The Order and The Ravenclaw (...

By tooldtobehere

182K 5.6K 1.4K

(Lyra Stone Book Two) After everything that happened last year, Lyra knew that evil was waiting just over the... More

Summer Break
Authors Note
The Visitors
The Betrayal
Grimmauld Place
The Letter
The Interrogation
The Hallway.
The Nightmare
A Morning with the Weasleys
The Healer and the Jokers
News of Harry
The Snack Boxes
Harrys Arrival
The Order of the Phenoix
The Hearing, The letters, and the Trip
Diagon Alley
A Vacant Storefront
The Party
The Scare
To Hogwarts We Go
The Beginning of a New Year
First Day of Classes
The Boyfriend and The Friend
a Meeting with Dumbledore
a Lover's Secrets
a Bit of Courage
Getting to know the enemy
Trading of Facts and Gossip
Worry and Woes
Slytherins and Ravenclaws
The Letters and The Lessons
Hermione's Dangerous Ideas
Intercepted messages
The Hogs Head
The forbidden forest
The Trouble With Fudge
Dumbledore's Army
Gryffindor vs Slytherin
Something up with Lyra
Big Plans for Christmas
The Stranger
The Knight Bus
Christmas Morning
Saint Mongos
Christmas Night
Lyra's Muggle Life
The confusing life of Lyra Stone
The Weasleys vs the muggle world
After The Fight
Early Birthday Morning
a Birthday with the Weasleys
A Sick Lyra Stone
January at Hogwarts
The date and The Fight
The Talk
The Magazine
Dreams and Changes
A Very Dangerous Birthday
Phase one
A Rude Awakening
Phase Two
One Last Night with the Boys
Everybody wants to be a Weasley
A turn for the worse
The Visitor
The Visitor 18+
The Visitor After
The Morning After
The Ministry of Magic
A fight for life
I must not lose control
Starting Again
Weasleys Wizarding Wheezes
Someone elses nightmare
The Gift 18+
The Gift
Alastor and Stone
Platform Nine and Three Quarters
End of Book Two

The Attack

3.3K 87 12
By tooldtobehere

Lyra was adjusting to life at Grimmauld place fairly well. She had found an odd love for the dark cold house, one she had a feeling no one shared. It was mostly the work they were doing when she was cleaning she didn't have to think. When she wasn't cleaning she was helping the twins find out what the order was up too and that was equally distracting.

On bad days where her mind couldn't help but wonder. She'd slink off and look for Sirius. They had bounded in an unspoken way over their discontent. He would often just let her sit in the same room as him and feel. He never demanded to know what was wrong or how she was doing. Even better, no one else was brave enough to bother her either when he was in a bad mood.

The few times someone had come around to harass her, usually the twins, he had snapped at them for being disruptive and kicked them out. She nodded a thank you to him, and they went back to doing their own things.

She knew this frustrated George. She often managed to slink away and find Sirius when he brought up the conversation they had the night she arrived at Grimmauld Place. It was one of these days that George had finally had enough.

He had sat posted in the hall outside the room he knew Lyra and Sirius was in, waiting for the weekly meeting to be held. It was a part of the house that no one really went into, due to the fact it hadn't been cleaned yet. He knew Sirius would have to go down to the meeting leaving Lyra no choice but to face him.

After about an hour of waiting, the movement could be heard from the room and Sirius opened the door and exited. He walked down the hall and out of sight. A couple of moments later the door crept open again. Lyra peaked her head out. She didn't notice him and swung the door fully open exiting the room as well.

The next thing she knew she felt hands grab her and gently throw her against the wall, pinning her there. He looked down at her, his eye burned fiercely with determination.

"G-George?" she said weakly her face turning blood red. He was only a few inches away from her, his jagged breath fanning her face. She couldn't think with him this close.

He leaned in closer pressing his lips to her roughly. She went rigid not knowing how to react. trying to fight her own overpowering emotions. Trying to push his out. It was impossible to though. Not when he was this close. He pushed his body up against hers letting go of her arms. He cupped her face and pulled her closer. Kissing her harder. Her stomach twisted, her heart raced. She finally gave in.

closing her eyes she wrapped her arms around his neck and stepped on her tippy toes moving closer to him. His hands left her face reaching under her and scooping her up, holding her to him. using the wall to partly support her weight.

She pulled away gasping for breath, resting her forehead on his shoulder. They stayed like this a moment both breathing heavily. tears began to well in her eyes and she knew he could feel how upset she was.

"Y-your a prat." she choked out into his shoulder.

She felt relief wash over him and he pulled her tighter to him. He kissed her neck softly. "I don't care, I'll keep being a prat if it means I can feel you like this again. That you don't feel it alone."

"D-don't you get it?" she wept no longer being able to hold it all in "It puts a target on my back. It put us in danger."

She felt him go stiff as the realization hit him. He placed her down and she looked up to meet his gaze. "Thats why you've been like this? Because you were afraid they'll be after us?" she nodded sniffling and he pulled her close again. "Lyra for a smart girl, you sure are stupid sometimes."

She jerked away again glaring now. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"They're already going to be after us. If he's really back, which he is, and he rises to power again then we're already on the shit list. You're a muggle-born, I'm a blood traitor in a family of muggle loving blood traitors."

Lyra did not see how this was supposed to make her feel better. Had he lost his mind? Not worry?

He grinned his famous George Weasley grin at her and she felt her heart start to race again. "Look, just be you Lyra okay? Don't try to hide who you are or what you can do because you're afraid of what's to come. All we can do is get stronger and fight. Fred and I already plan to join the order, so don't hide it on account of our safety either."

Dread filled her. "You two are really going to join?"

"Of course. Once they let us that is, mum will probably try to fight it, she doesn't want any more of the family involved."

"I think I'm with your mom on this one." He gave her a pointed look and she threw her hand up in mock surrender. "Kidding. well, partly."

After there long talk In the hall Lyra was exhausted. The world had become so loud again just when she was getting used to the quiet. George dropped her off at her room so she could rest a while before dinner. She had been sharing a room with Hermione and Ginny, sleeping on an old cot on the floor between the two beds. She flopped down, not even bothering to take off her shoes, and before she knew it she had drifted away.

She was in a dark cold place again. The only light came from a keyhole, or maybe it was the moon? A large bright full moon. She didn't understand why but it scared her. She backed away from it and further into the darkness.

The darkness changed into day. The sun was rising, peaking over the mountain tops. She found herself standing among the rubble of a fallen castle. The place looked familiar, but she could not remember where it was or why it broke her heart that it was in ruins.

A growl ripped through the silence, Lyra turned around her heart racing. A large black dog stood there. Its teeth bared with blood covering its muzzle. She took a step back, where had the blood come from? She looked up behind the dog. A boy lay there, his body half crushed under the rubble. His throat was ripped out, his face frozen in terror, His red hair glistening in the rising sun.

"George?!" she screamed, or was it Fred? She went to move forward but the dog growled again snapping at her. she stepped back, tears in her eyes. She had to get to him, but how?

The boy turned and looked at her. She fell back "Lyra, wake up." he said.

"S-Stay away from me." she cried out screwing her eyes closed. "B-Both of you j-just stay away."

"Lyra it's okay its Fred and I, you were having a nightmare." the voice said. It was full of worry and for some reason, it soothed her.

Her eyes fluttered open to see George and Fred hovering over her. George reached out and touched her face. He wiped away the tears that had fallen there. She sat up. Why was she crying?

"W-whats going on?" Lyra asked shakily.

"You tell us. You've been screaming." Said Fred with a grin, but she could feel his discomfort.

"You were having a nightmare I think." Said George and she could feel his worry too. Being able to feel their feelings again, brought her a strange comfort.

"O-oh." She said with a blush. "Sorry about that. I didnt mean to scare anybody..."

"Is she okay?" A soft voice came from the doorway. They all looked over to see Ginny and Hermione standing there.

"You gits." Said Fred "you're supposed to be finding out what's going on in the meeting."

"Rons got the ears. We left him to stand guard."

Fred rolled his eyes and walked out of the room "I'll go stand guard then. Heaven knows Ron cant do two things at once."

Hermione frowned at him disapprovingly. Before turning back to Lyra. Her and Ginny came into the room now and sat on the floor by the cot.

"You are okay though?" She asked concerned.

"Yeah" Lyra forced a smile "Just a bad dream is all. Must have been something I ate at lunch."

Ginny frowned at her. "Your lying." She said softly. Everyone looked at her dumbstruck.

"Ginny!" George said angrily.

"She is," Ginny said back fiercely. "I hear her all the time at night, shes not that loud but she has nightmares all the time." Ginny looked at Lyra and she blushed. "Somethings really been bugging you lately and you're not telling us about it."

"She doesn't have to-"

"George," Lyra said softly touching his arm, "It's okay." She turned to Ginny and Hermione. "I'm sorry I didnt realize I was worrying you two. I've been having bad dreams since what happened last year. Sometimes I'm just scared for what's to come and I'm scared about what's already happened."

They both flung themselves at her. Holding hostage in a big hug. "We're scared too."

George cleared his throat awkwardly. "How about we see what we missed in the meeting?"

She smiled softly at him "sounds like a plan."

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