chapter twelve: Erik's gift

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(A/N: Art isn't mine, credit to original artist)

I was happy sleeping next to Addie until we were woken up by (Y/N) holding an air horn.

"Get your asses up and help me" (Y/N) told us.

"You had to wake us up with an air horn?" Addie asked.

"Yes! Now get up!" She said almost dragging Addie out of bed.

"Alright, alright, I'm getting up," Addie said getting out of bed.

I followed the two into the main room where we heard muffled shouts and screams. Addie and I looked over the rail where they were coming from to find Katelyn tied up with something over her mouth.

"Don't tell me" Addie said looking over to (Y/N).

"Good thing I brought duct tape with me otherwise we'd be in big trouble," she said showing us a roll of duct tape.

"Give me her phone," Addie told (Y/N).

(Y/N) tossed Addie Katelyn's phone and started looking through something called Instagram. She kept looking through Instagram until she stopped on a picture of a boy with brown hair and blue eyes and a girl with blue and brown hair and brown eyes. She sighed and went over to Katelyn ripping the duct tape off her mouth.

"Ow!" Katelyn shouted.

"Your Sempi is with his cousin, not a random girl," Addie told her seriously.

"Oh," Katelyn said.

"'Oh'?" (Y/N) said shocked "you almost left to go on a killing spree AGAIN AND you ripped up Erik's drawings of Christine in complete anger and all you can say is 'oh'?"

"You did what!?" I asked shocked and angry.

"I ripped up your old drawings of Christine, sorry," Katelyn said in almost a whisper.

I looked over to my desk area to see all my drawings ripped up and scattered all over the place, somewhere even in the lake. I walked over to the drawings, kneeled down and picked one of them up. I couldn't exactly get mad at Katelyn for doing this, I was planning to get rid of them anyway but I didn't say anything, I just continued looking at Christine's face.

"Next time, break your phone" I heard (Y/N) tell Katelyn.

I heard Addie walk over to me and put her hand on my shoulder. I looked up at her as she knelt down next to me.

"I've said this to Milo and I'll say it to you too," Addie said, "you need to move on Erik."

"I have moved on," I told her standing up, dropping the drawing, "I'm not mad at you Katelyn for doing this."

"You're not?" Katelyn asked while (Y/N) untied her.

"No, I was hoping to get rid of them anyway," I told her.

After we picked up all the drawings and put them away, Katelyn asked, "so how was Love Never Dies?"

"It was enjoyable," I said.

"After seeing Gustave, would you consider having kids with Addie?" (Y/N) asked.

"Maybe," I said, "I'd just have to make sure Addie would be okay with it when I'm certain I'd like to have children of my own."

"It would depend if I'm willing to go through hours of pain after nine months," Addie said.

"That's true" (Y/N) said shifting in her seat uncomfortably.

"That's is probably the top reason I regret learning sex education," Katelyn said.

"Whoever didn't get taught sex ed is a lucky son of a bitch" (Y/N) said.

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