Royalty is a Punishment

By May5696

2.7K 251 2

7 kingdoms, 6 races of people, phoenix, hydra, wyvern, griffin, sea serpent, and dragon, people who can take... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 13

101 11 0
By May5696

The next morning, I wake up to see Shadow on top of me. I quickly ask, "W-What are you doing?" He smirks, "Admiring your beauty." He leans in and forcefully kisses me. I've learned that I can't stop him, so I just let him have his way.

He moves to my neck and sucks and bites down on my sensitive skin. I gasp at the sudden pain, causing him to smirk. He eventually stops and sits up saying, "Why don't you go get ready? Your going to spend the day on your own, I have more errands to run today."

I smile at that fact and go to the bathroom and change and brush my hair. When I look in the mirror, I gasp. I can see bite marks and bruises on my neck. This is so embarrassing, everyone's going to see them. I come out to see Shadow, who starts leaving, telling me, "You can go get breakfast and do what you want. I'll be back tonight, I'm looking forward to a nice massage."

I sigh and make my way to the dining room and get breakfast. As I finish, I notice Leaf hanging around. I get up and go over to him saying, "Hi Leaf, do you have some free time now?" He smiles and replies, "Yeah, do you want to talk again?" I nodded, "Yep, I'm free today."

We head over to the room with the sofa and sit down. Leaf looks at me and his eyes widen. "What's wrong?" He points at my neck saying, "What is all that on your neck?" I quickly cover my neck with my hands and nervously reply, "Um, those are from, uh, Shadow."

His jaw drops and he sounds a little angry as he asks, "The prince did that to you?" I gulp and nod. "I'm completely defenseless with this stupid restraint on, I can't fight back, he's too strong." I start crying, "I just want to go home. I wish I wasn't born a princess. I could live a normal life like everyone else."

Leaf moves over next to me and surprises me with a hug. He whispers, "Please don't cry Crystal, I will do everything I can to help you." I cry into his chest and say, "Thank you Leaf, your a good friend. You kind of remind me of a friend back home." After I finished crying, he let me go and smiled saying, "If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask me, okay?"

I nodded and said, "Ok, I will." We spent the whole day talking, but suddenly, Leaf's face turned serious. He looked at me and asked, "What kind of things has Shadow done to you? Please, tell me."

I pointed to my neck saying, "Well, that's as far as he's gotten. Probably because I found a way to make him sleep like a baby and not bother me as much."

Leaf looks at me and asks, "Really? And what would that be?" I grinned, "A nice massage calms him right down. Who knew?" We both bust out laughing. I then realize how late it is, and sit up and tell him, "I better go, Shadow will be back soon, and luckily, he's looking forward to a nice massage again tonight."

As I start to leave, Leaf grabs my wrist saying, "Wait!" I turn toward him and ask, "Yes?" He stares into my eyes for a minute, then let's me go saying, "It's nothing, nevermind." "Oh, well then, I'll talk to you later." He nods saying, "Uh, yeah, see you later." I thought he was acting weird, but I brushed it off and went back to Shadow's room.

Soon after, Shadow came in looking tired. I immediately sat him down and rubbed his shoulders. He relaxed and soon fell asleep without saying a word. I layed down and thought about Sparks and Leaf's weird behavior until I fell asleep.

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