diza oneshots

By elenadoucette

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diza oneshots More

last time
i need you
marry me
wedding crasher
wedding crasher part two
row two, desk three
still into you
secret agent dobrik
secret love
a little something
the ex-boyfriend
do you?
panic attack
paris part two
evening walk
movie day
the end of all things

bullies brother

114 2 0
By elenadoucette

this is a long one. you have been warned!

the sound of a locker slamming wakes liza from her daydream about the one that occupies her thoughts, david dobrik. she turns from staring down the hallway to her two best friends, gabbie and kristen. "hey girly, dreaming about david again?" gabbie asks. liza nods.
gabbie and kristen are fully aware of liza's crush on david. they make fun of her for it sometimes, but they help and support her through anything. she is very grateful for them.
"i can't help it. it's like he's a permanent sticker on my brain." liza sighs as the three start walking to biology. "i know it's hard babe. but hey, maybe one day diza will happen. scott says he talks about you a lot." this gives liza a shimmer of hope. gabbie throws her arm over liza's shoulder as kristen rubs her back slowly. "what's diza?" liza makes a weird face, gabbie giggling at it. "diza is the ship name that we came up with. david and liza equals diza." kristen smiles as liza rolls her eyes at the cheesy name.

as the girls near biology class, behind them they hear the clicks of heels that everyone dreads greatly. the three girls roll their eyes as they brace themselves for the events that are about to play out.
"hey nerds, out of my way." the girls turn to see the pink monster that smells like a flower garden.

a flower garden that was sprayed with flower perfume.

gabbie, kristen and liza roll their eyes before turning to see the girl who is the "queen of the school" -as she says-, jessica dobrik. her "girls" follow behind her seconds later.

truth is, everyone hates her. but she doesn't know that. people keep it to themselves to not risk being bullied by her. if you don't like her and she finds out, you might wanna stay home for a few days. or months. she thinks everyone loves her because she is "so nice to everyone" but really, she's a fake bitch. problem is, she's david dobrik's sister.

"you know, you could just go around, or is your brain to small to learn which way that is?" jessica rolls her eyes at kristen's witty remark. "no, it's because wide load here is to big to go around." jessica looks gabbie up and down, a disgusted look on her face. gabbie glares before attempting to charge after her before liza holds her back. "you know what, jessica" liza starts, emphasizing jessica's name. "just because your life is miserable, doesn't mean you have to make everyone else's lives miserable too." jessica scoffs. "my life isn't miserable, it's perfect." she's lying, and liza can tell. "if you say so." liza turns slowly, not hearing another word from jessica. she walks to class confidently, gabbie and kristen following, knowing their words got to "the queen."


liza exits math, heading for the doors to go home, but not before being stopped by jessica. "hey! nerd ball!" liza rolls her eyes as jessica's heavily painted face comes into her line of view. "what now jessica." liza stops walking as the pink crop-topped girl stands in her path. "your little comment this morning wasn't nice. apologize." jessica crosses her arms, attempting to be intimidating, but failing.
"you know i'm older than you right?" jessica rolls her eyes. "i don't care if you're dying, apologize to me. now!" liza thinks before speaking. "you're right, i'm sorry. sorry you're a stuck up bitch that can't get your head out of your ass!" jessica scoffs as liza starts walking. "the asparagus" -as liza likes to call her- sticks out her foot, tripping liza. her books fall to the ground, liza falling on her face. jessica snickers as she looks down at liza. as liza slowly gets up, she hears a voice from behind her. "jessica! why would you do that?!" liza turns her head to see david jogging towards them. he kneels down beside liza. "she called me a mean name, dave." jessica pouts at her big brother, but david doesn't fall for it. "i don't care! you probably deserved it! go wait in the car or mom will hear about this!" jessica groans before stomping like a 4 year old out the door. "liza, are you okay?"

david and liza used to be best friends in elementary school, but grew apart in middle school. as they grew apart, liza's crush grew bigger.
they still talk occasionally, and they say hi in the halls when they pass each other.

"yeah, i'm okay. thanks." david smiles as he gathers liza's books. "anytime. and hey, don't let jess get to you." liza laughs. "don't worry, i won't." they stand from the floor as david hands liza her books. "thanks again." david nods before walking out the doors. liza smiles to herself as she does the same.

~next day~

liza sits in history, waiting and listening for mrs. remmington to call her and her partners name for the project. her and david have this class together, so she was secretly hoping they would be put together.

"dorian and lauren"
"liza and david"
"spongebob and patrick"

liza internally screamed when she heard her name followed by david's. "alright, that's everyone. please sit somewhere with your partner and discuss a topic and ideas for your ancient history projects."
david stands from his desk, moving to the empty one beside her. "hey." david smiles causing liza to slightly blush. "hey" she says back. "so i was thinking we could do egypt and what it was like there in the ancient times." david nods. "i'm cool with that." liza slides out a piece of paper from her binder. "okay, what are some ideas we could talk about?"


the bell rings as everyone packs up their belongings. before liza can escape david's eyesight, he catches up to her. "hey, liza!" she turns around to see david jogging to her. "i was wondering if you would want to come to my place to work on the project? my family would be thrilled to see you." liza smiles, her dreams coming true. "sure, i'd love to." david smiles. "great. how about we walk home together?" liza nods as they exit the building.

"so, how have you been? i feel like i haven't seen you in so long." a laugh escapes liza's lips. "i've been good, you know, without your sister nagging on me." liza laughs to enlighten the mood, but nonetheless, it changes. "yeah, i'm really sorry about her. high school has gotten to her." david runs his hand through his hair. "hey, don't apologize. it's not your fault." liza touches his arm, tingles running up hers. "i know, but i feel like i should take some responsibility. she's my sister." liza sighs as they reach david's humble abode. they walk up the cemented driveway to the red front door. david pulls out his keys, unlocking it. they enter the home, a light scent of cinnamon and vanilla hitting liza's nose. she looks around to see a candle flickering on the mantle.
mrs. dobrik comes around the corner. "liza! long time no see! how have you been dear?" mrs. dobrik embraces her in a hug. "i've been good. and you?" liza smiles softly, somewhat happy to see her second mom again. "oh, you know, looking after this one and his sister." mrs. dobrik points her finger towards david. "you keep an eye on him. he needs someone like you around." david rolls his eyes. "i'm kidding. you know you're my favourite" mrs. dobrik whispers. liza giggles. "okay, we should get started on that project." liza nods as they start to head upstairs. "by the way, that candle smells delicious." liza takes in a deep breath, the scent of the candle being her favourite. "thank you dear! it was a gift from david!" liza looks to david, who is already at the top of the stairs. "i didn't know you had such good taste in candles." david shrugs his shoulders. "this nose smells the best scents. i'm surprised it hasn't died from jessica's perfume." david and liza snicker quietly, as jessica is in the room down the hall. they enter david's room, liza plopping down on the bed and david sitting himself in the office chair.

"so, ancient egypt. what do we know?"


after hours of working on the project, david and liza are nearly finished.
"you know, we really don't need to do the whole project today. it's not due until monday." david shrugs. "well, i guess we can hand it in early." liza nods as she finished up the last few details of their history project. "done!" david pumps his fist in the air. liza moves the project to the desk as david throws himself on the bed, liza sitting next to him shortly after. liza sighs before a small knock on the door can be heard. "come in" david calls. the door swings open to reveal jessica on the other side. "ugh, what is she doing here?" jessica glares at liza, crossing her arms over her chest. "she is here because i want her to be." jessica rolls her eyes. "you seriously want nerd breath here?" liza blows into her hand, checking her breath. 'nerd breath isn't a real thing, dumbass' liza thought to herself. "her name is liza, and if you actually got to know her you'll find out that she's totally awesome." jessica rolls her eyes. "whatever. mom says it's your turn to make dinner tonight." jessica leaves, closing the door behind her. "you think i'm totally awesome?" david nods as liza blushes.
"i think you're a lot of things. i think you're funny, smart, wonderfully crazy, pretty, beautiful, gorgeous, the love of my life." liza looks up from the ground as david's words hit her. "what?"

"i'm in love with you, liza. i always have been."

"i'm in love with you, david. i always have been."

the lovesick teenagers embrace each other in a passionate kiss full of love and lust. liza has been waiting for this her entire life, david too, and it's finally happening. they pull away, even though they wanted to stay like that forever.
"liza koshy, will you be my girlfriend?"
"david dobrik, i will be your girlfriend."
they embrace in another kiss, this one longer and deeper than the last. liza smiles into the kiss, david doing the same.


"hey dipwad!" jessica stands infront of liza, towering over her. liza is a year older than jessica, but she is definitely much shorter than her. jessica slaps liza's books out of her hands. they fall to the ground, scattering. "what the hell!" jessica and her friends snicker as they watch liza pick up her books. "just because you're dating my brother doesn't mean i'll stop hating you." as liza stands from the floor, david runs over. "are you okay?" he asks liza. she nods, her eyes glued to the floor. "jessica this needs to stop. now." jessica crosses her arms over her chest, glaring at david. "you're not the boss of me." david slips his hands in his jean pockets, narrowing his eyes at jessica. liza stands behind him, watching it all.
"you know what jess, technically i am. in case you haven't noticed, i'm your older brother, so yes, i am the boss of you sometimes, and right now, i'm being that. so if you don't stop bullying my girlfriend, then i'll tell mom and dad about your little acting scenes at school, and this time i mean it. they also might find out about the little "present" that came with that party you went to a few weeks ago." jessica slides a hand over her stomach.
a few weeks ago she went to a party, and may have had a little too much fun. that fun came back to bite her in the ass. "we share the same bathroom, jess. don't think i wouldn't find out."

david found the pregnancy test in the trash one day. he thought about telling his parents, but didn't.

jessica gathers herself before speaking. "are you threatening me?"

"it's not a threat if it actually happens."

her face falls. people have now gathered around, whispering and snickering to each other. jessica looks over at liza, who has a small smirk on her lips. "i'm sorry liza." liza nods, accepting the apology. "good, now run along and have your fun now, because i have a feeling you'll be stuck inside for a while." david smirks before turning back to his girlfriend. liza grabs his shirt, pulling him down to her level. she smashes her lips onto his, connecting in a heated kiss. david deepens the kiss, before liza pulls away smiling. "you're hot when you're exposing someone." david smiles before pecking liza on the lips one more time and heading to lunch. "i'm surprised you did expose her though. she's your sister." david shrugs. "eh, she deserved it."

~5 months later~

jessica stopped bullying liza after she was grounded for 3 months. turns out the "present" she got from the party was a false alarm, but boy was it alarming.
jessica and liza actually started to get along, and became friends. they don't go shopping together or talk about boys like normal friends, but on the occasional times they do hang out, they have fun.
david and liza are still dating, and they hope that they'll be together forever.

and maybe their wish will come true.

and that's the end! now, i know this was kinda slow paced, kinda sucked and there isn't a lot of diza, but i guess i kinda based it around jessica and liza? i don't know.
anyways, i hope you enjoyed and i have two more stories in the making that will be up soon!!

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