Chapter 8

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A/N: The pic is Prince Shadow in dragon form.

The next few days, I thought about my mother, and avoided my father as much as possible. One morning, I was called to the throne room. When I got there, my father got up from his throne, walked up to me, and surprised me with a hug saying, "Crystal, I'm sorry for trying to force you to marry. I didn't even think about what you wanted."

I smiled and hugged him back, "I'm sorry too, father, I really should think more about my responsibilities as princess." He pulled away smiling, "I won't force you to marry anyone, although, I do think you should marry a kind, young prince like Zoro, but I suppose you should have a choice in it."

I smiled, "Thank you father. I'll return to my room now, but maybe later we can enjoy dinner...together?" His eyes widened and he quickly said, "Yes, that's a wonderful idea, it has been awhile since we have dined together." "Then I'll see you at dinner." I waved a little and returned to my room.

On my way, I ran into Terra, "Terra, come with me, I have good news." When we got to my room, we sat down and she asked, "So, what's the good news?" "Well, I talked it over with my father, now I don't have to get married." She looked surprised, "Really? Milady, that's wonderful, but also a little sad."

I looked at her confused, "Why?" "Well milady, your so beautiful and kind, you would make any prince lucky to have you." I smiled, "Aww, thanks Terra, but I already have a prince." I quickly covered my mouth as she looked at me wide eyed.

"Milady? Your with someone?" "Um, well...I-" she smirked at me saying, "Do tell milady, I promise to keep it a secret." I sighed, "Alright, but promise me you won't tell anyone." She nodded and I continued, "Well, my boyfriend is...Sparks." Her eyes got bigger and her mouth was wide open.

Finally, she hugged me saying, "That's so sweet! Sparks is very talented, nice, not to mention handsome. He's very lucky to have you." She started crying, "My little princess is all grown up now." I patted her back saying, "Terra, I'm older than you, and please stop crying."

She wiped her eyes and said, "Of course, sorry, milady." We spent awhile talking, then she picked out a beautiful dress for me to wear to dinner. I put the dress on and Terra brushed my hair and put it in a ponytail for me and looked at me in the mirror saying, "You look lovely milady, now go show it off to Sparks...I mean the king. "

I giggled saying, "Terra, just remember, don't tell anyone." "Of course, you can count on me." I then left for the throne room to get my father for dinner. As I was about to enter the throne room, a black dragon flew in with two others behind. I hid, since no one had noticed me yet, and listened.

The black dragon changed into a boy around my age with black hair and glowing red eyes. I'd never seen him before, but I already knew he was a southern dragon. He bowed to my father, who glared at him and said, "What are you doing here, southern dragon?" "Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Shadow, prince of the Southern Dragon Kingdom."

My father asked harshly, "What business do you have here?" He stood up straight and smirked, "I came in place of my mother, Queen Acidia, we wish for peace." My father raised a brow, "You mean you want the northern and southern dragons to be at peace after centuries of war?" "Yes, but we do want a little something in return, it isn't much." My father leaned forward a bit, "What is it that you want?" Shadow gave a smirk, "Your daughter."

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