Differences Aside, ✔

By ErynRaineStories

2.4M 75.6K 20.1K

Cover by @auroralust This book is available on Goodreads under this title Elora Reed has spent the majority o... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Final Authors Note
My Stories
Bonus Chapter - Pups

Chapter Four

90.3K 2.8K 1.1K
By ErynRaineStories

Alpha King Lancester's POV

They hadn't let me in the room. The Royal Suite was the largest room in the hospital, equipped with medical equipment for every situation, ranging from attacks to a royal birth. Large windows to show off the two views our city had, the sea and then the forest. A bathroom attached to the room and plenty of space, which was mainly for comfort, but usually the amount of space-related to every single family member wanting to be present during the birth of an Heir.

The doctors were already in the room when I arrived, waiting and ready with a range of equipment that I wasn't familiar with. I had gently placed her down on the large double bed, letting her small body sink into the soft, fluffy mattress, her head being cradled by the feather pillows.

"Alpha King, we must ask you to leave the room." The doctor spoke out, 

I let out a low, threatening snarl. Letting the doctor know of my answer.

He sighed, "Alpha King, we can't let you in here as we work, it's a danger to us. You've just met your mate, you know how wolves act when they first meet their mate and with all due respect, those feelings are amplified due to your status. We can't have you in the room as we perform surgery,"

His words weren't registering, I had to be removed. I felt a prick in my side, one of the doctors had a large needle in his hand. It was probably filled with the drug that most wolves used on their human mates so they could take them home. I could feel my strength depleting. It wasn't enough to knock me out, just weaken me significantly. The guards that are employed to guard the royal suite pulled me out, gripping my arms and then closing the door behind us. The loud CLICK told me that it was locked. The guards put me up against the wall, resting me on the floor.

I was drowsy, my head was spinning and I couldn't focus on anything in the hallway. It was only when a loud, piercing shriek came out of the room. The sound was followed by a series of sobs and desperate pleas, I could feel my heart speed up, thumping in my chest and making its way up my throat, the freezing of my blood, my insides churning, the bile was already in my mouth.

Suddenly, the weak feeling was gone, replaced by a sudden surge of energy. I launched myself against the door, launching my fist into the door. It didn't break, it was made out of an extremely sturdy wood exactly for this purpose. 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY MATE!" I roared, my wolf howling in pain inside my head. "LET ME IN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HER!"

I continued banging on the door, yet the screaming didn't stop. The pain in my heart only intensified with each sob and scream that escaped her lips.

My knocking slowed, The tears that were wracking through my body slowing me down. I dropped my hand and banged my head against the door.

"I order you to let me in," I whispered to the guards, my voice hoarse.

They squirmed uncomfortably, "We can't your Highness."

"I. am your. Superior," I choked, letting my Alpha Tone slip into control.

"You've said it yourself Alpha King," One said, "The Luna Queen's word is above your's and her safety is our only priority. You would rip the doctor's apart, and then no one would be left to treat her. You ordered the best doctors to come and treat her, letting you in there and killing them would put the Luna Queen at a larger risk. We just can't risk it."

What they were saying was correct, those doctors had probably been pulling my mate apart in order to heal her. Killing them for hurting her would benefit no one.

I could only watch the clock, my eyes not leaving the ticking hands, my ear right against the door so I could hear any changes within the room. It seemed like hours before the door against be was pushed open. I immediately stood up, letting the doctor walk out of the suite.

"How is she?" I asked urgently, not letting the doctor say anything.

He sighed, "She's... stable. I'm more confident in her now then I was when we first started the operation. It seems that she has experienced a series of trauma, possibly abuse before the actual hit of the bomb." A deep guttural sound erupted from my throat at his words, but the doctor kept talking. "She is still unconscious, but hopefully your presence will help speed up the healing process. I can't tell you when she will wake up, but once she does, please let me know. Just so I can make sure that everything is healing properly."

I let out a relieved sigh, "Thank you so much, what exactly did you need to do?"

"We first started with her serious neck trauma. That was quite recent, so we fixed that, so when she wakes, talking will be less painful. Healed a few broken ribs and a wrist sprain. Cleared out her wounds and stitched them up. There were a few traces of silver in her bloodstream, but that's harmless for humans so we have no concerns over that." The doctor explained, carefully explaining his words as to not send my wolf in an angered fit of rage. "I had the liberty of calling in one of the nurses to clean her up and change her, she's ready for you to see."

"Thank you, doctor," I acknowledged, "If you don't mind, I need to see my mate. I'll be sure to let you know when she wakes."

He nodded and bowed down, before taking his leave and disappearing down the hallway. I pushed open the door as quickly as I could, letting myself into the room.

As expected, my mate was lying in bed. I tentatively stepped closer, trying to block out the thumping of my heart that filled my ears. It was consuming, I could hear my wolf howling in the back of my mind, begging me to let him out so he could personally see our mate.

Her black hair was shiny, tumbling over the sheets, no longer clumped in thick, bloody knots. Her skin was clean and the sheets stopped me from seeing anything else. However, I wasn't in a hurry to take a look at her injuries. Her eyes were still closed, I couldn't help but wonder what colour they could be. I observed her angular, petite face, trying to match a colour with her complexion. Green wouldn't work, perhaps a dark blue, one that would remind me of the night sky, or a light blue that shimmered like the ocean.

IV's were connected through her right arm, hooking her up to a machine that I couldn't identify, I climbed onto the left side of the large bed, careful not to disturb her. I reached out my hand to grab her's, the doctor said that I could help heal her, maybe the mate bond would revive her from her slumber. I was tempted to take her into my arms completely, but I don't know how she would react if she woke up and found herself in a stranger's arms. So I settled with her hand, her hand was so small, so easily enveloped by mine, much like the rest of her.

"Hello mate," I whispered, taking my hand and pressing it against my lips to calm my anxious wolf. "I don't really know if you can hear me, but I read somewhere that humans could usually hear someone talking when they're in a medically induced sleep. I'm sorry that this happened. When you wake up, I swear nothing will ever happen to you again. You'll be with me in the castle, you'll be Queen! The Luna! I swear mate, I'll look after you." My voice was reduced to a whisper by the end, I hoped and prayed that she could hear me.

"Apparently your name is Elora Reed? Is that right?" I asked her, hoping to prompt a reply, I wanted a moment. Nothing. She was as still as she was when I had first walked in.

Doctor Kingston, I mind linked, hoping he was still in the vicinity. Please contact my mate's siblings and organise transport for them immediately.

Of course, my King, was my only reply. The bitter tone in his voice telling me that he didn't want to do anything else I said. 

"You're siblings will be here soon mate," Still nothing, "Wake when you feel ready, I'll be here," I promised, ending my one-sided conversation with my mate.


"Where's Elora?!?" The door to the suite burst open. Two boys, identical in looks bursted into the room. Black, dishevelled hair and light, honey-brown eyes. Perhaps that was the colour of my mate's eyes. A light brown, how beautiful.

One ran towards my mate, not even noticing my presence, while the other lingered at the door, his harsh, critical eyes on me.

I could hear the other fussing over Elora, and I held back the urge to rip him apart. It was obvious who these boys were, her brothers who were clearly older.

"Who are you?" The one by the door called out, "What are you doing with our sister?"

The other one looked up, "Why were we not alerted? She's been missing for over a day! Why have we only just been alerted that our sister was not in fact locked up in prison for breaking curfew because of getting lost, but in the hospital with MAJOR INJURIES?"

I let out a growl, "I had no control over that I-"

"You bastard! You had every piece of control! We are entitled to be alerted when a family member has been admitted to the hospital!" The one near Elora yelled, his fists clenching.

"Elijah, get over here before you end up punching him," The one near the door hissed at his brother, his hands in the same position as his brothers.

I let Elora's hand go and stood up. "Maybe I should be the one criticising you two." I growled, "You would have heard the bomb, you must have had an idea that your sister was in the area. Why were you not checking the hospital for her?"

Their faces went red, "What type of brothers do you think we are? Of course, we did! We had no idea that she was in the werewolf hospital! Humans," He pointed to him and his brother, "Don't get taken here, regardless of how bad they are. Humans are taken to the healer's house on the outside of town and you either die in her living room or you come back with a death notice"

Elijah was now silent, "Are you the bastard that beat her up? Are you the one who choked her? WAS THAT YOU?"

Elijah jumped forward, taking my silence as a yes, and launching his fist into my face. I felt the impact of it, but no pain followed it. I doubt there was a human who had the strength to hurt a wolf.

"Take a step back Elijah, before I rip you to shred," I warned, my voice dropping an octave. 

"Take a look around the room," I told them simply.

"You don't need to flaunt your wolfish wealth in our faces," The other spat. "We don't care for it."

I rolled my eyes at their idiocy, "We are currently in the royal suite. To be used by the Royal Family only. Now think your next words through very carefully."

Their faces remained emotionless, but I could hear the increase in their heartbeats.

"Then I wonder why you're here because all I see is a royal jerk," Elijah taunted, "Now if you don't mind, we'll be taking our sister back home. I can see she's been treated,"

"She won't be leaving," I tried to say calmly, for my mates sake more than anyone. My wolf was scratching at the surface, begging to be let out to punish them, "I am your King. My word is final."

"You're not our king, just a dictator." The other spat,

Before he could say anything else I cut in, "What are your names?"

"I'm Elijah," He then pointed his finger at his brother, "And that's Isaiah, and our little sister Elora is right next to you."

I scoffed, "Well Elijah and Isaiah, My name is Alpha King Lancaster. But I suppose, we'll be family soon, So you can call me Maddox." I smiled sadistically, "Elora is my mate, my future Luna, my future Queen. You can try and take her, but you will never succeed."

"She can't be your mate!" Isaiah protested, the disbelief evident, "How can you even tell?" He demanded.

I let out a laugh, "A mate is something you humans will never understand. Her scent, the sparks that erupt when I touch her skin, the shivers that I'll get when she opens her eyes, the pain that I felt when I first saw her injuries. Nothing you can say will change fate." I drawled.

"You can't take her! Please, she's all we have you can't take her!" Elijah bit out, desperate not to show too much weakness.

"You will be provided for, I'll send you more than enough money every week. I can move you into one of the richer parts in the wolves side of Gyabo. Unfortunately, because of the disrespect you have shown me today, I can't let you see her after today. At least, not until she has properly settled in to life at the castle." I announced,

"You can't do that," Isaiah barked,

"Actually, I think you'll find that I can. It's not permanent, just until she has... adjusted to wolf life, maybe even until she takes up her rightful place. It won't be long."

"She will never adjust! You will forever be stuck with a mate who doesn't love you! And not even us could fix that." Elijah retorted.

Come inside and remove the two boys from the suite, I mind linked the guards, they are causing a problem.

"No, she will love me. Mates love each other, she will be happy, I swear." I bellowed back, The guards came into the room and pulled each boy's arm behind them. "Anything else to say?"

Isaiah smirked. "She won't love you. She can't love you."

My brows furrowed, "Shut up,"

"She is terrified of you." Elijah continued evilly, "Nothing in this entire world scares her more than you wolves. She watched our parents be pulled apart by your kind, and now she can't even look you in the eye. She won't share a bed, she won't sit anywhere near you, I don't even think she can talk to you. But you're right, mates love each other." He shared a glance with his brother, "We'll stay out our house now. No doubt you already know where. Tell Elora that we love her, and her prick of mate wouldn't let us say goodbye,"

Get them out of here.

The guards then pulled them out of the room, neither of them creating a scene, calming being dragged away. I walked over and slammed the door shut before going back to my mate, I was angry. They had no idea what they were talking about, yet their words were swimming in my head. The couldn't be right. I took a glance at my mate, climbing onto the bed, this time a little closer, still only taking her hand. I pressed a kiss to her forehead before lying down on the pillow and focusing in on her breathing.

Her brothers had no idea what they were talking about, nor did they mean any of it. Mates loved each, more than anything in the world.

I knew that Elora and I weren't an exception.


OMG YOU GUYS WE REACHED 30 READS!! i m legit so happy.

So, chapter four, what are we thinking? I get so nervous writing male POVs, I kinda feel like what im doing is a lil unrealistic. But iys fine lol. Make sure to leave your thoughts down below!

Make sure to vote and comment!

See you in the next chapter,


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