10:00 | haruto

By harutoxic

249K 12.4K 5.7K

yeppeosoo: hi hello annyeong how's it going? in which a girl dms a guy every night, at ten o'clock started: 1... More

final note

special chapter

2.7K 151 62
By harutoxic

i promised a special chapter when this gets 45k but this alr hit 70k w/o me knowing, wat

here's a special chapter for y'all! this is inspired by a skz imagine ive read recently. enjoy

sooji's lazy eyes flung open when she heard a series of knocks coming from the front door. moments later, she received a text message.

sooji's freaky boi:
» it's me love open the door

her eyes widen. she did not expect him to come at this moment. still buried under her blanket, she managed to type a reply.

haruto's coolest:
» im in my room, haruto

» enter through the windows

sooji's freaky boi:
» babe

» you know i love you, right?

» but your room is upstairs

» there's no way i would climb the windows

» i might fall down

» and die

» i cant die without marrying you, soo

haruto's coolest:
» oh

» fine

» lets break up, haruto

sooji's freaky boi:
» okay okay im climbing the fence you sloth

a few moments passed, haruto finally entered the window with his chest moving up and down, catching his breath. he looked so exhausted. he found sooji snugged under the blanket.

“didn't i tell you to stop calling me by my name— hOLY COW SOOJI WHAT HAPPENED??”

sooji is currently curled up like a ball while clutching the bottom part of her tummy. her bed is pooling with her own blood. he stared at her with widened eyes.

“SOOJI ANSWER ME! WHO DID THIS TO YOU?” he ran towards the bed and held her hand. his eyes are getting wet.


haruto ran his hand through his hair while pacing back and forth, not knowing what to do. he bit his lip to stop his tears from falling.

sooji looked at him as he worriedly reached for his phone to probably call the ambulance—or the police—or sooho— who knows who.

despite the pain in her lower tummy, sooji managed to let out a small chuckle. “pabo” she mouthed.

“sooji, w-what's happening?” he asked between furrowed brows. his deep voice is shaking.

she groaned as she felt her tummy hurt again. “period” she muttered, almost inaudible.

his forehead creased for a moment, but his face eventually lit up, “so. . . you're not stabbed?” sooji hummed in response.

he snapped his fingers, “i think i get it now”

“is it that time of the month when you keep calling me haruto even though i tell you to call me ‘love’?” he asked with widened eyes. sooji just replied with a nod and her head starts aching all of a sudden.

“why is it red everywhere?” he asked for the nth time today, looking at her white bed sheets that already turned red because of her blood.

sooji met his worried eyes before answering, “i. . . i ran out of pads”

“oh no” haruto mumbled, “what should we do?”

sooji didn't say anything. she's starting to look pale.

“i'd buy you pads quickly then come back to clean these up, hmm?” he spoke with a comforting voice, “hmm” sooji respond.

haruto quickly turned his heel towards the window, almost making an attempt to jump down as if he's a cat who has nine lives, “use the door, haruto” sooji mumbled weakly, a small smile plastered on her face.

his worried face turned into a sheepish one, “oh my gosh” he wheezed, “hang in there, love. i'll be back in a bit” he assured before leaving the room.

sooji smiled to herself, thanking the universe and the stars for giving her a guy like watanabe haruto. the guy is really one in a million, a rare treasure.

in the past couple of years, haruto had prove his love for her. he updates her 24/7 without asking, constantly takes her to different kinds of dates, facetiming for like every hour, trying new things together, and giving her gifts when it's not even her birthday. after all these times, haruto has become her treasure.

sooji, on the other hand, stayed on haruto's side through it all. she's been there to support every single thing he does, whether it be rapping, composing, dressing up, styling his hair, or taking off his make up. sooji became his escape from everything.

sooji's phone buzzed from under the pillow, receiving new messages from haruto.

sooji's freaky boi:
» sooji

» love

» you should've told me that buying pads would be this complicated

» wat on earth are wings for??

» hEaVy fLOw Or rEgUlAr fLoW

» and the packs have different colors


» i need ur answer asap

haruto's coolest:

» sowwi 4 the late reply

» get me the regular ones

sooji's freaky boi:
» nvm i got smth alr

» i grabbed the one with a pink packaging


» idk theyre probably talking abt me being a nice boyfriend

» i know i am


» lets just hope i got the right pads

» im heading to the counter

haruto's coolest:
» aww that was so cuteee

» send me pic lemme see

sooji's freaky boi
» [image]

haruto's coolest:



sooji's freaky boi:
» nani.......

» you know what i gtg run

haruto climbed the windows (again) because he's aware that sooji would be too lazy to open the door for him again. he showed up to her room holding a bag of you know it... diapers, in pink packaging.

sooji stared at his exhausted face for a matter of seconds, before erupting into laughter. haruto couldn't contain himself and laughed so hard thinking what just happened.

they just laughed there for quite some time, without anyone speaking.

“oh gosh im going to lose all my blood because of you” she patted her tummy and wiped the tears that she got from laughing.

haruto put the bag on the side table and suppressed his laugh, “so here's what happened” he laughed again recalling the scene, “i was standing in front of the rack of pads for minutes waiting for your reply and i was like you know what nevermind, im just gonna get the pink one with elephant designs because sooji like cute stuffs,

then i went to get us some snacks when i spotted these grumpy looking grandmas staring at me as if i have an eye on my freaking forehead” haruto burst into laughter while hitting his knees, “i shrugged it off and went to the cashier to pay for it but then i received your message saying that those are diapers so i quickly gave my money to the cashier and freaking run without getting my change” haruto teared up from laughing.

“i cant believe you” sooji said.

“and no it's not done yet, as i was running i heard the same grandma say oh no he's too young to be a dad i wish i could give him treats for the baby

sooji wheezed, “all along you thought they're admiring you for being such a great boyfriend”

“oh gosh i guess i'll be taking this moment to my grave”

after thousands of wheezes and snickers, haruto decided to clean up the mess and prepare a hot bath for his coolest sooji.

haruto carried her bridal style. sooji jolted in surprise, “hey put me down— i-i'm a mess haruto! b-blood— oh no gross! haruto put me down!” haruto started walking towards the bathroom.

he replied with a chuckle, “no”

“wash up, wash up, wash up, my big baby” he chanted like a kid.

haruto lightly kicked the bathroom door for it to open. sooji didn't say anything. he gently put her down.

“clean yourself, soo. i'll be outside washing the covers” he gave her the warmest smile. “you can call me if you want me to help—” he quickly covered his mouth and shook his head repeatedly, “no no i mean if you need me to uhm bring you something uh—”

his face flushed red. cutie.

sooji snickered, “okay okay i get it, you can leave me here”

haruto rubbed his nape as he walk away, tilting his head, “that didn't sound right”

sooji got changed into her favorite pair of pajamas, even though it's daytime. she walked out of the bathroom, seeing her newly-changed sheets with her boyfriend on the couch.

“how does it feel?” he asked.

sooji smiled then rubbed her nape, “a little uncomfortable. but i'll give you extra points for the cute elephant designs” they laughed.

haruto noticed the pajamas she's wearing, “omg you look so cute in that!” he yelped in awe, fishing out his phone to take pictures. “do you have pajamas i can borrow? so that we're matching” he asked with his two anticipating eyes, like a kid in a candy shop.

“sooho has the same one. i actually bought this for us two but i haven't seen him wearing it”

“yay!” he clapped like a seal. “on our way to sooho's closet!” sooji announced, with their arms raised like superheroes, they ran into sooho's room. (sooho isnt around btw)

“woah look at that” haruto pointed at the full-length mirror, “aren't we cute?”

haruto is way taller than sooho, so the pajamas are evidently short for him. however, he seems overly happy with it.

“if only i knew sooho wouldn't like it, i would've just gave it to you instead” sooji pouted, plopping herself onto her bed.

“how about we watch movies instead?”

“disney plus!”

“so we're watching gravity falls again?”

“heck yeah” sooji laughed.

haruto, being the best boy, willingly handed her the remote control. they both whistled along to the opening song. “look i've memorized it already” they giggled.

sooji mimicked some of mabel's lines that she already learned by heart from watching it over and over. haruto, on the other hand, started braiding tiny strands of her hair.

“do i braid better than jihyun?” he asked with a smug smile.

sooji scoffs, not looking away from the tv, “even a gorilla is better than jihyun. my hair always ends up tangled on a brush when he does it”

haruto chuckled, proud at himself, before continuing his dutch braids.

“your hair smells like strawberries” he mumbled, sooji didn't hear.

haruto pulled a hair tie and tied the braid he made. being with sooji for years, he always keep one of her hair ties on his wrist whenever she might need it. he knows how often she lost them.

“remember when you lied about watching braid tutorials?” sooji chuckled. haruto replied, “i don't really watch braid tutorials but then i saw how you love them so i started watching for real”

haruto fished out his phone and took pictures of her hair, he showed it to sooji, “i did a good job, right?”

her eyes formed crescents, she liked it very much, “haruto best boy!”

sooji felt drowsy after a couple of episodes so haruto tucked her in, “you look cute when you're sleepy”

“do you want me to massage your hand?” sooji nodded, eyes eventually closed.

“just kidding, i just wanted to hold your hand” he muttered, chuckling.

haruto lies beside her, tracing circles on the palm of her hand. he stared at her face, “how could you be so beautiful by just doing the bare minimum?”

“you always make my heart skip a beat”

“you probably don't know this but whenever you fix my collar or style my clothes, it really makes my heart flutter”

“and everytime you wipe off my makeup after a long day really calms me down”

“you had my back whenever the world is tiring”

“you're always my escape, soo”

sooji felt the pillow beside her being wet, her eyes flung open to see haruto tearing up.

“you big baby” she chuckled, pulling haruto into a tight hug.

“you feel it?”

“what?” he asked.

“my heartbeat”

“you know why it beats?”

she kissed him on the forehead.

“it's because you're here

a/n. thank you so much for the 70k!! yall are awesome i dont think i deserve it :( thank you for sticking with haruto and sooji up until here you beautiful humans

and daamn treasure is finally debuting who's crying with me

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