Heartbeat - The 8th Member [D...

By XxJimoutxX

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Eunmi has been there from the start. BTS was always an 8 member group. Follow Eunmi on her journey from audit... More



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By XxJimoutxX

~The Next Day~

"Eunmi, Pd-Nim wants to see you in the practice room." Jin informed me from our table in the cafe that I still work at. Luckily it's the day off for the group and I have a week off.
"Ah ok hyung. Now?" I asked, slipping my coat on as it's pretty cold.
"Yes, see you later okay." Jin replied and I left. Soon after the boys sent Jimin, who came back from the bathroom, along to the same place as me as their plan went into action and they headed off behind Jimin.

I was sat in the practice room waiting for Pd-Nim but he never came. I was about to get up and leave when someone entered the room. I looked up to be faced with Jimin, oh great, we're still the most awkward people in the world right now.
"Uh hi hyung." I said, barely above a whisper.
"Um hi..." He trailed off then turned on his heel. "I'm just gonna leave." He declared and tried to pull the door open and to his defeat it's locked.

"Yah!" Jimin shouted as he saw someone pull a face at him through the small window.
"What's wrong hyung?" I asked as I made my way over to the door.
"Those brats followed me and locked us in here!" He exclaimed and my phone rang.
"Put it on speaker." Was all that I heard and did so.

"Sorry you two but your awkwardness is killing everyone at the house. All it was was a peck on the lips, it's not like you had sex or something. Then I would be concerned at your choice of man Eunmi." Yoongi stated through the call, typical Yoongi.
"Yah, let us out." I whined, hoping I wouldn't have to go for my last resort, the word from hell, 'oppa'.
"Not a chance. Let's see, it's half 9 now. We'll be back at about 5pm and we expect no awkwardness anymore." Jin explained, stepping away from the door. I cursed myself, excuse my upcoming language for I want to die.
"But oppa!" I whined and he quickly slid back over with a smirk.
"I love being called that but it won't change my mind on anything. Toodles~" He waved teasingly before they all left.

"Them damn brats." I hissed, forgetting that they're still on call.
"Yah! Respect your elders!" Jin's voice came through the phone and I smiled sheepishly.
"Sorry hyungie. Goodbye, love you." I said and hung up, the atmosphere becoming awkward again.

"Look Jimin hyung, I know you didn't mean it and I forgave you as soon as I left the room. I just don't want absolutely everything to be awkward around us or people will start suspecting stuff." I explained and Jimin faced me.
"I'll stop being awkward now, I just didn't know if you'd forgave me or wanted to talk to me or not. Also I need to ask something, just to be 100% sure." Jimin explained and I nodded.
"Ask away hyung." I said.

"Did I uh, accidentally steal your first kiss?" He asked and, wow, that's not what I was expecting the question to be.
"I wasn't expecting that for sure." I laughed for a minute then nodded. "Yeah it was but don't worry about it. It was just a peck." I brushed it off but Jimin looked shocked.
"I'm so sorry for stealing your first kiss." He whispered only loud enough for me to hear and I chuckled.
"Don't apologize hyung, it wasn't even your fault anyways. Hey, no more being awkward?" I asked him, holding my fist out for a fist bump but instead I was pulled into a Jimin hug.
"No more awkwardness." Jimin stated and I let my mind relax as we stayed in a hug for about a minute and a half.

"Wait so how long did that take?" Jimin asked and I checked my phone.
"Only half an hour. I'll call Jin hyung to say that it's all good." I answered and called Jin. "Ah hello hyung." I said.
"What is it now Eunmi-ah, we've only just got home so if your planning on any excuses to get out just get over the awkwardness in some way." Jin said.
"But hyungie we're both good now." I said.
"Yeah right, you'll probably take the whole time to utter one word to him. We'll see you at 5pm ok, love you." Jin said and I replied a love you back before hanging up and facing Jimin.
"Well then." He said and I pushed myself into his chest in despair.
"They don't believe me so we have to wait 7 hours." I stated, turning around, and Jimin placed his head on top of mine.

"Have any ideas?" He asked and I shook my head.

"You wanna dance?" Jimin asked after a while and I nodded my head as he began to sway us from side to side. "Song?" He asked and I thought for a bit.
"Ooo I was gonna say Troublemaker but no." I chuckled and Jimin laughed.
"Don't wanna be even more awkward than before. Well played." He said as I thought again.
"Ring Ding Dong by Shinee sunbaenims?" I asked and he nodded but didn't make any move. "Uh hyungie." I poked his arm.
"I want to but I wanna stay here now." He said and I set up a slow and peaceful song on my phone. Coffee, by us.

Jimin smiled into my hair and moved us across the room slowly until the song finished.
"I'm already bored." I huffed and heard some commotion coming from down the hallway.
"Shh! Jin hyung told us to be secretive!" I heard a voice that belonged to Taehyung.
"Oh my god. So secretive." Jimin chuckled as they approached the door and peered through the window to see Jimin and I grinning at them.
"She was telling Jin hyung the truth!" Jungkook exclaimed as he unlocked the door and opened it wide, him and Taehyung entering.
"No more awkwardness!" Hoseok exclaimed as he entered the room, followed by Yoongi, Namjoon and finally Jin.

"See oppa I was telling you the truth." I told Jin.
"Drop the oppa act, it's starting to feel creepy hearing it from you of all people." Jin smiled at me and I just shrugged my shoulders.
"So when did the awkward atmosphere disappear?" Namjoon asked.
"Right before I called Jin hyungie, and he ignored my statement of the truth." I said as I placed my hand over my heart in fake offence.
"Is Jimin hyung going to let go of you?" Taehyung asked.
"Nah, we've been awkwardly keeping distance from each other for 16 days. I want to spend a lot of time with him right now." I answered Taehyung.

"Well let's leave these two here then." Jin concluded and I was confused.
"Wait what, are we not going home?" I asked.
"We're going home. You've still got 5 and a half hours until you'll be home." Jin smirked and I slid down onto my knees in front of him trying to be as dramatic as possible.
"Please oppa, please let us come back. It's so boring in here." I pleaded as I tried not to laugh.
"Oh fine then, but, you two will be locked in the bedroom until 5pm. Chop chop then." Jin said as he pulled me up off the floor and we left the company.

~At the Dorm~

As soon as we got in we were directed to the bedroom and locked in, again.
"Well then atleast we've got a, scratching the surface of, good internet connection here." I stated as I got up into Jimin's bed. "And we also have beds." I said and tapped beside me and Jimin got up too.

We got comfy and I went onto Netflix as Jimin looked confused.
"Right hyung, as we're stuck in here you have no other choice than to watch this with me." I said. "Welcome to the world of the best American sitcom, Brooklyn Nine-Nine. I'll put Korean subtitles on for you, it's extremely funny." I explained and snuggled up to Jimin as we watched all the Season 1 episodes that had been released so far.

After the last one, so far, finished I was already asleep and Jimin turned my phone off before sleeping beside me.

~Time Skip~

Jimin and I have just been freed from the captivity of a locked bedroom. We slept for about 2 and a half hours then woke up about 5 minutes before Hoseok unlocked the door.

Jimin went straight to the living room to play games with the rest of the maknae line but I'm on my bed writing some lyrics that I just thought of, although I probably won't use them for years.

The moment I noticed myself
I had to leave
I had to find out
All day all night

Across the desert and the sea
This wide, wide world
I was wandering
Baby I

I could make it better
I could hold you tighter
On that long road
Oh you're the light

I definitely haven't gotten much but I've been adding more on ever since we debuted, I don't have a name for it either. I thought a little more before adding a few more lines.

The only one who recognized me

"Eunmi!! Food!" Jin shouted through and I quickly saved the notes before turning my phone off and heading to the kitchen.

~2nd February~

Namjoon just returned home from filming and releasing the comeback trailer for Skool Luv Affair and I have made no progress on my little project. I skipped over to him when he plopped himself down onto his bed and cuddled up close to him.
"Tired hyung?" I asked him and he nodded. "I watched it when it came out and it's really good hyung." I said and he smiled, dimples on full show. "Aw dimples!" I exclaimed and poked them playfully until Namjoon caught my wrists and held them still.
"I'm gonna go spend some time with Jin hyung okay. Go play with the maknae line in the living room." Namjoon smiled and I nodded then moved to his ear.
"You and Jin hyung are adorable together. Please stay together for a long time." I smiled and he chuckled before ruffling my hair.
"Of course." He replied.

I played with the maknaes for about half an hour before making my way to Jin to ask what we are doing tomorrow. I opened the door to freeze, a smirk came to my face as I slowly lifted my phone up and took a picture of the two. I forgot to turn flash off my camera and when the room lit up Jin sprang off Namjoon, I'm having serious deja vu. Jin's hair and clothes were all messy and the top few buttons of his black shirt were unbuttoned, a few dark spots littering his neck. Namjoon, on the other hand, he has no shirt on and his hair is a mess. Both of their lips are swollen from obvious kissing and when Jin noticed my phone, his eyes widened.

"Eunmi-ah, did you take a picture of us?" Jin asked, a slightly stern tone to his voice.
"No." I squeaked and bolted out of the room to run into a chest.
"Woah woah, what's got you in a rush?" Yoongi asked me as I looked back into the bedroom then tugged Yoongi into the kitchen and held my phone up. "Woah they're in a relationship?" Yoongi asked and I remembered that Yoongi didn't know.
"Oh yeah, whoops I wasn't meant to tell anyone." I smiled sheepishly and Yoongi chuckled before taking my phone out of my hands.
"But woah, send this to me right now." Yoongi said as he handed it back.
"Why? You gonna blackmail them?" I asked with a little head tilt and a small smile.
"Of course I'm gonna blackmail them. Yoongi is savage and savage is swag." Yoongi said doing a small peace sign and I chuckled before sending the picture to him. His phone beeped and he ruffled my hair. "Thanks kid." He said and I stopped him before he could get anyway.

"I am supposed to be keeping this a secret so if you tell a single soul about this I will expose your search history of Hoseok hyung." I warned him and a look of shock was on his face.
"How do you know about that?" He asked.
"I borrowed your phone." I replied with a small smile.
"Oh fine then kid, only as long as you tell nobody about my search history." Yoongi concluded and I saluted to him.
"Yes sir." I smiled before going to sit with the rest of the maknae line and watch them play games.

"Oooo Eunmi-ah! I need my good luck charm." Jungkook announced and I walked over to him, he pulled me down so I sat in his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist and after a few minutes he had won the game. "Ha! See my good luck charm worked losers." Jungkook celebrated and I gave him a small glare.
"I'm not just your good luck charm hyungie." I smiled and he nodded.

"Who's your good luck charm Eunmi-ah?" Taehyung asked me and I touched the necklace around my neck.
"My parents are, this necklace was given to me by them so they're always with me. They're my good luck charm." I said with quite a sad smile at the end.
"Aw you're such a sweet daughter. I'm glad to have you as my younger sister!" Taehyung exclaimed and the bedroom door opened.
"Right guys let's eat then get to sleep. We're having ramen because I haven't prepared anything." Jin announced and we all went to sit at the table.

During the meal I kept sending Jin and Namjoon obvious teasing glances and Jin started blushing a bit.
"Jin hyungie, are you feeling unwell? You've gone quite red." I asked with a slight teasing tone to my voice.
"No I'm just fine Eunmi-ah, thanks for asking." Jin replied with a smile but his eyes were telling me to shut the hell up. I smirked to myself before lifting my legs up and resting them on Jin's lap. He sent me another look but I just smiled sweetly and continued eating my food.

After we finished I was having pains in my stomach and went to the toilet.
"Fuck." I cursed upon realising that it's the time of the month. I checked all the draws and cupboards and found nothing of use then pulled on my hair. "I need to go to the convenience store at this time. God I hate my body." I stated and left the room to put shoes and a coat on then grab my phone and some money.

"Where are you going now little miss?" Jin's voice stopped me from stepping outside.
"Uh just to the shop hyungie, I'll be back as soon as possible." I said to him and he didn't look convinced.
"You sure that's all?" He asked and I nodded. "Ok then, be back soon. I love you." Jin kissed my forehead.
"I love you too Jin hyungie. Make sure no one can walk in on you and Namjoonie hyung next time." I teased and he flicked my forehead. "Ow!" I complained as I left and closed the door behind me.

I arrived at the store and bought what I needed then headed to the store's family toilet and sorted myself out. As I was leaving, three girls, who looked quite lost, entered and I made a bee line away from them and straight to the door.

"Omg it's Wolfy!" One shouted and I slowly turned around.
"Hi?" I said more like a question and one of them chuckled.
"We're huge fans of BTS, we don't like how loads of people hate on you guys. Also if they're Army but don't like you." The taller one explained.
"Uh thank you, you guys look foreign." I said.
"Ah yeah we've been told that a lot, we're from the UK and we're all 14, born in 1998." The medium height one explained.

"So what're you doing at the store?" The taller one asked.
"Uh it's the time of the month, Jin hyungie wants me back as soon as possible." I explained.
"Oh I feel you, that time is horrible. I can see us as friends in the future. My name is Amy, the tall one is Lucy and the smaller one is Erin. It's nice to meet you Eunmi." She held her hand out and I took it before my phone beeped with a message.

Jinnie: You coming back soon?
Eunmi: Yeah hyungie, I'm just leaving now.

"I'm really sorry girls but Jin hyung wants me back now, here's my number." I apologized and showed them my number from my phone and they typed it into their phones.
"We hope to see you again soon." Lucy smiled and I waved before leaving.

I soon arrived back home and was pulled straight into a hug, I looked up and saw Jin.
"When you didn't come back after 10 minutes I thought something had happened to you. Never stay out for that long ever again." Jin scolded me and I nodded.
"Sorry hyungie, there was a queue." I apologized.

"What were you even there for? You can tell me." Jin smiled at me.
"It's the time of the month hyungie, if I ever randomly get grumpy or in a mood that's the reason and I am sorry in advance. I had nothing at home so I went to get some." I answered and he nodded.
"Ok. We're going to bed now so let's go." Jin said and we headed into the bedroom to sleep.

I, yet again, couldn't sleep and went onto messages to find myself added in a group chat with the three girls from before.

Eunmi: Hi girls, I don't have any of your contacts so can you tell me who's who.
???: Of course, I'm Lucy.
???: I'm Amy.
???: And I'm Erin.
Eunmi: Well, hello again.
Erin: Helloooo
Lucy: Do you have to call us unnie? You already know that we're not from here so we don't really know what everyone calls anyone.
Eunmi: To be respectful I would have to but considering the fact that you're not from here I'm not too sure.🤷‍♀️
Amy: Great, you can call us whatever then.
Lucy: What r u doing up anyway tho?
Erin: Yea it's l8.
Eunmi: Can't sleep.
Amy: Well what have u got on 2morrow?
Eunmi: Uh group concept photo shoot for Skool Luv Affair, that's it.
Lucy: Well get sleep then, u don't want to be half asleep on the job now do u?
Eunmi: No, I would probably get scolded by either Pd-Nim, Namjoon hyung or Jin hyung for not focusing or not sleeping.
Erin: Well go to sleep then. We can talk another time!
Eunmi: Ok then, bye guys!
Amy: C ya Eunmi!

I turned my phone off with a smile, proud of myself for making new friends. Pretty strange thing to be proud of right? Eh, doesn't matter what you're proud of as long as your happy right. I thought of that as I fell asleep into a dreamless sleep.

Yo.... I've nothing to say, but thank y'all for all the views. I don't feel like I really need all these views but it makes me happy to see that people are actually reading this thing that was sitting in my drafts for a while. I do enjoy writing this when I have the motivation and I've got a lot planned for the future but you'll have to wait.


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