Secretly in Love

By gerdoodles18

17.7K 369 222

This is the first time I've written something on but I'll give it my best shot. America is on the beach righ... More

Warning i guess
Chapter 1~ The Cliffs
Chapter 2 ~ Hospital stay
Chapter 3 ~ Finally out...
Chapter 4 ~ In Shock
Chapter 5 ~ Can I stay?
Chapter 6 ~ The Christmas Party Part 1
Chapter 7 ~ The Christmas Party Part 2
Chapter 8 ~ The Cafe
Not a chapter!
Chapter 9 ~ School...
Chapter 10 ~ Hideout
Chapter 12 ~ Official?
Chapter 13 ~ Walked in
Chapter 14 ~ Awkward...
Chapter 15 ~ please Russ...?
Chapter 16 ~ meetings suck
Chapter 17 ~ Nightmares
Chapter 18 ~ Japan's Sleepover
Chapter 19 ~ Afterschool Trouble
Chapter 20 ~ Should I call?
Chapter 21 ~ Drunk Again
Chapter 22 ~ The Lovely Lake Trip
Chapter 23 ~ Big News
Chapter 24 ~ New Home
Chapter 25 ~ I killed him
Chapter 26 ~ Shocked
Chapter 27 ~ Stabbing
Chapter 28 ~ What Really Happened?
Chapter 29 ~ Why?
Chapter 30 ~ Change?
Chapter 31 ~ Finally Normal (Final Chapter)

Chapter 11 ~ Bruises, Bruises, and more Bruises

519 13 5
By gerdoodles18

(If you cant tell from this title, this chapter will contain abuse so yeah if your sensitive to this topic, please don't read this chapter! ok now to the story...)

~Russia's POV~

We walked home while looking at the sunset in front of us. It was truely a perfect moment but soon after the sun set over the hills, I realized we had been in that meadow for a long time, maybe around 8 hours? I'm not sure. The darkness fell upon the small town we were walking through and I felt America tighten his grip on my hand. Was he afraid of the dark?

~America's POV~

As it became dark, I realized I was still afraid of the dark. I know, stupid, but I was and I'm glad Russia was there to walk with me. If he wasn't, well I would have been home by now but if I wasn't I'd have to get out my phone for a flashlight and It wasn't even that dark. I'm such a baby sometimes. I tighten my grip on his hand and hope he doesn't notice. Wait... I was holding his hand? Well, it did fell nice. His hand was warm and soft I wish I could hold his hand forever. It started to become a little brighter outside as we started to enter the bigger city part.

We walk for a while longer and I check the time, 8:10... my dad is going to kill me, maybe I could sneak in. Then I thought about Russia, he lived in an apartment and couldn't sneak in. Man I feel bad now... I hope he can get in ok. We turn a corner and we are on our street. Russia's house came first so I quickly said bye and kissed him. He kissed back and I broke the kiss and waved and started to walk down the street. I blushed just thinking about our day at the meadow. I guess you could call it a date... but I got to my house and I looked at the small porch to see a figure sitting on the chair. Oh shit! I hope it wasn't my dad. Before I got to the driveway, I check my phone and see that Canada texted me;


C: Hey, where are you? Dad is getting mad and mom is worried. Yeah so you know dad is home...but I'm going to help you, I'll be on the porch waiting for you and ill get you in.

A: ok thanks so much! I'm at the driveway rn.


I walk up the stairs to the porch expecting to see Canada, but was my dad. Then I remebered the text, it was from an hour ago and I guess Canada had to go back inside. Man I am so stupid!

"Hello...son." I hear my dad say in a annoyed tone.


~Russia's POV~

America kissed me goodbye and he walked to his house. I walked up the stairs of my building and got up to the door. I listened for a minute to see if I could hear people talking. I know my father would care but my siblings wouldn't except for Ukraine. I hear Ukraine talking to someone. I listen closely to see who it was, I think it was my other sister Belrus so I waited until I heard them walk off to another room. I quietly unlocked the door and quietly stepped in.

I looked around and I heard more talking coming from the kitchen. Then I hear two male voices talking. One was stern and had some anger in his vpice and the other had more of a quiet tone. I know the stern one was my fathers, but who was the second? I quietly head over to the kitchen doorway and listen to the conversation.

"Do you think something happened to him?" I hear my father say.

"Russia? No I think he would be did teach him well" I hear the soft voice say.

"I know but he knows the rules. He should have been home an hour ago!" My father responds

"Calm down Soviet! He propably lost track of time... he should be back anytime now. Don't worry..." The soft voice said more serious this time but still soft. I hear a sigh from my father;

"Yeah, your right..." I hear my father yawn, "Well, we need to get back to work..." I hear silence for a few moments and then my father walked out of the other doorway and to his office. The soft voiced man followed him. I looked in the kitchen and saw the coast was clear. I walked in and sighed in relief. I quickly walk to my room which was on the other side of the apartment from the office. I walked in and closed the door quietly. I sat down on my bed and fell asleep hoping my dad would not kill me for getting home late and I thought about America and hoped he got home safe.

~Britian's POV! (I know shocking!)~

When I got home around 5, my wife France said America hasn't been home for a while and she was getting worried. I got angry at this, America knew he should be home by 6 for dinner so if hes not back by then, I'm going to beat his ass. I went to my office and went to work on my work that the UN gave me today at a meeting. These meetings were so stupid, and I HATE that EU was there. Hes been my enemy for a few years now, I don't know what happened to our friendship but eh, I never liked him anyways. I worked until my wife came in and said dinner was ready. I got up and walk swiftly to the dining room. I loved my wifes cooking, I don't know where she learned to cook but I wish I could have that talent. I kiss my wifes cheek and sat down at my spot at the table which was the head.

I waited for a few moments as my kids come walking in. I counted seeing that Canada, New Zealand, and Australia were here...but no America.

"Canada?" I knew Canada was America's favorite so I wanted to ask him if he knew where he was.

"Yes father?"

"Do you know where America is?" Canada sat down and looked at me in the eyes. I know he tells the truth. He is a good son, unlike America.

"No sir, I'm sorry. I could text his friends for you and see if they know where he is."

"Its ok Canada, and yes I would like that. If any of them are hanging out with America tell them he needs to come home right away."

"Yes sir." He excused him self and walked out of the room.

After a few minutes Canada came back and told me none of them knew were he was. i just sighed knowing he would come home eventually. We began to eat dinner. Canada finished first and excused himself. He got up and walked out of the room. Soon after his siblings excused themselves and they walked out of the room. I excused myself as well and walked outside to see Canada sitting there, and waiting.

"Canada, what are you doing?" I asked him

"Oh, sorry father. I finished early so I could watch and see if America came home, but he didn't" He frowned and walked back inside. I went back to my work until I finished at around 8. I walked back outside and waited. I know he had to come home at some point and it had to be soon. Then I saw him walk up and the driveway and up the stairs.

"Hello...son." I said annoyed

"H-Hello... f-father." He said with a nervous voice.

~America's POV~

"Finally, your home..." My father said in the same annoyed tone. I wondered how long he had waited there. "where have you been?! You have worried your mother, you should be ashamed of yourself." I hate when he critisized me, it made me feel like I was nothing, just a peice of garbage.

"S-Sorry father. I-I lost track of-" I was interupted by a punch in my stomach. I buckled and fell to the ground. Since I was underweight and wasn't strong enough so I fell to the ground.

"BULLSHIT! YOU ARE JUST MAKING UP EXCUSES!" He kicked me this time and in the shoulder. "NOW GET UP YOU DUMB ASS!" I could barely get up but somehow I managed to get up and face him. I was so weak. I tried to punch him back but he grabbed my fist and twisted my arm. I was so stupid, I knew he was stronger than me. Pain shot up my arm and I screamed out in pain. He let go and punched me in the face, this time in the other eye. I started to cry, not cry sob.

"NOW GO TO YOUR ROOM YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF TRASH!" I just ran past him and up the stairs and into my small room. I locked the door and went into my closet. My closet had just enough space for me to fit inside. I hid. I was scared and a mess. I don't know why my dad hated me...maybe he was right. I am a worthless peice of trash, I can't do anything right. I continued to cry. I remebered this phone book that I had in my room.I stole it from my dad like a year ago. I guess he didn't notice. I flipped through and found the number I was looking for. I went back to the closet and called the number.

~Russia's POV~

I had been asleep for maybe 30 minutes when I heard my phone ring. I got up slowly and looked. It was a number I didn't recognized but I answered it anyway. When I answered I just heard soft crying from the other end. I couldn't tell who it was from the crying.

"Hello?" I asked and I realized I sounded like I just woke up. I heard more crying but in between the crying I heard the person say something like

"R-R-Russia...*sob* He-lp please...*another sob* I can't s-stand it! *another sob* please..*sob* my dad..." He continued to talk but I could barely understand him because of the sobs.

"W-Who is this?" I asked.

"A-A-America..." I heard more sobs and I realized something. He said something about his dad and he couldn't take it anymore and for me to help him. Was he thinkng about taking his life?

"Amerika! Calm down please... I can barely understand you. I need you to stop crying so I can listen. " I heard a small ok and a sniff. A few minutes go by and he stops crying.

"Ok, sorry...its dad was waiting for me when I got home and-and he hit me and called me names. I'm so weak r-right now. I needed someone to talk to and-and-and..." He broke down adn started to cry again.

"SH-SH calm down! your ok, your ok! Everythings going to be ok! Just don't so anything! Remember the meadow!" I kept comforting him over the phone. I wish I could have came over there but I knew my dad would get upset if I wasn't home tontight. I looked over at my clock and saw it was around 10. I guess he started to think about the meadow and he seemed to calm down a lot.

"Are you ok now? I wish I could come over but I know yor dad hates my family and my dad would get upset..."

"Y-Yeah i'm a little better..."

"Just remember Amerika, I love you and never forget that... just don't do anything stupid ok? I-I don't know if I-I..." I couldn't finish my sentence. It was too hard for me to say, If I did, I would have started to cry. I guess he understood;

"I promise I won't and...*sniff* I love you too..." I heard him yawn and sniff again.

"Well I have to go now... please just don't so anything, goodnight..."

"*sniff* Goodnight...and I won't" He hung up and I sat there in the dark. I put my phone down and looked at my ceiling. I started to doze off and soon, I fell asleep.


It was around 11 when I heard some snoring. I looked over to see Nazi sound asleep in the armchair. I blushed and gentley woke him up. He yawned and apologized.

"Nazi, you should go home...your clearly tired." I got closer to him.

"Yeah your right...and I have a kid to take care of." He looked up and jumped a little. He was surprised to see me this close. I helped him up and walked him to the door. We said our goodbyes and I kissed him. He blushed and kissed back. It was a short kiss but it was nice. He walked out the door and I locked it. I turned around and thought 'I love him...' then I remebered Russia and I went to his room. I slowly opened the door and saw him asleep in his bed.

I guess I would have to talk to him in the morning...he propably went out drinking and came home when I was in my office. I quietly tucked him in and I walked to my room and went to sleep.


WOW LONGEST CHAPTER BY FAR!!! so, this chapter took me like a few hours to write. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope to get another chapter out tomorrow. Also I'm kind of sick so... yeah I may not make another chapter tomorrow but I'm not sure. Well bye!


ALSO! thank you for almost 450 reads! I'm really happy and I'm glad people read my story. I really didn't expect a lot of people to read this but thank you guys so much! well I have to go, BYE!!!

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