I'm Tired Of This(Peter Parke...

By DrewStat22

48.1K 992 261

There was a kid. Neither one of them knew it at the time, but when Steve Rogers went under Peggy was pregnant... More

Cast List
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 7

2.6K 50 17
By DrewStat22

When the group touched down on the Avenger's tower Steve instantly goes to grad the still sleeping Juliet but he is too late. Tony had already grabbed Juliet and was walking down the platform to get into the building. It was cold and Juliet was only wearing a long paper like dress, Tony doesn't know why he grabbed her but he felt this connection to this kid. He remembers everyone in his family talking about her, this girl that they all so adored until she went missing. He understands now why they had loved her so much; she was like an angel.

Steve was shocked to see his daughter held by Tony; he didn't know how to feel about Tony getting to his daughter before him. First Tony finds the base, then he finds Juliet in the cyro chamber, and now Tony is bringing her into the Avengers tower. Steve really didn't know how to feel about Tony's fast-growing relationship with his daughter. 'Why am I so jealous of Tony right now?' Steve thinks to himself. Something didn't sit right with him, he wanted Juliet all to himself! I mean he just met His Daughter for the first time, shouldn't he be the one that gets to hold her!

Natasha watches this whole situation happen from the front of the jet and gets full view of Steve jealous expression. She also doesn't understand why Tony took to Juliet so fast but she can't say anything. Natasha also has fallen for the young girl in the matter of minutes of meeting her. She would do anything for this girl, if that meant giving her life then so be it. Juliet somehow misled her way into the assassins steel heart, and the most untrusting person on the planet.

"Steve you shouldn't be jealous of Tony."

"I'm not jealous."

"I am a spy Steve; I can see that was a lie from a mile away. Hell, Bruce would have been able to tell that was a lie."

"Whatever Natasha."

"Steve what's wrong." Natasha doesn't have to ask this question to know what was wrong, but she wanted to hear it come from Steve.

"Nothing" Steve starts to walk into the building but Natasha stops him. He turns around and glares at her because he doesn't want to be too far behind his daughter. Lord forbid that Tony accidently drops her, or worse she wakes up in Tony's arms and not his.

"Come on Rogers just talk to me."

"I said it is nothing Natasha."

"Come on Steve, just tell me!"

"I just don't like it Okay!" Steve explodes.


"I don't like that he is the one to find her! I don't like that he is the one that knows her best! I defiantly don't like that he is taking MY daughter into a location that she doesn't know while she is asleep! She is my kid! I should be the one holding her right now as I walk into the building, but he got to her first! So far in just the day of knowing about my daughter he was the one to get to her first!"

"Steve is this really why you are jealous? Because he found her?"

"Yes, is this the answer you wanted! You wanted me to tell you what was wrong and here is what is wrong. I am the worst father in the world, I just found out about my daughter that is 14 years old! But in reality, she is more like 64 years old. What kind of dad am I?"

"A pretty bad ass dad! Did you forget you were Frozen In Ice for 70 years? Did that fact slip your mind? Carter and the rest of her family including the Starks thought you were DEAD. So obviously you couldn't meet your daughter, but look you found her, she is alive and well. Hell, Steve you automatically went into dad mode the moment you laid your eyes on her. So you need to get those stupid ideas out of your head."

Steve rolled his eyes and turned back around to walk inside the building. "You don't understand."

"That's right, I don't so explain it to me."

Before the two of them could get into a heated argument in the hallway they noticed that Tony waited for them at the elevator doors. Tony looks at the two of them with the most done face ever. He was tired of just standing in the same spot with an added 110 pounds in his arms. Tony made eye contact with Steve then looked down at Juliet.

"Hey Grandpa, wanna take your kid. My arms are starting to hurt plus she doesn't seem as comfortable in my arms." Right as the first sentence left his mouth Steve was in front of him taking his daughter from Tony's arms. Tony's arms weren't really hurting him at all but he had heard what Steve was telling Natasha and he kinda felt guilty. Yes, the Tony Stark felt guilty about grabbing Juliet before Steve could. Steve was right she is his kid and they deserve to get to know one another, and he certainly wasn't going to get between that relationship.

Steve adjusted Juliet in his arms and realized how cold she really was. He didn't really pay close attention to what she was wearing when they were at the Hydra base but now, he was pissed. She was in a frozen chamber and they only put her in a paper like dress! Steve felt Juliet cuddle into his arms and his warmth, after the Super Soldier Serum he has radiated a higher body temperature than normal people. It wasn't by much but it was enough for people to ask him if he was sick, never was he more grateful for his higher body temperature until now.

Tony pressed the down button for the elevator and everyone got onto the elevator. Tony made sure to press all of their designated floors. Yes, that is right every person has a whole floor dedicated for them. Tony's was one of the top floors, Natasha's is one of the lower level floors and Steve's is right in the middle. Well Steve and Juliet, now that Tony is thinking about it he needs to make a room design for her.

"So, Steve what is your plan right now? The kid is asleep but when she wakes up are you going to introduce her to everyone?"

"Probably not Tony. I want to help Juliet adjust to everything around her, I don't want her to have the same experience as I did."

"I guess that makes sense, but maybe you should introduce her to everyone soon."

"I have to agree with him Steve. The team is going to be suspicious on why you aren't around and they'll piece it together."

"Plus, we all know how loud Point break can be. She's going to want to meet everyone."

"How do you know that Stark? Because from what I remember you just met her today. Do I need to say more?"

Natasha can see how this situation is going to escalate very quickly. Steve is already very protective of his daughter and from their conversation outside. She knows that Steve already feels like a horrible father and now Tony trying to tell Steve what to do isn't a very good.

"Steve, take a breather."

"Why? He's the one telling me what to do with My Daughter."

"I'm not telling you to do anything Cap. I was just giving a suggestion."

"Ya well that sounds a lot like you telling me how to parent my kid. She's not yours Tony so back off."

Tony looks at Steve with shock and anger in his eyes. How dare Steve accuse Tony of trying to take his kid. Tony looks down at the was sleeping girl, he notices that she is starting to wake up. Right as Tony was going to fire back at Steve the elevator door opens to Tony's level. Tony looks at Juliet one last time before leaving the elevator without a word.

"Dad?" In Steve's anger he didn't even feel his daughter start to move and wake up. Upon hearing her voice, he looks down to see blue eyes that reflect his own looking at him with curiosity. He notices that she looks shocked to see him again.

"Yes doll?"

"I just thought..." She trails off and doesn't continue speaking her thoughts.

"What honey."

"I just thought that I was dreaming, that you weren't really here. I was still stuck in that place, and you were still dead." Juliet's voice cracks as her emotions get the best of her. She just can't believe that this is all real. This is all that she wished for when she was a kid and now, he is really here.

"Oh doll, I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you but now I am here. I don't plan on leaving any time soon." Steve can't take his eyes away from his daughter's face. She is the most beautiful person he has ever seen. How this amazing person is related to him he has no idea.

"Good because I can't lose you again."

"There are a couple things that I need to explain to you but let's get you set up."

"Set up where?" Right as she asks the elevator dings and the doors open to Steve's level of the tower.


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