Nanbaka Oneshots/Preferences...

By BetterTasteThenNed

222K 4.2K 1K

I recently got into this AWESOME anime(Yeah, the anime. So no characters exclusively from the manga yet, sorr... More

Preference #1
Preference #2
Preference #3
Preference #4
Preference #5
Preference #6
Preference #7 Part 1
Preference #7. Part 2
Preference #8
Preference #9
Preference #10
Preference #11
Preference #12
Liang x Inmate!Reader || A Nightmare
Samon x Guard!Reader || Your Bleeding Heart
Honey and Trois x Inmate!Reader || Please Dont Start Treating Me Differently
Hajime x NewGuard!Reader || 5 Years Down The Road
Qi x NonInmate!Upa'sSister!Reader || Upa's Big Sister
Trois x NoneInmate!Reader || I Like This Version Of You Better
Kenshirou x Guard!Reader || Heartbreak Prison
Inori x Guard!Reader || Good Girl
Kiji x Guard!Reader || There Will Be No Pushing
Uno x Inmate!Reader || Zero Sexual Tension
Building 5 Inmates x MultipleInmate!Reader || Terrible Days
Ruka x NonGuard!Reader || Enki
Honey x ExGirlfriend!NonInmate!Reader || Reckless. Part 1
Prince!Trois x Commoner!Reader || Harem
Inori x Inmate!Reader || I Can Hope
Qi x Inmate!Reader || Only Girl In The Prison
Uno x NonInmate!Reader || Don't Have To Be A Bunch A Drama
Liang x Inmate!Reader || APH
Rock x Inmate!Reader || The Right Guy
Upa x NonInmate!Reader || Qi's Little Sister
Guard!Ruka x Guard!Reader || Keep Trying
Liang x NonInmate!Reader || Back
Rock x Inmate!Reader || So I Can Lie
Honey x Ex Girlfriend!NonInmate!Reader || Reckless. Part 2
Musashi x Inmate!Flirty!Reader || Mansion With A View
Nanbaka Zodiac Game #1
Nanbaka Zodiac Game #2
APH Romano/Honey
Honey x Trois: Through The Ages
Fuji San and Kusatsu x Inmate!Reader || Let The Lady Bathe!
Honey x NonInmate!Reader || Come And Get Me
Nanbaka Zodiac Game #3
Kenshirou x Guard!Reader || Flowers
Trois x NonInmate!Reader || One Nights Big Adventure
Nanbaka Zodiac Game #4
Its Raining Men!
Different Parent Styles Part 1:
Difference in Parent Styles Part 2: Enabling Your Childs Pervy Tendencies
Uno x Inmate!Reader || You're Gorgeous
Nanbaka: Hetalia Actor Connections
Crossover! J Michael Tatum Swap
Fanfic Idea
Honey and Trois x Inmate!Reader || Nightmares
Nanbaka: Fairy Tail Actor Connections. Part 1
Building 3 x Inmate!Reader || The Knight, the Prince, and the King
Qi x Prostitute!LaterInmate!Reader || A Horrible Ending? Or A New Beginning?
Nanbaka Edits/Collages
Nanbaka Zodiac #6
More Nanbaka Edits/Collages
Building 5(Sans Samon) x Inmate!Reader || Hajime's Hellish Day
Random Short Drabbles (Rock, Trois, Jyugo)
Oneshot || Nanba Primary School!
Nanbaka Zodiac Game #5
Seitarou x Inmate!Reader x Uno || Change
Inmates x Inmate!Reader || Drinking Contest, Inori Really Can Be A Useless Guard
Inmates x Inmate!Reader || Drinking Contest, Part 2
Poll: Who's the Prettiest?
Nanbaka: Paint It White!
Samon x Guard!Reader || I Really Want To Hit Him Now
Seer!Trois x NonInmate!Reader || Party Nightmare
Kiji x Reader || Pretty Hurts
HOW ARE YA'LL? + Explanation
Pokemon / Nanbaka Crossover
Moving Accounts
*swear word*

OutOfJail!Rock x NonInmate!Reader x OutOfJail!Uno || After Prison

1.8K 21 4
By BetterTasteThenNed

All the inmates have finished their sentences now for this oneshot ^^ 

And, can I just mention how hard it is to get anywhere close to creating the kind of  charisma that leaks off of Uno's character like a radioactive paper box without pictures!? Especially since in this Oneshot I'm basing his character more off of his manga version. I find that he's much more hyper there, even though the voice actor and animators did a great job with him in the manga. There's just something about Shou's art style, man. Its amazing. 


You really didn't mean to hear anything, but you did as you walked past your bosses study to get to the kitchen. You heard muffled raised voices, because of course if it was yelling you would have heard clearly, and then you just had bad enough luck to run into someone's as they leave the room. He's tall, scary looking in a handsome way with short hair and strong yellow eyes. Disappointed, he focuses his eyes on the skirting board on the other side of the hallways to him and fixes his jacket for distraction. "That's what I get for trying with that man," He shakes his head, already calming down considerably from whatever heat was going on in that room. 

Silently, you try to pass him but at the moment that you're due to slip past him he moves to leave, and you collide. "Ah! Sorry, ma'am," He puts his hands on your shoulders gently to guide you both to a more comfortable distance from each other. You blush pink. 

"Me too! Sorry, I saw you, I should have given you right of way, hah." 

"No, no, it was both of our fault." He grins, which is just so kind that you cant help giving it back. "Anyway, no harm done." 

"No, I guess not. Sorry, anyway." You tilt your head apologetically, your smile calming down to a self satisfied, half smile. "I was just heading to get the Boss his... " You're eyes glance up at the hallway clock, above the hallway mantle. "Afternoon, tea." 

"Oh, man, you work for him?" The man puts his hands in the pockets of his jacket, and blows out from full cheeks in an unfortunate way. "You're new?" 

"I dunno about new... I've been here for about a year, now." 

"Oh, wow. Nice work ethic!" He smiles again, and your heart starts to feel the pressure of it. So handsome! So kind! What is this black magic!? When he offers his hand, which is huge and calloused, you think this is the best working day ever. "I'm Rock. I used to live here, a while back." 

You take the hand, and enjoy the firmness for a moment. "You must be the son, then? I heard about you!" You exclaim, excited. Because, of course you did. The other maids and cleaners, the ones who were around for years always made jokes about 'If the son was here'. Lots of stuff about how nice he was, and considerate towards the employee pool. You have to say, they were right. he is lovely. 

"Yep, that's me. I bet you heard some pretty iffy stuff, huh?" Rock chuckles nervously, rubbing the back of his neck with the hand he had shaken yours with. "I was a bit of a terror... " 

"What? No, they all say you were really nice to them." You smile, watching his expression brighten immediately. 

"Oh, good then! Hey, I don't want you to get in trouble here so let me help you with the tea. You can catch me up with the others, I've got some things to apologise for." 

You nod, and giggle as the two of you head off to the kitchen. "I'm sure its fine, but sure! So, where have you been all this time, mystery boy?" 


"Oh, wow." 

___Time Skip!___

"Hey, there, beautiful. Mind if I sit here?" An energetic, brightly coloured guy appears before you in the mall food court. It surprises you that he's just come up and started talking to you, hand on the chair he intends to take across from you. Here you were, eating hot chips and reading off your phone, and here's this beautiful guy come to talk to you. 

Your eyes glance around the room. Where are the cameras? This has to be some kind of prank? 

Quickly, though, you stop that and nod, putting your phone in your back pocket politely. "Ahh, no problem! No other seats free? And, uh, thank you." 

As he flashes you a grin and sits down, you take in his appearance better. He seems to be a pretty normal guy- nothing evidently scary about him. Long, pretty blonde and pink braided hair, bright blue eyes, jeans and leather jacket. And a stripy hat with the number 11 on it to pull the whole thing together. 

Maybe he's a murderer. I mean, those all look normal don't they? 

"Names Uno. Hope you don't mind my sitting here with you, but I couldn't let a pretty girl sit all alone like that, a weirdo might approach you." His grin turns joking, and one look into those heartbreaker blue eyes and you know you wont mention that he may very well be a weirdo. Instead, you grin back and think hard on something to say. 

"Aha... well, that was gallant of you." 

"I guess that makes me your Knight in shining armour, hey?" He winks. 

Oh god, you've been shot. 

Right through the heart! 

Why are you meeting such handsome boys lately, where did they come from? Some magical land where they grow attractive men from the ground like beanstalks?? (Author: *Cough* Its called Nanba Prison)

"I guess so. How will I repay you... " You remember your hot chips, and gasp, offering him to box cutely. "Oh, yeah, here!" Uno chuckles at your adorableness, and takes one and starts munching. 

"So, what were you reading there? Texts from a boyfriend, maybe?" He's definitely fishing. This Uno is not a subtle guy, and even you, can pick up on it. 

"Oh, why?" You giggle, chewing on a chip yourself. 

"So there's not a boyfriend! Great! My favourite kinda girl, apart from my girl which is, unfortunately, an empty position right now. Maybe you want to fill it?" 

You just laugh. 

___Time Skip___

... honestly, you should have seen this coming. 

I mean, how many men are called 'Rock'? 

Uno told you that some of his friends were going to be here when you came over, and that they were called Jyugo, Nico and Rock. How many people are called Rock, other then the one you knew??

"And, this is Rock!" Uno introduces you, as he walks your through his apartment to get the tea he wanted to show you. You stop, and waive cheerfully, especially at Rock. Uno does a double take, stopping as well. 

"Hey, Y/N!" The behemoth comes forward and wraps you up in a one armed hug against his chest, before easily letting go again. Its nice to see him! You've been texting, of course, nearly every day but its much nicer to see him in person. And it seems he feels the same way, if the huge smile on his face is anything to go by. "How's it going?" 

"All good here, you?" 

"Awesome, its great to see you!" 

"You too!! We shouldn't go so long without meeting up again," You laugh, because it's true. texting can only be so nice. He shakes his head, agreeing. 

"A... " Uno looks lost, but like he desperately wants to cut in here. So, he travels to stand between the two of you, and looks from you to Rock curiously, multiple times. "This is nice, isn't it?" You and Rock watch as he breathes deeply. Jyugo and Nico just sit on the couch, watching the scene. You swear you see them take bets. "... Now one of you wanna explain to me why you're so chummy!?

Oh, lord. Were you rude? Should you have explained right away how you know Rock, instead of greeting him? Dang, you hate situations like this! "Oh, sorry Uno!! I work for his Dad, and we met a couple weeks ago! I've been texting Rock since! Honestly, it was stupid of me not to mention it before. I mean, how many people are called Rock?" You chuckle, but look earnestly to Uno, putting a hand on his arm. Rock pats his shoulder too. 

"Yeah, man. This is a pretty funny coincidence though, right?" 

"Hah... yeah... " Uno looks cutely overwhelmed. By what? You have no idea. This isn't that confusing a situation. Squeezing his arm a bit comfortingly, you decide to get going. 

You start leading Uno to his kitchen. "Hey Uno, how about we get that tea? I gotta get going to work anyway, it was nice meeting you guys!" You flash a smile at Nico and Jyugo. 

"Yeah, you too man." 

"Nice meeting you too Y/N!" 

"And, see you soon Rock!" You waive one last time, before disappearing into the kitchen with Uno, leaving a happy Rock and too cheeky looking friends behind in the living room. Once you two are in the kitchen, you let him go after a minute and he goes back to his normal, extroverted self. He flirts with you, gives you the tea, holds your hand all the way back out to the front door and then you leave. Normal! 

Its what happens after you leave that isn't normal. 


Smiling, I waive Y/N off on her way all the way down the driveway, then slam the door and storm back to the livingroom. "ROOOOOOCKKKKK!!!" 

"Oh, here we go." 

"You know Y/N?! Why didn't you tell me!?" I yell, pouncing for him. He leans out of the way though and end up kissing the wall. 

"How was I supposed to know my Y/N was the same girl?" He asks, dumbfounded and deadpanned. His Y/N?! 

"I'm surprised Rock and Uno have the same taste in girls," Nico says to the room, and Jyugo crosses his arms and nods in agreement. 

"That's some pretty bad luck." 

I squint at him, dealing my best greasy. Who's side is he on!? "Why are you smirking!?" 

"This is amusing!" 

"I hate you!" 

Jyugo just sticks his tongue out back at me. Stuck! His tongue! At me!! Ohh, my greasy just intensifies... 

"Hey, Uno." Rock gets my attention, and I raise my eyebrows at him so he'll say what he wants. He crosses his arms, and looks uncomfortable for a moment. "Do you... do you like Y/N? Like, really like? 'Cuz, you like a lot of girls... " 

I sigh, and bow my head and pout. "I like Y/N." 

He sets frown on his face. "So do I." 

What are we going to do? Slowly, my gaze shifts to my phone, sitting on the coffee table in front of Jyugo's feet. Rock follows my gaze, and catches on. Jyugo and Nico back up to the other end of the couch to avoid collision. Rock's and my eyes meet again, like a duel of the gazes, and then we both turn to the phone and jump for it. 


My phone starts ringing just as I get on my half an hour break, confusing me. Who could want to talk to me right now? Oh, no. I hope its not bad news! 

Quickly, I put down my sandwich, wipe off my hands of crumbs and pick up the phone. I see Uno's number, and raise an eyebrow. I just saw you! Uno, this is a whole new form of clingy... Giggling, I press 'answer' anyway and press the phone to my ear. "Hey!" 

"Hey, I have a question." Confusion makes its presence known when I realise that that is not Uno's voice. It is familiar, though... maybe its one of the guys who were with him earlier? In the background of the all, I hear some other noises. Ruffling, banging, and a- was that a crash?!

"Who is this??" 


"Oh." Should I be relieved that its not an armed robber or murderer? Or still worried? "What... what's up?" I'm so confused. Was that another crash!?!? "What are the noises?!?" 

"Oh, just Uno and Rock being idiots. Uno can throw a pillow really hard when he wants to. Which is surprising with those scrawny arms of his... " 

I'm even more confused now. "Why is Uno throwing pillows??" 

"Because they're fighting over you, Y/N!" Another voice calls through the phone. Nico? "They're in looooooove." 

"SHUT UP, NICO- WHAT ARE YOU DOING JYUGO?!" Rock's voice interrupts all the noises in the background, loud and clear but definitely not near the phone.  "WHO'S ON THE PHONE!?" 

"... no one." Jyugo mutters, and I have to take my head away from the phone a moment and hold my breath for a moment to keep from laughing. When I put my ear back to the receiver, I hear another pillow thump, Jyugo makes a pathetic 'ack!' sound, and the phone goes down clattering to the ground. Quickly, though I hear the winds of it being picked up again and Nico's voice is back. 

"Sorry about that, Y/N! So, who do you like? Uno or Rock?" 

... what? 

Embarrassment wells in my tummy and I stay silent. 


"Uh-uhhh... " Well, I know who I like and who I just see as a friend... but am I ready to confess it... like this?! What if this is all a trick!?! 

"Don't worry, Y/N-chan! It'll be fine!" 

That's not as comforting as he thinks its is, with no evidence of the latter but... "Umm, Nico, could you please give the phone to (Rock or Uno)?" 

"Oooh, okay! Gotcha!" 



In a few short moments, Rock speaks into the phone and a door shuts behind him. He's left the room. You're alone. "Hey, Y/N. I'm sorry about this, are you working?" He sounds genuinely worried, so you quickly tell him you're on your break. He relaxes a little. "Oh, thank god. I'm still sorry, though. To bother you like this... " 

"Its okay, Rock." You giggle. "They're cute." 

"Well, I'm glad you think so." 

Grinning, you roll a bit of the paper towel that's sitting under your sandwich between your fingers. Suddenly, you don't feel nervous. "Hey, Rock?" 


"Do you wanna go on a date sometime soon? It was really nice seeing you in person today." Warmth fills your heart and makes you smile. Especially when he immediately has to start clearing his throat and stuttering. 

You do hear a 'Yes' somewhere there amongst the mess of nervous syllables and sounds though, making you giggle good heartedly at his silliness. 


A second passes before you hear the phone get snatched up, like Uno literally leaped at it from across the room. Another moment passes, in which you don't hear anything but just know he's fixing his hair. Then he talks. "Heyyyyy, Y/N! What's up? I didn't know you were on the phone! Aha, haha," 

"Aha... " Yeah, right. "Well, I have been. And, Nico had something pretty interesting to say... " 

"Oh?" He sounds innocent, then his voice drops several octaves into a sinister drawl and you imagine he turns to look at said green haired cutie with a look to freeze over hell. A nervous giggling can be heard vaguely through the phone. "Really?

"Yeah, and I was wondering, do you wanna stop playing games and beating around the bush and go out sometime?" 

"G-... Go out?" His voice is smiling, but like he just wants to make absolute sure he understood you right. 

"Yeah," You grin. "Like on a date." Quickly, you rush to clarify. As if it needed it. "With me, if you want. I mean-" 

"YeeeaaaaAAAAAAHHHHHHHSSSSS, Y/NNNN!" You have to hold the phone away from your ear, as the excitable boy with the long, long hair jumps right on in to plans that you don't quite hear right now, because he's talking so fast, but are glad for and are sure you're going to get in text form later. 

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