Chapter 14 - Soft and Tiny

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Admit it! Crushes are more beautiful than relationships because then you have no responsibility, no worry, no commitment and no heart break. Just look at your crush and smile like an IDIOT!

 Just look at your crush and smile like an IDIOT! ●□●□●□●□●

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I parked my car at my usual spot and climbed out of it. All the girls started gawking at me but they were not my concern today.

I leaned against my car and kept looking at the entrance of the school, waiting for Isabella's black BMW to roll off inside the building. Olivia came towards me and I gave her a fist bum.

"Hi. What are you doing here?" Olivia asked raising her eyebrows.

"Um, nothing. Just-"

"-'just waiting for Isabella to come so that I can talk to her.' That's what you were going to say right?" She asked with that evil smirk on her face as if she knew it all.

Well, she did but let's not tell her that.

"You are absolutely wrong. I am just looking around." I rolled my eyes and took out my phone and started messaging some random dude to keep her girl to himself because she keeps coming behind me.

"You like her. Accept the fact. I can very well see it in your eyes." She said and I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Olivia, please don't play 'I can see it in your eyes' game with me. My eyes is not a TV screen you can look at and know everything as to what's going in my heart. Anyways, where is Zack? You don't look good without him." I said well known of the fact she will get annoyed.

"You did not just say that!" she smacked my head and I faked my pain.

"Zack didn't arrive yet. It's still 7:45. He comes at 7:59 and always argue with the security guard for entering. According to him, the security's watch is 5 minutes ahead." she said and scoffed.

Just then, I saw the black BMW and I knew whose it is. Olivia was saying something in the background but I didn't pay attention to her but just kept saying 'yeah' for everything.

I was smiling like an idiot.

Gosh Dave! You got to control it nowadays.

"I am going to the library for doing a project till lunch break. Tell Zack to come there. Okay?"

"Yeah." I said absentmindedly again.

I saw her getting off the car and went towards her. She was wearing a lose t-shirt and black jeans. Even in those normal outfit, she managed to standout completely and grab every guy's attention unknowingly.

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