Chapter 29 - The Fight

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Your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.


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I looked around and saw everyone cheering the two fighters.

No one made an effort or a move to stop them. Of course they didn't. Bloody punk asses. Dave had a few cuts on his face but he was least bothered about them. His knuckles was busted and we couldn't tell whose blood was on Evan's face.

I went ahead and tried to pull Dave away but to no avail. I tried to tickle him but like the insensitive person he can sometimes be, he just didn't budge from his place.

"Dave. Damn it! What the hell? Leave him." I shouted as I pulled him harder in order to get him off of Evan. Evan had stopped fighting but Dave wasn't willing to give up anytime soon. His ego is as big as the Big Ben.

Zack came at the right time and helped me stop the fight. I just felt like snatching everyone's phone and breaking it into two halves before telling them to fuck off. We both held on to each of Dave's arm to prevent him from attacking Evan again. Evan had more bruises compared to Dave.


He wiped the blood off his face and groaned in pain. His nose was in a funny shape and I couldn't help but pity him. He had difficulty in standing up so a few of his friends helped him. He looked at Dave which got Dave even more furious. I could feel the tension in the air.

"Beating me up doesn't change the truth. You have to accept it and move on." Evan said

"Fuck off. You don't even know the truth. And what did you say about moving on? Let me show you how to move on." Dave spat back and was about to throw a punch in his direction when me and Zack tightened our grip on his arm in order to stop him.

Dave shoved my hand away and headed towards the ground, leaving me shocked. I followed him. Zack didn't follow us because he knew we both needed some space.

"Dave wait."

He didn't wait.

"Dave stop."

He didn't stop.

We reached the ground and he kept running away from me. I finally caught up to him and stood in front of him, preventing him from going any further.

"Bella move." he said calmly but I could feel his anger dripping in each word.

"No. Did you leave me alone when people were messing up with me? You were there for me-"

"This is more serious than you think Bella. Don't try to come in my way. It will be you who will get hurt."

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