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liza stands in front of the eiffel tower, gazing at the wonderfully wonderful sight in front of her. she takes it in, never wanting to leave the 'city of love.' as she gazes at the tower, she feels her phone vibrate in her pocket. she pulls it out to see a text from her mother.

hope you're having
fun! miss you lots xoxo

miss you too!

she smiles to herself, thinking about her mom and how much she misses her.

when liza is finished taking millions of pictures of the view, an idea comes to her mind. it is a very crazy idea, but, yet, she thinks about it. she hesitates before going through with her idea. she turns around to the crowd of people behind her, gawking at the tower as well. she scans the blob of homo sapiens, searching for the right person.

her idea is very risky and very spontaneous, but when liza has an idea, she does it.

eventually, her eyes find the perfect man. he had brown hair that was quite messy. it stuck out in many different directions. he wore all black with a puffy winter coat. his hands were in his pockets and he looked like he was enjoying the view.

liza studies him for a minute before approaching him. "excuse me sir?" the man looks down at the short girl in front of him. he stares at her for a second before speaking. "how can i help you?" liza's eyes travel over his face, seeing him up close. she clicks back, realizing she is staring. "um, i know this may sound really, really crazy, but would you kiss me for a photo? unless you have a significant other than you don't have to." liza notices that the man is giving her a weird look. "oh no, you probably think i'm a psycho. um, you know what? forget it. this was stupid."

"i'll kiss you."

liza looks up at him, surprised he would say yes to a psycho girl asking him to kiss her. "you will?" he nods. "you seem like a nice girl. and you're pretty." liza blushes at the compliment. "thanks. i'm liza."


the two shake hands. "um, so i think i'm just gonna ask someone to take our picture and then you just kiss me i guess." david gives a single nod. the two move so they are directly in front of the tower. liza asks a nice lady to take their picture. surprisingly, she speaks english. they get ready to kiss, both of them nervous. "okay, three... two... one!" david and liza lean in, their lips connecting.

this kiss was like no other the two have had. it was full of passion and light. sparks flew through their bodies like fireworks. tingles crawled up liza's hands and arms as she touched david's face. their minds were completely blank. their hearts beat like drums and skipped a few as well. they pulled away, though they did not want to.

liza's eyes stayed closed, which david took as an opportunity to admire her gorgeous face. the way her lashes rested on her cheeks. how her lips looked like they have been stung by bees. her jaw line was quite sharp and her contour highlighted it perfectly. her nose was the perfect shape for her face. her highlighter glimmered on her nose and cheekbones, giving her face a glow, aside from her natural one. her hair was done up in a messy bun, some small hairs trying to escape.

liza's eyes opened to meet david's. they were big and brown like pools of chocolate. "that was..."
"amazing?" liza nods. they question kissing again, deciding not to. they pull away from each other as the lady hands liza her phone back. "thank you." liza gives her a soft smile. "no problem. you guys are super cute by the way." the woman walks away with her family, laughing. "um, so i guess this is goodbye. thank you. i'm still surprised you said yes to a random stranger asking if you would kiss them." david shrugs. "like i said, you're pretty." liza blushes once again. "i have a feeling i'll see you again david."

"maybe you will." david walks away, leaving himself a mystery to liza.

okay so, i saw the picture at the top on instagram and one of the comments said "if this doesn't get turned into a wattpad story 😤" so i thought, why not make it happen? so here it is.
also, i am definetly doing a part two to this so stay tuned kids!

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