Chapter Twenty: pregnancy days

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I woke up with Addie in my arms after last night's events. While she slept, I played with her slightly tangled hair while replaying yesterday in my mind. I watched her stir before rolling over to look at me.

"Good morning," she said.

"Good morning Angel," I said smiling.

She cuddled up to me laying on my chest. I stroked her hair savouring the moment while it lasted.

"As much as I'd love to stay in bed with you, we have to get up and shower," I told her.

She groaned but got off my chest so I could get out of bed. Addie eventually got out of bed but she seemed a bit wobbly.

(Time skip)

Addie just came out of the bath since she wanted to relax after last night.

"I think you enjoyed last night a bit too much," I said when she entered the living room almost unable to walk in a straight line.

"Maybe," she said sitting on the sofa.

(Time skip six weeks later)

Addie's POV:

I woke up early this morning feeling nauseous. I quickly got out of bed, threw the bathroom door open waking Erik and started throwing up in the toilet. Erik came to my side holding my hair back and rubbing my back.

"That's it," Erik said, "let it all out."

Once I had finished, I cleaned myself up and got back into bed.

"Feeling a little better?" Erik asked coming to my side.

"Yeah" I replied.

I made a mental note to get a pregnancy test later.

(Time skip)

After I managed to convince Erik I was well enough to go out, we went shopping for food but we went to Boots first to get a test but I told him I was getting throat soothers. I bought two tests to be sure.

(Time skip)

When we got home, I took the test and it was positive. I was about to tell Erik but first, I called (Y/N) and Katelyn telling them to come over. When they arrived, we all sat in the living room.

"Why did you call us over?" Katelyn asked.

"I'm curious to why you called them over," Erik said since I didn't tell him what's going on.

"I have something to tell you that may surprise you," I told them.

"What is it?" (Y/N) asked.

"Well, I took a test before I called you over and well... the test told me that..... I'm pregnant!" I told them.

"Wait what?!" (Y/N) and Katelyn asked.

"I'm pregnant," I repeated.

"Oh my God!" (Y/N) and Katelyn said over and over again jumping up and down.

Erik was speechless, to say the least. He was just staring at me with his eyes wide and his jaw hitting the floor.

"This.... t-this is m-my child?" He asked pointing at my soon to be swollen stomach.

"Yes," I said smiling.

"I... I-I'm going to be a f-father?" He asked looking up at me.

"Yes," I said.

He just kept smiling and repeating that he was going to be a dad.

(Time skip)

I was now twelve weeks pregnant and my baby bump started to show.

"About time you came," I told my bump while rubbing it.

I put on a shirt on that would show my bump and walked into the kitchen where Erik was making breakfast.

"How are you this morning?" I asked hugging him from behind.

"I'm alright" he answered, "what about you?"

"I'm alright," I told him, "and someone has finally decided to show."

I turned him around so he could see my bump.

"Is this?" He asked looking at my stomach.

"Our child," I said smiling.

(Time skip)

Lately, I've been having really strange cravings. Today I was making a crisp sandwich with orange slices and mayonnaise. I walked into the living room where Erik was watching TV.

"What are you eating?" Erik asked when I sat next to him.

"Orange, crisp and mayo sandwich," I told him.

"Are you supposed to be eating that?" He asked.

"Our kid has been giving me strange cravings so yes," I said taking a bite of my sandwich.

(Time skip)

Erik was sleeping by my side when I felt a kick coming from my stomach causing me to wake up. I looked at the clock to see it was an hour until Erik was supposed to get up for work. I felt the baby kick again which made me sit up before waking Erik.

"Erik, Erik wake up," I said shaking him.

"What is it?" Erik asked in a very sexy morning voice.

"Our baby's kicking," I told him.

He turned to me and sat up, "really?"

"Yes," I said putting his hand on the spot the baby kicked.

It was a little while before they kicked again and when they did, Erik's face lit up.

"Quite active this morning," Erik said.

"Yes," I said.

(Time skip)

It was almost time for our child to arrive and I swear Erik was more nervous than I was. If the baby kicked and I showed it hurt, he would go full-on panic mode asking me if the baby was coming which I would say no. Today was one of those days. I was making dinner and Erik was in the same room making a cup of tea. The baby kicked my bladder and it hurt. Erik saw that I was in a bit of pain and went up to me.

"Addie! Are you alright?" He asked.

"For the millionth time Erik, I'm fine," I told him, "the baby isn't due for another week."

"I'm sorry Addie," he said, "I'm just nervous that the baby will come early."

"I know," I said giving him a hug, "if it helps, I can have (Y/N) and Katelyn here so they can take us to the hospital when the baby does come."

"Yes, that would help," he said gently hugging me back.

(A/N: yeah this chapter was pretty short but hey, doesn't matter, see you next chapter)

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