The Phantoms new Angel of Mus...

By TheCreator900

12.6K 229 48

Erik Destler has been alive for 121 years. Why? He is immortal, well, only until his life goes the way he pla... More

Chapter one: The girl
chapter two: staying
chapter three: sing for me
Chapter four: Pranks and revenge
Chapter five: A day out
Chapter six: The nightmare
Chapter seven: The Auditions
Chapter Eight: The dream again
Chapter nine: Erik meets Addie's friends
Chapter ten: Love Never Dies
Chapter eleven: Erik meets Milo
chapter twelve: Erik's gift
Chapter thirteen: Milo meets Addie
Chapter fourteen: Milo's choice
Chapter fifteen: Saying goodbye
Chapter Seventeen: a distraction
Chapter Eighteen: Erik meets Addie's mum again
Chapter Nineteen: the wedding
Chapter Twenty: pregnancy days
Chapter twenty-one: The End

chapter sixteen: moving in

305 8 0
By TheCreator900

Before we started moving in, (Y/N) dropped by the Grammar School to see if I could become a teacher there which they said yes.

We arrived at the house which surprisingly was quite close to the school so that was helpful. After talking to the landlord who was already there when we arrived, we explored the house. There were three bedrooms, two bathrooms, one in one of the bedrooms and the other in the hallway, a kitchen, a dining room and a living room. Just like the landlord said, there was already furniture and other necessary essentials. Thank you, Monsieur Sullivan.

(A/N: I don't have any pictures of the house at the moment but I will as soon as I get them so for now, you can use your imagination)

"Decent sized house," Katelyn said.

"It'll do," Addie said.

They talked some more but I wasn't paying attention since I was looking out the window in the dining room at the field with three horses roaming around freely.
(A/N: the horses)

They looked so peaceful. (Y/N) was right, it was very peaceful up here. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard music playing.  I looked into the living room to see (Y/N) and Katelyn with their hands on their hips.

I clapped along with Addie once they bowed.

"Impressive," I said.

"Impressive but hard," Katelyn said out of breath, "took us years to learn every step off by heart."

"Do you do the same kind of dancing Addie?" I asked.

"I do not, I was stuck with Joe Davis Dancing," she answered.

"I remember you telling us the Dance teacher was a bit of a cow," (Y/N) said.

"Yep," Addie said popping the 'p'.

"Why do you say it like that?" I asked.

"21st century way of talking," Katelyn said, "we don't exactly talk the way everyone did in the 19th century."

"And people are swearing a lot more, that includes teenagers," Addie said, "so good luck in the grammar school."

"Thank you for the warning," I said sitting next to Addie.

"No problem," she said.

(Time skip)

We were walking around town later that day. We were walking passed the St. Magnus Cathedral when I noticed Katelyn's Sempai close by with another girl. Unfortunately for us, Katelyn noticed this.

"She dares to be with my Sempai!" Katelyn said almost running up to them but we stopped her.

"No, you fucking don't" (Y/N) said.

"Cathedral, now," Addie told us.

We got her in the Cathedral and calmed her down.

"Is this considered normal?" I asked once she was calmed down.

"Get used to it," Katelyn said walking passed us away from the door.

I was getting rather nervous in the Cathedral after a few minutes. Last time I was in a church, I was about two or three years old and my mother took me to there to ask God to fix my face but, when one of the sisters saw my face, they told my mother I was indeed a spawn of the devil. Not long after that, she sold me to the travelling fair where I spent most of my childhood. I walked around looking at the stained glass, some gravestones and even, I think, a picture story about the man who was named after the Cathedral.

"Do you know who that is?" A man asked from me making me turn around. It was the minister of the Cathedral.

"No, I don't," I said.

"That is St. Magnus," he said.

"I probably should have guessed," I said turning back to the picture.

"Follow me," he said walking away to which I followed.

He led me to a pillar and said, "in this pillar is St. Magnus' remains."

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"Someone found his skull along with some of his bones inside and the reason we know it is St. Magnus is because there is a giant crack on the side of the skull where the axe hit him the day he died," he told me.

I just stayed silent and looked at the pillar.

"Are you a friend of Miss Crystal, Miss Long and Miss (Y/L/N)?" He asked.

"Yes, but in love with Miss Long," I said.

"I've known those three lasses for years, they have always been the greatest of friends," he said with a smile.

"I find them rather odd," I said, "but they have been the greatest friends I've had in years."

"Why do you wear a mask?" He asked.

"To hide what the devil has cursed me with," I replied.

"May I have a look?" He asked.

I hesitated but eventually took my mask off.

"You believe this was giving to you by the devil?" He asked.

"My mother was the one who'd always tell me that, that I started to believe it," I told him.

"God created us all in his own image," he said, "I believe he created you to see what people thought of you my son."

"Maybe you're right," I said putting my mask back on, "but I'm still self-conscious."

"I understand," he said with a smile.

(Y/N) ran up to us and said, "we have a problem."

"What's wrong my child?" The minister asked her.

"Addie... she was visiting her dad... her mum was there... by now they must have... started arguing," she said in between breaths.

We rushed to Addie's dad's grave to see that Addie and her mother had indeed started arguing. I don't recall what Addie said but it seemed to offend her mother enough to slap her.

"Miss Long!" The minister said gaining her attention, "why would you hit young Addison?"

"My selfish daughter said I failed as a parent," she said.

Addie ran into my arms away from her mother.

"I believe you have," I told her.

"Who are you exactly?" She asked.

"He's her boyfriend," (Y/N) told her with anger and hate in her voice, "and he knows exactly how you've treated Addie!"

"That was supposed to be a secret between us two," Addie's mum said to Addie.

"Haven't you said enough to her?" I asked.

"Erik," Addie said making me look down at her since she was a little smaller than me, "can we just go?"

"Yes," I said simply before walking away with Addie.

We walked to the Peedie Sea and walked around the main lake in silence.

"Sorry you had to witness that," Addie said breaking the silence.

"Don't think about it Addie," I told her, "she will never be the mother you wished you had."

"I can't help but think about it," she said hugging herself, "she's put me through hell for years and I don't want you to witness the rest with me."

"I will keep you safe from your mum just like I promised with Milo," I said stopping her.

"I hope so," she said dropping her hands to her sides.

I brought her in for a kiss which she returned. I felt her smile into the kiss which made me smile as well. We were interrupted by a duck quacking at us.

"That will be similar to our children's reaction if we have any" Addie whispered to me smirking.

I just smiled and kissed her forehead.

(A/N: next chapter is going to be amazing, stay tuned)

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