The Phantoms new Angel of Mus...

By TheCreator900

12.6K 229 48

Erik Destler has been alive for 121 years. Why? He is immortal, well, only until his life goes the way he pla... More

Chapter one: The girl
chapter two: staying
chapter three: sing for me
Chapter four: Pranks and revenge
Chapter five: A day out
Chapter six: The nightmare
Chapter seven: The Auditions
Chapter Eight: The dream again
Chapter nine: Erik meets Addie's friends
Chapter ten: Love Never Dies
Chapter eleven: Erik meets Milo
chapter twelve: Erik's gift
Chapter fourteen: Milo's choice
Chapter fifteen: Saying goodbye
chapter sixteen: moving in
Chapter Seventeen: a distraction
Chapter Eighteen: Erik meets Addie's mum again
Chapter Nineteen: the wedding
Chapter Twenty: pregnancy days
Chapter twenty-one: The End

Chapter thirteen: Milo meets Addie

377 7 0
By TheCreator900

Addie was out of the lair so I was asking (Y/N) and Katelyn what Orkney was like. They told me it was a small island but it has nice landscapes as well as a lot of tourist sites. They told me how I might fit in quite well there because some of the people who lived in the town of Kirkwall were mentally and physically disabled.

"So I wouldn't be considered unusual in Orkney?" I asked them.

"I mean, you would be considered unusual but no one would say anything about it," Katelyn told me, "we are known to keep our opinions to ourselves."

"If you'd like, we could take you and Addie back to visit Orkney for a few weeks" (Y/N) suggested.

"That would be nice but.." I said before stopping making sure I was certain of my choice.

"But?" (Y/N) said urging me to continue.

"But perhaps instead of just visiting then coming back, we could live there," I said feeling confident about my decision.

"You'd like to move away from Paris?" Katelyn asked shocked at my decision.

"Have you talked to Addie about it?" Katelyn asked.

"Not yet but I'm hoping to tell her soon," I said.

"Is that the reason you asked about Orkney?" (Y/N) asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"I know a place for sale where you and Addie could live," (Y/N) said, "7 custicer crescent, it's on a hill and it's very quiet so you'll probably feel comfortable there."

"Do you know how much the house costs?" I asked.

"£452,000," she told me.

"I don't have that kind of money," I said.

"Neither do we," Katelyn said.

"Maybe the manager does" (Y/N) said and we just gave her a 'excuse me?' look, "think about it, how did he afford this place?"

"Good point," Katelyn said.

"I could talk to him about it but goodness knows of he will be generous enough to lend that much for a house," I said.

"Wouldn't hurt to try," Katelyn said.

"What about a job?" (Y/N) asked.

"I heard that the Grammar School are looking for someone to teach music," Katelyn said.

"I suppose I could teach music again," I said, "I'm going to talk to the Manager about the house. I'll be right back."

(Time skip)

I got to the Managers office and knocked on the door.

"Come in," Monsieur Sullivan said.

I walked in to see Monsieur Sullivan working on some papers until he looked up at me.

"Monsieur Phantom," he said standing up, "what can I do for you today."

"I was wondering if you could help me and my friend with something," I said closing the door.

"What is it Monsieur?" He asked.

"I'm considering leaving Paris with my friend and I was wondering if you could help pay for the house we plan on getting," I said hoping he would say yes.

"Of course!" He said, "and if it helps, I can pay for the furniture and other items."

"You're willing to help me and my friend?" I asked.

"Why wouldn't I?" He asked, "I'm happy that you wish to live a new life away France so I'll do anything to help you until you are able to handle it yourself."

"Thank you, Monsieur Sullivan," I said.

"Anytime my friend."

(Time skip)

We sorted everything out, now I just had to ask Addie if she'd like to move away with me so I texted her telling her to meet me on the roof at 3:00. I was there five minutes before her so I could be there for when she arrived.

Addie's POV:

I was making my way to the roof as Erik told me to when I bumped into Milo of all people.

"Addie?" He asked.

"Milo?" I asked pretending I never knew he was here.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I'd say the same thing," I said.

"I'm here to perform a show," he told me, "what about you?"

"I'm meeting a friend," I said.

"Who's your friend?" He asked.

"None of your God damn business!" I said walking passed him.

"I heard that you're seeing someone," he said making me stop.

I then remembered that I gave him the hint that I was with Erik.

"Who told you that?" I asked.

"A ghost called Jeanne Thomas" he answered.

"You'd believe a woman pretending to be a ghost?" I asked as I've never actually believed in the paranormal.

"So it's true?" Milo asked.

I turned to face him, "yes it's true, not that it should matter to you."

"It does matter to me because I still care about you!" He said.

"That's cute," I said sarcastically, "but can you care about someone that isn't me?"

"Why should I?" He asked.

"Because I don't care about you so do me a favour, haud yer wheesht and skedaddle aff!" I told him.

(A/N: for those who don't speak Scottish that basically means shut up and leave me alone)

"Fine!" Milo said before he left.

I heard him shout Jeanne's name before I left to find Erik. I quickly checked the time to see I was two minutes late. I arrived on top of the roof to see Erik there waiting for me.

"Sorry I'm late," I said to him, "I bumped into Milo on the way here."

"Did he harm you?" He asked placing his hands on my shoulders.

"Thankfully he didn't hurt me, but I have a feeling I'll have to become Jeanne again tonight," I told him whispering the last part in case Milo was here aswell.

"Good," he said with a sigh of relief.

"Anyway, you wanted to ask me something?" I asked.

"Yes," he said rubbing the back of his neck, "I was wondering if..... you'd like to move away from France with me?"

"Where were you planning to go?" I asked.

"Orkney," he replied, "myself, (Y/N) and Katelyn have found a house you and I can live in if you'd like to come with me."

I just smiled and sang, 'Anywhere you go let me go too.'

"I'll take that as a yes," he said smiling back at me.

"Of course it's a yes," I said before giving him a kiss.

Milo's POV:

(A/N: you heard me right)

I watched Addie kiss that freak before leaving the roof with him.

(Time skip)

Later that night I was looking for Jeanne to tell her the situation. I found her in box five just like before.

"You think I'm some dog, Milo?" She asked, "you just snap your fingers and I'll come running?"

"I suppose I did" I admitted.

"If you ever want to talk to me just come here at night and I might just be here," she told me.

"I'll keep that in mind," I said sitting next to her.

"What did you want?" She asked still emotionless as ever.

"It's about Addie," I said, "she's in love with the Phantom."

"If you're going to ask me to ruin their relationship, I won't do it," she told me, "I'm not allowed to interfere with the Phantom's business."

"I want you to spy on them," I told her.

Jeanne was silent for a while until she finally said, "I won't do that unless you help me."

"What can I do to help you?" I asked.

"Set me free," she said simply.

"How do I do that?" I asked.

"All my life I wanted to do something right and help others using words instead of actions," she told me, "so to set me free, heed my previous advice and move on from Addie."

All I have to do is move on from Addie to set Jeanne free? Am I willing to do that to set this young woman free? I'm not sure.

"You scratch my back, I scratch yours," I said.

"Thank you Monsieur," she said with a hint of happiness in her voice.

"You're welcome Mademoiselle," I said.

"May I ask you something Monsieur?" She asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"What is it about Addie that interests you so much?" She asked.

Gentle touch
A nervous look
The smell of flowers in her hair.
Her fervent smile
That subtle lust
How could a man resist

I stood up from my seat and walked to the end of the box and leaned on the rail.(?)

Trapped in a world
Where passion devours your senses
Lost in her mind
And I can't penetrate those defences


She's in love
Forget her
The girl's not yours
Her head controls her heart


Reason hounds my mind
Some women tease never give
So should I take the hint
When my heart yearns to live?

Deep in a dream
My fingers caressing that body
Locked in a kiss
Her breathless elation within me


You crave her
Won't leave her
Protect and care
But Milo,
Her heart's not yours


She's yours


Bad guys never win
Never belong with the girl


So maybe I'm not bad
Our destiny waits to unfurl

Heat that's so fierce
This obsessive desire for perfection
She bears this too
Our friendship unites that connection


This proves it


My angel
Consume my soul
Our hearts must take control




Sensual touch
Adoring looks
Her smell of beauty floods my soul
Deep embrace
Two bodies joined

Take me

Our hearts must take control.

"There are other girls who are like that you know," Jeanne said.

"There are?" I asked turning to face her.

"Of course," she said, "you've just refused to believe that."

"I suppose I have," I said.

"I can still spy on the two if you'd like," she said.

"If you could," I said, "I want to make sure she's safe with him."

"Very well Monsieur," she said.

I watched her silhouette walk to the door and open it.

"We must go," she said, "The Phantom is coming."

"Will you accompany me to my room?" I asked.

"You'll see my face in the light Monsieur," she said.

"Is it burnt?" I asked.

"Scarred from the fire," she told me.

"I won't scream," I told her.

"Very well," she said.

We left box five and Jeanne was right, her face was completely scarred with some fresh wounds here and there.

"And I suppose you thought the Phantoms was worse," Jeanne said.

"Not really if I'm honest," I said truthfully.

We just talked all the way to my room and if I'm being completely honest, after learning more about her past from before and after she died, I felt kinda sorry for her. She has tried her hardest to try to do something right and get someone to set her free but no one would do anything. Maybe I should help her.

(A/N: that's literally the only chapters I've completed in this entire week. See you next chapter if I get it done by next week)

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