Chapter 9

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A/N: The pic is Queen Acidia in dragon form, just picture a hole in her left wing.

My eyes grew wide when I heard what Prince Shadow wanted. My father yelled, "What?! Do you actually think I would just let someone like you take my daughter?!" "Its not like we're going to kill her, she will be kept alive."

My father was still angry about it and yelled, "This is absurd! My daughter means the world to me! I won't let you take her!" Shadow grinned the whole time, "Well, why don't you think it over? Unless you'd rather have endless bloodshed." My father paused in thought.

I knew what needed to be done, I stepped out into the throne room and everyone's eyes landed on me. I walked over to my father, "Crystal? Have you been listening?" I nodded and whispered, "Father, let me go." His eyes widen, "Crystal, don't be ridiculous. You don't have to go with him." "Father, if it will bring peace to our kingdoms, then I'll do it. Please father, it's my responsibility as princess."

My father had no response and gave me a pained look. He then sighed, "I can't stop you, can I?" I smiled and hugged him, "Don't worry father, I'll be fine. Trust me." I then approached Shadow and said, "I'll go with you, in exchange for peace." He smirked and looked me up and down, and stepping closer, held my chin with his hand and examined my face.

Finally he said, "Such a beautiful princess, she'll do nicely, well Crystal, get ready to leave." "Can I say my goodbyes and get a few things first." He nodded, "Fair enough, but don't take too long." I hurried to my room and grabbed my diamond pendant and put it on. Terra, Flame, and Sparks all came in afterwards.

Terra ran over to me and hugged me, "Milady, I'll miss you." "Terra, I'll miss you too, all of you." When she pulled away, Flame came up to me saying, "Take care of yourself." "I will, thanks." When Sparks stepped forward, Flame and Terra left the room.

"Sparks." "Crystal." I couldn't hold back my tears anymore and hugged him. He held me as I cried, "Sparks, I'll miss you, I still love you." "I love you too. We'll figure something out." I looked up at him, "What do you mean?" He smiled, "I mean, just hang in there until we find a way to save you. I won't give up." "Thanks Sparks, I can always count on you."

He stared into my eyes and slowly kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him back. I never wanted to let him go. When we pulled apart, I wiped my eyes as I said, "I'll be fine, don't worry about me." "Your my tough, little princess. Now go, before they come looking for you." I nodded and left saying, "Goodbye."

When I got back to the throne room, I went over to my father and hugged him one more time and told him, "I'll be fine, don't worry about me." "Crystal, I believe in you. For now, it's goodbye." "Goodbye father, until I see you again." I pulled away and walked over to Shadow, who was waiting patiently. He looked at me as I said, "Ok, I'm ready to go." "Good, now come on."

I followed him out of the castle and his guards, along with him, changed to dragon form. I changed as well, causing Shadow to turn and stare at me. I gave him a questioning look, but he simply shook his head and took off with me and the guards following closely behind.

I had never been this far from the castle before, it was a little exciting. As we approached the Southern Dragon Kingdom, I could see a dragon in front of the castle, waiting for us. As we got closer, I recognized the hole in that light green dragon's wing. I was suddenly filled with shock and fear as I recognized the dragon that killed my mother, was Queen Acidia, ruler of this kingdom.

Royalty is a PunishmentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora