bullies brother

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this is a long one. you have been warned!

the sound of a locker slamming wakes liza from her daydream about the one that occupies her thoughts, david dobrik. she turns from staring down the hallway to her two best friends, gabbie and kristen. "hey girly, dreaming about david again?" gabbie asks. liza nods.
gabbie and kristen are fully aware of liza's crush on david. they make fun of her for it sometimes, but they help and support her through anything. she is very grateful for them.
"i can't help it. it's like he's a permanent sticker on my brain." liza sighs as the three start walking to biology. "i know it's hard babe. but hey, maybe one day diza will happen. scott says he talks about you a lot." this gives liza a shimmer of hope. gabbie throws her arm over liza's shoulder as kristen rubs her back slowly. "what's diza?" liza makes a weird face, gabbie giggling at it. "diza is the ship name that we came up with. david and liza equals diza." kristen smiles as liza rolls her eyes at the cheesy name.

as the girls near biology class, behind them they hear the clicks of heels that everyone dreads greatly. the three girls roll their eyes as they brace themselves for the events that are about to play out.
"hey nerds, out of my way." the girls turn to see the pink monster that smells like a flower garden.

a flower garden that was sprayed with flower perfume.

gabbie, kristen and liza roll their eyes before turning to see the girl who is the "queen of the school" -as she says-, jessica dobrik. her "girls" follow behind her seconds later.

truth is, everyone hates her. but she doesn't know that. people keep it to themselves to not risk being bullied by her. if you don't like her and she finds out, you might wanna stay home for a few days. or months. she thinks everyone loves her because she is "so nice to everyone" but really, she's a fake bitch. problem is, she's david dobrik's sister.

"you know, you could just go around, or is your brain to small to learn which way that is?" jessica rolls her eyes at kristen's witty remark. "no, it's because wide load here is to big to go around." jessica looks gabbie up and down, a disgusted look on her face. gabbie glares before attempting to charge after her before liza holds her back. "you know what, jessica" liza starts, emphasizing jessica's name. "just because your life is miserable, doesn't mean you have to make everyone else's lives miserable too." jessica scoffs. "my life isn't miserable, it's perfect." she's lying, and liza can tell. "if you say so." liza turns slowly, not hearing another word from jessica. she walks to class confidently, gabbie and kristen following, knowing their words got to "the queen."


liza exits math, heading for the doors to go home, but not before being stopped by jessica. "hey! nerd ball!" liza rolls her eyes as jessica's heavily painted face comes into her line of view. "what now jessica." liza stops walking as the pink crop-topped girl stands in her path. "your little comment this morning wasn't nice. apologize." jessica crosses her arms, attempting to be intimidating, but failing.
"you know i'm older than you right?" jessica rolls her eyes. "i don't care if you're dying, apologize to me. now!" liza thinks before speaking. "you're right, i'm sorry. sorry you're a stuck up bitch that can't get your head out of your ass!" jessica scoffs as liza starts walking. "the asparagus" -as liza likes to call her- sticks out her foot, tripping liza. her books fall to the ground, liza falling on her face. jessica snickers as she looks down at liza. as liza slowly gets up, she hears a voice from behind her. "jessica! why would you do that?!" liza turns her head to see david jogging towards them. he kneels down beside liza. "she called me a mean name, dave." jessica pouts at her big brother, but david doesn't fall for it. "i don't care! you probably deserved it! go wait in the car or mom will hear about this!" jessica groans before stomping like a 4 year old out the door. "liza, are you okay?"

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