Chapter 15

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I rushed to the throne room, with Leaf right behind. When we got there, I saw my father, Sparks, and Flame. I tried to rush over to them, but as I went past Shadow, he grabbed my chain and yanked me over to him, holding me against him.

My father saw me and yelled, "Queen Acidia! I want my daughter back! The deal is off!" The queen laughed and said, "I don't think so, she belongs to us now." My father growled, and before my eyes, changed form and charged at Queen Acidia.

The queen changed form just in time to dodge, and then Sparks and Flame changed form and rushed toward Shadow, who also changed form and pushed me out of the way. Leaf helped me stay out of the way as the fighting went on. As my father fought Acidia, Flame and Sparks fought Shadow, until suddenly, Flame actually had Shadow pinned down.

He looked to Sparks and nodded in my direction. Sparks nodded back and ran over to me and Leaf. He lowered his head to me and I hugged his head saying, "I'm so glad to see you." He growled at Leaf, but I told him, "It's alright, he's a friend." He stopped growling and I told him, "I can't transform because of this restraint, can you carry me Sparks?"

He nodded, and before I could climb on his back, Leaf grabbed my wrist asking, "So your leaving?" I looked at him, "Yeah, I don't belong here Leaf." He looked away sadly, I then said, "Come with us." He looked at me in surprise, "Really? I don't know." "Please Leaf, we'll be able to see each other all the time."

He thought for a moment, then said, "Alright." He changed form and I climbed on Sparks' back. Sparks then roared to Flame and my father, and as soon as more guards came in, we were already leaving the throne room and taking off into the sky. As Acidia, Shadow, and some guards followed us, my father pulled back a bit and his scales glowed like the sun, blinding our pursuers, allowing us to get away as he caught back up.

I smiled at the fact that I was finally free, and was now returning home. I hugged the back of Sparks' neck, and I thought I saw Leaf watching with a sad look on his face. I brushed it off though, I figured that he was sad because he was leaving his home, I didn't think much of it.

After flying for awhile, we finally made it back to our kingdom. We landed and I got off Sparks' back as everyone changed back to human form. I introduced Leaf to everyone, and luckily, my father allowed him to stay as a castle guard. Sparks walked over to me and hugged me and I quickly pushed him away saying, "Cut it out, my father is watching."

My father walked over saying, "I already know. Sparks told me, that's why I wanted to bring you home even more." I looked at him in surprise and asked, "And your ok with it?" He nodded, "Yes, it's what your mother would want, for you to be happy."

I hugged Sparks and said, "Thank you father. Now we can be together Sparks." He smiled, hugging me back, "Yeah, without hiding it from everyone." I pulled away saying, "We still have to get this restraint off." My father examined it and said, "This is new to me, but I bet the griffins would know what to do, they are very wise. Rest for now Crystal, in a few days, we'll visit the griffins."

I smiled, "Alright, thanks father." We all went inside, my father went to his room, Sparks, Flame, and Leaf stayed with me as I headed back to my room. Leaf suddenly asked, "So, you and Sparks are together?" I smiled saying, "Yep, why?" We all looked at him and he quickly said, "No reason, just curious is all." He smiled, but I could tell it was fake, I didn't say anything though.

When we got to my room, Terra ran to me and hugged me saying, "Milady, I'm so glad your back!" "Terra, please calm down." She let me go and I told her, "Listen, we'll catch up later, let me get settled and changed first." She nodded and rushed off, and Flame said, "I'll let you rest, tell me about your visit later, ok?" I nodded and he left.

Sparks hugged me saying, "I'm so glad your back, I missed you so much Crystal. I thought about you every day." "Same here." He pulled away and pecked my lips, "Meet me in the garden tonight, I want us to catch up on things...and tell me more about that dress." "Ok, I'll tell you about everything, and the dress, not my idea."

He quickly asked, "Will you keep it for me though?" "I'll think about it." We laughed and he left, leaving me with Leaf. Leaf then said, "Um, there's something I need to tell you later too." I smiled, "Ok, that's fine." He left and I went into my room and immediately changed into one of my usual dresses. I sat down and relaxed for awhile, holding the diamond pendant I kept with me. I thought about being back with Sparks, and what Leaf wants to tell me. It feels so good to be back home.

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