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liza exited the small building through the glass door, it closing behind her as she strolled to her white automobile. this is the second time she has walked out of this building in two weeks. it has become a weekly spot. this building is connected to a very big secret of hers. no one knows except her and the person inside the building. she wasn't ready to tell anyone yet. not even her husband. she didn't even believe it herself. she was very happy about this secret though. she pulled open the door of her tesla, plopping herself down infront of the wheel. she slammed the door shut before placing her hands on the wheel. she took a deep breath, processing the news she just got. she smiled slightly. she pressed her foot on the gas, exiting the parking lot.

she drove home, music blasting. she sang along to fast in my car by paramore. it was one of her favourite songs. she entered her neighborhood, driving to her fancy home she shared with her husband. she pulled into her driveway before parking. she grabbed her things, exiting the vehicle. her keys jingled as she unlocked the front door. she closed it behind her, throwing her purse on the bench beside her. she slipped off her vans before walking to the kitchen to grab a snack. as she turned from the fridge, she saw david standing there, arms crossed. "didn't think you'd be home so soon." liza opened the bowl of left over salad, giving david a confused look. "my feet were starting to hurt." she remembered she told david she was going to do some shopping. "liza, where are your bags?" liza looked up from her bowl of greens. "oh shoot! i forgot them in the car." david uncrossed his arms. "would you like me to help you bring them in?" liza placed down her fork on the marble counter top. "no no, i'm good. it's only a few." liza hesitated before slowly walking to the door. "liza?" she turned to her husband, a guilty look on her face. "you didn't go shopping, did you?" liza shook her head, looking down at the floor. she walked back to the kitchen, standing in front of david. "i'm sorry i lied to you." david grabbed his wife's hands. "liza, i don't care that you lied. what i do care about is why you lied." liza wiped away the small tear that fell down her face. "liza, are you cheating on me?" liza looked up from the floor. "what? no no, i'm not cheating on you. why would you think that?"  "well you've been lying about where you're going and kind of avoiding me." liza moved a piece of stray hair from david's face. "babe, i'm not cheating on you, nor will i ever. i have been going to the doctor. i didn't want to tell you because i wasn't sure yet. but now i am. david, i'm pregnant." his eyes widened. "you're pregnant?" liza nodded her head. "yeah." a huge smile grew on his face. he threw his arms around liza's waist, hers going around his neck. he lifted her up, spinning them around in a circle. he placed her down carefully. "babe, you could've told me you were going the doctor. i would've come with you." liza smiled. "i know but i wanted to surprise you." david smiled before connecting their lips in a long kiss. they pulled away. "i love you a lot." liza smiled before pecking him on the lips. "i love you a lot."

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