Descendant Of The Stars: RWBY...

By Super761

220K 5K 5.7K

Adoption helps give a child a new home But these homes aren't always idealic However some make it out of thes... More

Nothing Changed
Meeting The First
To Prove Himself
Another Experience
People's limits
Strange Relative
First Real Trial
Coming To Terms
Going Forward
Being Shown up
Standing Up
Moving Forward
A Better Dorm
Trying Harder
A Fearsome Revelation
Moving Up
A New Year
Joyful Reunion
Watching Over Them
Challenge To Truly Prove
Angered, and Reunited
Betrayed The Trusting
The New Mission
The First Battle
A Continued Struggle
Questioned Morals
A Heated Start
A Dark Presence
Falling Early
Worsening Circumstances
Heading Off
Nearing The End
Y/N vs Salem (Finale)

A Way To Finish Things

2.5K 128 76
By Super761

(Wattpad's notifications are all fucked. If this story doesn't get 1.5k votes before it ends i'll show you toe pics)

3rd person pov

Salem: What did you say...?

Hazel: That there are two potential, and one confirmed Stand users

Salem: Who might these people be then?

Hazel: Qrow Branwen, his twin Raven Branwen, and her daughter Yang Xiao Long. We know Qrow has a Stand

Y/N: What do you call it?

Qrow: Mandom

His Stand appeared again, Y/N looked to in intrigue as he hadn't seen a bound type Stand before. Then again, he's mostly seen short ranged power types, so something like this was intriguing.

Velvet: I-I'm a bit lost. Why did you tell us about "Salem" earlier?

Y/N: I... wanted to know if it was possible to stop the source of the Grimm

Velvet: You're just one person. Not to be rude, but no one could do it alone

He nodded understandingly, slouching over the teen coughed a bit, trying to hold them back as to not worry Velvet. Hiding the blood that came out Y/N let out a breath and sat up.

Seeing that Velvet glanced to her hand Y/N looked to her, curious as to why she did that. She shook her head slightly and breathed in before getting up and walking into the tree line.

They watched her in confusion, but Qrow shrugged and took a swig from his flask although found out that it was empty making him sigh and put it away while Y/N turned his gaze to him.

Y/N: How did you get your Stand?

Qrow: It was a mission Oz sent me and Summer on. We were to retrieve an artifact, that arrow... we did, and it pierced through my neck. I didn't know that i had it until she, well, it was the mission she didn't come back from... no matter how many times i turned back time, i couldn't stop her from dying

Y/N:... It's not your faul-

Qrow: Kid, i don't need to hear this again. Are you going after Salem or not?

Y/N: Where would she be?

Reaching into his pocket Qrow took out a map and handed it to Y/N who unfurled it, a mark was placed over an Island north of Vacuo. There was quite the distance between him and it, although he now knew his end location.

He handed the map back to his "uncle", nodding a thanks to him before standing up as the teen coughed slightly. Breathing deeply Y/N calmed a bit, placing a hand on his chest.

Qrow: You going then?

Y/N: Yeah. Should be able to get an Airship over to Vacuo, then a boat to the Island

Qrow: I should warn you... the water's are infested with Grimm, and is the skies. If you get there it won't be better either, all manners of Grimm are there

Y/N: I haven't got much of a choice anyway

Qrow:... Then i'm coming with you

He stood up, grabbing his sword and placing it away Y/N shook his head and went to tell him otherwise but Qrow gestured for the teen to stop, a faint smirk on his face.

Qrow: The way i see it is, Oz sent us on that mission to keep the Arrow from Salem, so technically it's her fault that she's gone. Plus, you need someone to get you onto that airship

It took a moment but Y/N chuckled before nodding. Velvet listened in from behind a tree, her eyes widening upon hearing the plan. She looked down and was going to call Coco and Yatsuhashi but didn't and instead began to tail them.


After reaching a nearby village they stopped for the night, each getting their own room. Y/N sat on his bed and coughed again, covering his mouth as he tried to hold it back.

Beside him appeared Johnny which made him turn to see his ancestor, a bit of blood splattered onto Y/N's hand so he went to the bathroom and washed it off before coming back inside.

Johnny: I had a friend, he taught me how to use the Spin... it had medical uses, but i never knew how to use them

Y/N: It's okay, Johnny. I've already accepted my fate

Johnny: I did too. I just want you to know, there's a possibility that you can beat Salem with the Spin, it's called the Infinite Rotation, but for it you need a horse

Y/N: Gold Experience should be able to make one

Suddenly there was a knock at the door so they both looked over, Johnny disappeared shortly after as Y/N got up and went over to it, thinking it would be Qrow for whatever reason.

Opening the door Y/N saw Velvet, the girl once again appearing out the blue before the teen. His eyes widened, surprised she followed them despite the note Qrow was ment to leave.

Velvet: ...Please. No more lies, no more half truths. What's going on with you

He took a moment before sighing which led into him coughing so the teen turned and covered his mouth, not doing it in her direction. Once calming down Y/N sat on his bed, clearing his throat.

The faunas walked inside and shut the door behind her, joining Y/N as she sat beside him and reached over. She held his hand in his own before he let out a breath while mustering up the courage.

Velvet: Who were you talking to...?

Y/N: I think it's best if i show you

As she was holding his hand, he summoned Virtual Insanity's arm over his and used it's ability. For Velvet, behind him appeared his seven ancestors, none moved but they all looked spectral like when he saw then.

Y/N: When i told you about my ancestors, i wasn't lying. They talk to me, and help me by letting me use their Stands

The vision disappeared as his eyes flashed different colours, each of their Stands appearing and disappearing one after the other. Velvet realised what he ment before lowering his head and nodding.

Velvet: Then... what did you mean when you said "I've already accepted my fate"?

He hesitated, looking away before coughing, it sounding weezy. The faunas saw the blood come out his mouth, staining his hand which stood out on Y/N's paling skin.

His eyes went back to normal as Johnny's Stand, Tusk, disappeared and his own bloodshot ones looked down to his own lap. As the teen lowered his hand he wiped the blood against his pants which made Velvet wait anxiously for his answer.

Y/N: When you told me I sshould get my cough checked out... well, after collapsing from a coughing fit, i did. Turns out... turns out i'm dying

Velvet: What...? Y/N, that's not fu-

She realized he wasn't joking which made her eyes widen, tears slowly building up as the faunas took her hand away. Y/N looked to her and placed his hands on her shoulders which made her breath hitch.

He kissed her, Velvet hesitated from doing anything back, but leaned into it as Y/N wiped away her tears. Pulling away the teen lookes to her, offering a faint smile to the faunas.

Y/N: I'm half dead already. I can't fight like i used to, all i can do is use my Stand... but what i can do, is possibly help end a menace with my remaining time left

Velvet: But... y-you can get better. We can get you to a hospital, a-and they can help you!

Y/N: Please, let me do this. I don't want to let everyone's efforts go to waste... Beacon fell because of Salem, her hunt for the Mask and Arrow caused it all to result in what happened

Velvet: I don't care about that! I-I just want you to live...

The teen hugged her which made her hold onto him as she cried, her tears staining his top. He rubbed her back before Velvet wiped her eyes and looked up to him, soon kissing him again.

(Lemme know what you think also sorry this is late)

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