Chapter Seventeen: a distraction

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We arrived home after a while and Addie introduced me to the television. We watched a few films and some quiz shows. We tried to answer the question but we got most of them wrong. After watching another film we headed to bed. When Addie finished getting ready for bed, she came in and I had to look away.

"When will you wear proper clothes?" I asked.

"When will you wear proper clothes?" I asked

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"I can wear what I like," she told me.

"I know it's just, your choice of nightwear is rather revealing," I said.

"In your case maybe but nowadays, revealing is an outfit that shows a lot more skin than I'm showing," Addie told me, "sometimes close to nothing."

"Why do you tell me these things?" I asked.

"Good question," she said.

I looked over to her and said, "I have seen you in worse."

"You mean topless?" She asked getting into bed.

"Yes," I replied getting in bed next to her.

(Time skip)

It's been little over a year since we moved to Kirkwall and everything has been going good. We haven't heard any more from Addie's mum, the children in the Grammar school enjoy my music lessons, (Y/N) is now in love with a boy called (C/N), Addie is happier with our new life and Katelyn has finally gotten her Sempi to notice her but, they're not in love yet, just good friends. Today was a workday which, that day, wasn't a good thing. I was really distracted today because of a thought that has been bouncing around my mind for a while now but it's bothering me more than it should today. Two weeks ago today, I made the decision to ask Addie to marry me but I've been so scared to ask her incase she says no. One of my students must have seen how distracted I was today because in the middle of my class they raised their hand.

"Yes, David?" I asked.

"Are you alright Mr Destler?" He asked, "you look distracted."

"Yes, I am a little distracted today but, it's nothing to be concerned about," I told him before returning to the lesson.

(Time skip)

I was listening to the other teachers talk about some of their students at lunch later that day but I wasn't listening. I was still asking myself if I should propose to Addie but also wondered what would happen if she said no.

"Erik? Erik!" Erland, the school's English teacher said gaining my attention.

"Sorry Erland, what were you saying?" I asked.

"Are you alright Erik?" Sofia, the school's maths teacher asked.

"I don't know," I admitted, "I've been distracted all day."

"What has been distracting you?" Erland asked.

"Personal things" I replied simply.

"You can tell us" Henry, the school's science teacher said.

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