Chapter Eight: The dream again

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A week after the Auditions I found out that Milo got Raoul's role which I wasn't too pleased about but I'm going to have to deal with it for now. I was watching rehearsals today because Erik wanted it to be a surprise for him on opening night. At some point during the rehearsals, I fell asleep. Apparently, I'm not the type of person to sit through almost an entire day of rehearsals.


I was on the stage, nothing but darkness surrounded me. Suddenly I felt someone watching me so I turned around and saw Milo staring at me.

"You said we'd be together forever and yet you leave me and fall in love with a freak!" Milo said, anger evident in his voice.

"I left you because you were too overprotective of me and I'd rather be with the one you call a freak than you!" I said.

"Very well, we'll see what he thinks of you after I'm finished with you!" He said pulling out a knife from his pocket.

I ran as fast as I could to try get away from him but just like last time, I tripped over something making me fall on my face. I looked up to see a wall that wasn't there before. I turned to see Milo behind me, backing me up against the wall.

"Milo please, stay away from me" I begged but it didn't work.

"I'm going to make sure no one will ever love you again," he said raising the knife above his head.

I closed my eyes waiting for the knife to hit me but I felt nothing. I opened my eyes to see Milo with a Punjab lasso around his neck and Erik behind him tightening it around Milo's neck.

"Erik!" I said making him look down at me, "don't kill him!"

"Addie, wake up!" He said.

*end of dream*

I woke up to see Erik kneeling next to me, his right hand on my shoulder and his left hand on mine.

"How is it that every time I leave you alone for long periods of time, I find you asleep?" He asked me.

"I don't know," I said rubbing my eyes with my free hand.

"Do you wake up in the middle of the night without me knowing?" He asked.

"Sometimes," I said not really wanting to give him a full answer since I was still tired.

"Come, let's get back to the lair," he said standing up.

I was too tired to walk back so I lifted my arms and made grabby hands basically telling him to carry me back. He picked me up bridal style and I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder where I fell asleep again.

Erik's POV:

When we got back to the lair, I put Addie in the swan bed and left her to rest. Because I was curious, I took Addie's phone to see how it worked. While I was looking through something called, someone called (Y/N) called which made me jump a little. I eventually figured out how to answer it and I saw two girls on the screen. One with (H/L), (H/C), (E/C) and (S/C). Next to her was a girl with blond hair that when past her shoulders a little and blue eyes.

"Hello there," the (H/C) haired girl said.

"Hello," I said, "are you Addie's friends?"

"Yes we are," they said together.

"Addie hasn't told me your names so, care to introduce yourselves?" I asked.

"I'm (Y/N)" (Y/N) said.

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