

She paused the movie and joined him in the kitchen. He got it out with Plates and he unwrapped everything and served Kara, then himself. Kara started to eat.

Ben looked to Kara, "So was it just the movie that's making you cry or something else?" He took a bite of an eggroll.

Kara sighed. She hated to have to talk about this her first night back with him, but she knew she would have to tell him eventually. "It just reminded me of my own sister died and my parents." She admitted, taking a bite of the fried rice.

Ben looked shocked hearing this. It explained a lot of why at times she was so guarded and was surprised she was admitting this off the bat. "I'm so sorry." He said putting down his chopsticks. "How'd they die?"

She looked at him, "My sister: cancer when I was a freshman in college from cancer and my parents a car crash about a couple years ago."

He squeezed her hand. "I'm so sorry, baby." He pulled her in for a hug. She embraced him back. "Thank you. I thought I was over this, but I guess I'm not. Gerald just told me that this happens and to move on."

Ben rubbed her back, "Well, I think we've established he's a fool and no one ever really 'gets over it' they just try to move on and live their lives. But don't ever think your weak if it ever comes up like this. You have me." He kissed her hair. Kara smiled and let go of him after a few min.

She looked at him, like she new she would be making a good decision if he allowed her to live near him. She then picked up her chopsticks."Speaking of Gerald, I have something to tell you."

Ben looked worried then as he ate, "Oh god. What is it?" He guised at this thought.

Kara took a breath before she began, "Okay, the day after you flew back here, I went back to work and I got home and spent the night at home and as I was taking out the trash, Gerald came by. He apodised for what he did. I told that I forgive him, but have moved on and then he proposes to me.

Ben looked at her with more worry, like this was the end and that she was going to break up with him and was going to marry Gerald. He tired to remain claim. "Did you say yes?"

Kara shock her head, "Of course not." She put her hand out to Ben. "I could never take anyone back who did that to me. Plus, I have you and what you said just now is why I love you and why I only want to be with you."

"Good." He kissed her forehead, "Same here." He was relieved. They ate and finished up the movie. Kara kissed Ben, he turned off the TV and they went upstairs to their room. They kissed passionately and undressed and hit the bed. So was really glad to be what felt like to her home.

A/N: Sorry for not posting yesterday, I just wasn't up to it do to a friend of mine dying a few days ago. RIP Clint. 

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. More to come.

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