The Bad Boy's Girl

By adeeba2707

2.4M 68.9K 30.4K

He pinned me to the wall and brought himself impossibly close to me. I was trapped, quite literally. He grabb... More

Author's note
Chapter 1- Morning
Chapter 2 - The Step Father
Chapter 3 - Meeting the Bad boy
Chapter 4 - Second-Hand Embarrassment
Chapter 5 - 'Please call my name.'
Chapter 6 -Two Weeks.
Chapter 7 - We Are Just Friends.
Chapter 8 - Making Friends.
Chapter 8(Part II) The Library
Chapter 9 - My Ears Are Bleeding
Chapter 9 (Part II) - The Fight
Chapter 9 (Part III) - K-Pop Anybody?
Chapter 10 - Prison.
Chapter 11 - What is my mistake?
Chapter 12 - Have to be strong cuz I'm a girl
Chapter 13 - The Unexpected Anger
Chapter 14 - Soft and Tiny
Chapter 15 -The Football Ground.
Chapter 16 - Its Payback Time, Bitch!
Chapter 18 - Kacy.
Chapter 19 - Guilt
Chapter 20 - My Inner Child come Around at Wront Times
Chapter 21 - 'I can Leave my Mcdonalds Burger but Not You'
Chapter 22 - Philadelphia
Chapter 23 - The Kiss
Chapter 24 - Virgin who?
Chapter 25 - Getting Caught
Chapter 26 - Satan's Ass
Chapter 27 - 'You are beautiful'.
Chapter 28 - Talking
Chapter 29 - The Fight
Chapter 30 - I Fucked Up
Chapter 31 - My Queen
Chapter 32 - I Am Sorry
Chapter 33 - Betrayal
Chapter 34 - A Father Figure
Chapter 35 - 'Its a Yes, You Retard'
Chapter 36 - Going Home
Chapter 37 - Exploring Each Other
Chapter 38 - Shopping
Chapter 39 - A New Face
Chapter 40 - 'Weird people are droping from the sky today'
Chapter 40(Part II)
Chapter 40 (Part III)
Chapter 40 (Part IV)
Chapter 41 - Eating CockPorn
Chapter 42 - 'This has to be a nightmare'
Chapter 43 - 'Was killing her not enough?'
Chapter 44 - She Is Gone.
Chapter 45 - Office romance
Chapter 46 - A Not So Pleasant Surprise
Chapter 47 - 'Are you sure?'
Chapter 48 - Did I Hear It Right?
Chapter 49 - Fears Come True
Chapter 50 - The Final Fight
Chapter 51 - Bruises
Chapter 52 - Thankyou
Chapter 53 - Forgiveness
Chapter 54 - Proposal
Author's Note

Chapter 17 - The Creepy Old Man

45.9K 1.2K 766
By adeeba2707


I was an innocent being. Then my best friend came along.




"Sit with on the first bench with me for 2 weeks."

I knew it took him back. Mentally and physically. I expected that. But if he can make me do something extra ordinary like sitting in the middle of the canteen, then I too can make him do something like this too.

Well, he should be thankful that I didn't ask him to wear a skirt and roam around in the school for a whole day. Well, sure his bad boy image will be tarnished but if people get to know that this was my doing, the news spread will spread like fire and I would have to interact with random people.

"That's no way happening. Nope. No. No. No." he said, shaking his head.

"Yes, that's happening otherwise I will not eat lunch with." I smirked.

"You evil being. You know that I don't like sitting on the front yet you are doing it. You are the worst friend ever known to mankind." He narrowed his eyes and I laughed at his helplessness.

We saw Zack and Olivia coming towards us.

"Oh. Thank god you forgave him. He was biting his pencil out of nervousness from the past two periods. Gross." Olivia said. I laughed even more. It was after a long time I clenched my stomach and laughed.

I saw Zack was glaring at Dave and Dave chuckled.

"What happened?" I asked curiously as I saw those bruises in the lunch break too but he was too angry at that point to reply.

Zack suddenly started letting out all the curse words he knew at Dave. I didn't know 'yuck fou' can be used as a curse word. Olivia pulled me towards the side and told me what exactly happened.

"In the morning, I told Dave that I am going to the 'library' and am going to be there till lunch break and also that 'I need Zack there' because I needed his help in a 'project'. But Dave being Dave listened only half of it. When Zack asked where I was, he told him that I am in the 'washroom' and I am going to be there till lunch and also that I need him there for a project of exploration. He entered the lady's washroom and was attacked by a bunch of girls who thought that he is a pervert." I laughed at his situation and how disappointed he must would have been.

"Why would you do that?"

"I said I wasn't paying attention. Anyways, you should have checked before entering, right?"

"I am a man. I got excited so I couldn't think straight."

"That's why this brain is there for- to think with it and not your dick, you pervert." Dave said as he smacked his head.

"It's not fair." Zack whined, "I literally thought I was going to get some."

"Oh. Trust me you aren't getting it anytime soon." Olivia said in a bored tone.

"Ew, your sex life is the last thing we want to know. Shut up." Dave said.

Just at that time, Mr. Peterson entered the school campus with the car. Time passes so fast when I have fun. If only I could stay here for a little while more.

I pulled Dave to the side when I saw that Zack was trying to convince Olivia.


"What happened?" Dave asked with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Dave, it's just that, I don't want to be rude but please don't show up at my house without asking. My dad is really possessive about me and he warned me yesterday. It was really kind of you to give the bracelet yesterday and I can't thank you enough for that. But still I.." I trailed off at the end of my statement, not knowing how to explain further.

"It's okay. I totally understand. I have seen fathers like that."

Ha! I bet none of them are like my father.

"Thanks for understanding." He gave me that cute smile and I think my heart stopped.

How do you breathe again?

"Dave?" I asked, my voice barely audible to me, let alone him.

"Yes, Baby girl."

"Please don't make me regret my decision of forgiving you." I said without making any eye contact. I have never been this straight forward with someone. He placed his index finger under my chin and lifted my face so that I could look straight into his eyes. He brought his face closer to mine and then to my ears and whispered

"I won't, sweet stuff." he backed away but not before brushing his lips against my ears. I watched as he bit his lower lip and smiled in my direction.

"Bye." he waved at me and went towards his car.

"Bye" I said it more to myself. I went inside the car and we drove off to my house.



I couldn't help but think of the cute moment which me and Isabella shared.

When I shouted at her, I wasn't in my right mind and it surely wasn't the best site to watch. She just happened to be the person around me so I took all my anger out on her.

When she walked away from me, I felt like a part of me was being taken away. I desperately wanted to explain the situation to her, as in why I was so angry on that bastard, but I didn't because I can't and I shouldn't. I didn't want her to see me as a different person.

I didn't want to scare her.

Just the thought of her being angry with me brought me over the edge and I went and apologized. More like begged for it.

Something which I had never done before. I never knew the silent girl would be so bold and feisty. Just the way I like it. If it was some other slut trying to grab my attention, I would have probably shouted at her and walked away, not even bothering to turn around.

But for Bella it felt worth it. It totally surprised me when she asked me to sit with her. I was hesitant since it was the first bench.

But the fact that she asked for it was enough for me to agree. It's a good thing that she is opening up to me. I took the first step and now she is taking the second. It is surely a progress.

I ran into a guy and quickly balanced myself. I looked up and saw Evan standing in front of me.

The nerve of this guy!

I clenched my jaw and looked right into his eye. "What the hell do you want?"

He smirked and said "I get that you haven't forgiven me yet but you need to stop holding grudges. Cool down!"

"Don't even get me started, you prick." I spat. "I am not in the mood to fight with you right now. After the stunt you pulled in the canteen, I would kick you in the face every fucking time I see you. You are very lucky that I am controlling myself from doing that or someone would have been showing you the way to the hospital right now."

I yanked his shoulder and started walking past him until he said again-

"You have feelings for Isabella, don't you? I have never seen you friendly with a girl before." I turned around and saw him smirking.

"Hmm, well she is indeed worth anyone's attention. She looks gorgeous, is intelligence, comes from a great family. What else do you need? Are you really into her or is she just another toy?"

"My business is none of yours. Better keep a distance from us if you don't want your face to be dislocated. What do you fucking need, Evan Watson?"

"It's a pretty simple question, bro. I am certain that you have the answer to it. Do you like her?"

I closed my eyes and thought with my mind and not heart. For once. I clenched my fist and answered- "Oh yes, she is just a toy and nothing else. I am using her for sex and once I have my way with her, I will leave her, like the piece of trash she deserves to be treated like. Do you see this? This is what you have turned me into. A monster. So don't you dare try to poke your nose in my matter otherwise the consequences wouldn't be good. "

"Well it was surely enough of an answer." He smirked again. Fucking hell, I would have done anything to wipe that evil smirk off his face if it was any other day. He shoved his hand in his pocket and whistled the tune of a song while he walked away like the punk he is whereas I headed towards my car. My fist was throbbing to connect with his ugly face but I stopped myself because then he would try to gain sympathy from Isabella and would try to get close to her.

Since when did I get so possessive? Why do I not like it when some guy is close to her. I mean she is my friend and she has all the rights to make new frie-


I am falling for Isabella.

I have grown a liking towards her. This is messed up. I can't fall for her. I am a player. A bad boy. I don't get attached to people like this. I come with no strings attached. I am sure that this is me craving for a pussy. I will just sort this out later. I have to figure out this shit.

I can't let anyone know about this. Not yet. Let's just say it wont be pleasant if this news spreads. Even if what I am feeling is 'the-feeling-whose-name-shall-not-be-taken', I am not ready.

If Evan gets to know, he will try to take her away from me. He always does things which instigates me.

I have already lost one person because of him. I can't afford to lose Isabella too, friend or more than a friend.



When I reached home, I saw Mrs. Doris busy. I went to the kitchen I saw many dishes prepared. Yum. Only if I could eat them.

"Hi, dear. How was your day?"

The first thing that came to my mind was Dave. I just couldn't help it but think about how interesting it is going to be tomorrow. On my way back to house, I was constantly thinking about us and our moment of proximity in the parking lot. He was so close to me. Then my mind shifted to our new deal.

He hates first bench and I know he will be annoyed the whole day. I actually saw this as an opportunity to know him better. He has always been very mysterious from day one. Just like me. He can read me like an open book so it is only fair if I can do that to him too.

I would have no answers if you ask me since when did I get so interested in knowing people. This is so not me. Or maybe it is just for the people who care about me. Or so it looks.

"It was nice. I had fun. I- I mean, you know I, um, I- enjoyed today's lecture." I have never been this joyous before and if I start acting that way, she will ask me awkward questions. She narrowed her eyes and then gave me a huge smile.

"Thank god. I was so worried about you. How is your wound? Come, I will dress it for you."

"No. It's fine. It doesn't hurt anymore. It's better than before."

To ruin the moment and my mood, my step father stepped inside the kitchen and looked at me. As always, he was frowning. He eyed me from top to bottom. After eye-raping me, he grit his teeth and looked at Mrs. Doris.

Mrs. Doris saw him and immediately went back to work.

"What's happening here? Doris, why aren't you doing your work?" he asked her in a harsh tone. I didn't let her speak as I stepped ahead and spoke for her.

"Don't. It's not her fault. I was the one who asked her about dinner and she was just answering me." I defended her. I didn't want her to get into unnecessary trouble when she was just concerned about my health. He seemed to have bought it since he nodded.

"Right, about the dinner, I have to talk to you about something. Come to my room. Right now." This wasn't going to go nice. I had a gut feeling which said that shit is going to be thrown my way and I better duck.

"Yes, father." I looked at Mrs. Doris signaling that I am fine. I followed him inside and stood at the door step. I do not want to enter hell, where the devil stays.

"A guest is-" He looked at me and immediately raised his voice. "Fucking come inside and close the door." I immediately stepped inside and closed the door as he demanded. He then continued-

"So I was saying, a guest is coming tonight for dinner and he is a very important client of mine." Oh no! I was into some deep shit!

"I want you to behave and you will speak whenever spoken to. You will listen to everything I say and not argue like the slut you are. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir." I said absentmindedly. I was used to these insults. He has called me much worse but I know myself better than he does. Truthfully, he doesn't even know me. He doesn't even know my mother's second name.

"Good. Now get ready and look presentable."

"Yes sir." And with that I ran towards my bedroom. Scratch that, I sprinted. I found a dress which was kept on the bed. I held it up and placed it against my front. I gasped when I realized it will reveal most of my skin.

Thank fully it was not backless but it had a deep cut in the front which would put my cleavage on full-on-display. The dress had a long slit on the side and stopped 10 inches above my knee. It was a black colored dress and I personally hated it as much as I hate him.

I hate black.

I wore it and kept pulling my dress upwards to hide my cleavage but that ended up exposing my thighs. To prevent that, I kept pulling it down again. This process continued until I was tired of it. I left my hair down and applied light makeup on my face.

If I didn't have to put up an image in front of the guest, I would have gone downstairs in my Pj's for all I care. Hell, I wouldn't even have stepped downstairs to begin with. I hear the doorbell ring followed by a man's voice. This is it. After taking a final look at the mirror, I went downstairs. I could already hear my step-father's laughter.

I hate his laughter too. It makes me feel sick. It reminds of the time when he laughs after beating me. It sounds like he is winning.

Well he is, none the less. But still.

I saw an elderly man sitting on the sofa. He was probably in his 50's. I greeted him and sat beside my father. I started adjusting my dress as his gaze was surely not one of the comfortable ones. It sent shivers down my spine as he constantly eyed me chest like I was his meal. He asked me a few personal questions (more like he talked to my lady parts as he didn't even bother shifting his gaze from there) but I tried to keep my answer short.

Over the dinner, him and my step father were conversing about business. More like arguing. I suddenly had a liking towards the floor as I couldn't help but stare at it. It was hundred times better than these men who looked like used tea bags.

"Our sales are relatively high. We will make enough profit this year and pay you back the money." my step father spat those words on Mr. Steele.

"No! Either you pay back the money within one week or give me sixty percent of your company's share."

"How can I do that? That's basically giving you more than half of my company. One week is way too less." Bitch, that is my dad's company you are calling yours.

"Then so be it, Owen. This is 1 billion dollars we are talking about. It is not a small ass amount which I can ignore. You have been indebted for 2 years now. You are lucky that I am not adding interests otherwise you wouldn't be able to pay even after selling your whole company to me."

"Mr. Steel, is there any other way we can pay you back?" my step father begged.

The devil looked towards me and then back at Mr. Steel as if signaling him something.

Mr. Steele looked at me. More like stared at me. Again.

Oh no. I knew where this was going. This isn't something new to me. I know what that look means.

Shit !!!!






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