Chapter 20

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We picked up speed and flew straight to our kingdom. As we got closer, I could see it was the southern dragons. There was fire everywhere, and the roars of dragons locked in combat filled the air. My father soared up into the sky, taking down any dragons in his way, as we went to the throne room.

When we entered, there at the throne, was Queen Acidia. She laughed saying, "And here I thought this was going to be easy." Sparks, Leaf, and Flame all got in front of me, growling, as Acidia changed form. She roared and charged at us, causing us to scatter out of the way.

This is bad, I was terrified of her, she was the one who killed my mother. She immediately turned towards me, and came towards me. My eyes widen, I was frozen in fear. She jumped at me with a claw raised, everything seemed to go in slow motion as my death approached.

Suddenly, someone jumped in front of me. All I saw was Acidia's poisonous claws make contact with the green blur in front of me. There was a roar of pain as Leaf collapsed to the floor. I stood in shock as Leaf changed back and layed on the floor, groaning from the pain.

I rushed to him, my face turned to one of sadness as I looked at his condition. He took the blow for me, he sacrificed himself to save me. My sad expression twisted to one of anger as I turned toward Acidia. I took a deep breath, and let out the loudest roar I could muster and stamped my front legs on the floor in anger.

All my fear left me as I stalked toward her, growling in anger. She must have been taken aback by my sudden change, because she stepped back a bit with a fearful look on her face. She tried to spit acid at me, but I was quick to freeze it with my icey breath, causing it to drop to the floor before reaching me.

When I got closer, I shot my ice breath at her, but she dodged out of the way. She kept dodging my ice breath, until finally, Sparks had charged up electricity, and shocked her, temporarily paralyzing her. I saw my chance, and covered her with my ice breath, turning her into a frozen statue.

I then whipped my tail at her and caused her frozen body to crumble to pieces. Queen Acidia was dead, and I'm the one who took her down. I gave a triumphant roar, with Flame and Sparks joining in. I then remembered Leaf, and ran over to him, changing back with Sparks and Flame following. I kneeled down beside him and grabbed his hand. He slightly opened his eyes and said, "Crystal, your ok."

"You saved me Leaf, and I defeated Acidia." He smiled, "That's good, I don't have much time left." Tears welled up in my eyes, "Don't say that! Your going to be ok!" He reached up and lightly touched my cheek. He smiled and said, "I still love you, Crystal." He turned to Sparks, who was beside me, "Sparks, take good care of her." Sparks nodded, "I will. I'm sorry for being such a jerk to you." Leaf smiled, "Its alright, I forgive you. I have to go now, but I'll always be watching over you. Farewell, my friends."

He closed his eyes as the life faded from them. Tears spilled out of my eyes, "No! Leaf, please don't go!" Sparks wrapped his arms around me, holding me close as I cried into his chest. Suddenly, my father came in with Shadow right beside him. My father came over to me, and since I was still crying, Sparks and Flame explained everything to him.

Shadow then said, "Well, since my mother is gone, I'm going home." My father told us, "Shadow has agreed to have peace between our kingdoms whenever Queen Acidia died." Shadow nodded, "I only ever did what my mother told me to do, she was terrible. But now that I'm in charge, I can do what I want. Are you sure Crystal doesn't want to come back with me?" Everyone glared at him, "Ok, ok, I get it, I was just wondering. See you later." And with that, he left.

When I stopped crying, my father said, "Don't worry, Crystal. Leaf will always be in your heart, just like your mother. They will both be watching over you." I smiled, "Your right, father." We had a funeral for everyone who was killed, including Leaf. I stood with Sparks, holding his hand, with Terra beside me, and Flame beside Sparks.

Tears ran down my cheeks as Terra told me, "Come on, milady, why don't I go get a warm bath ready for you and a nice, hot meal to help you unwind." I gave a small smile and nodded to her. She left with Flame not far behind. Most people were already gone, but Sparks and I remained.

I finally said, "Let's go." He looked at me with concern, "Are you sure?" I nodded, "Yeah, I don't want to stand here thinking about it anymore." I led him back to my room, where I ate and took a bath. I was exhausted, I lay on my bed and close my eyes. Sparks then says, "I'll let you get some rest then."

I grab his hand and look up at him as he looks back at me, "Please, don't go, stay with me tonight." I notice his face turn red, "Um, well, ok, if you really want me to." He lays down next to me and I snuggle against his chest as he wraps his arms around me. "Goodnight, Sparks. I love you." He kissed my forehead, "Love you too. Goodnight Crystal." We both drifted off to sleep, exhausted after all the events that happened today.

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