Rascal x Reader (Glitter Lave...

By RascalTheJoker

41.7K 843 609

You will read a romantic story with you and our favorite wild card! More

New School
A Scent Of Lavender Air
Such A Silly Girl
A Talk With The Jester
Rascal Was Right
Impossible Love
Shadow Lavender
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The Unhappy Ending

2K 38 45
By RascalTheJoker

Y/N Perspective

Shadow Lavender stares at you, waiting for an answer. Why are you fighting for a happy ending?
If Nogo wins, what are you going to miss?
The answer is simple.
Your siblings Jack, Emma is and Olivia. You can't miss them.
Shadow Lavender scoffs. 'Your siblings? Is that the only reason? What about other things in life?
You shake your head. After losing write competitions you became sad and angry. You write for fun but people say you do it for only yourself. They make fun of your stories when they read them.
'I'll show you what will happen when you are at the side of your friends!'
Suddenly everything becomes pitch black around you.

'You're only trying to manipulate me!' you yell and attack Shadow Lavender. Both of you dodge well and attack.
'Why do you bother to keep fighting?' Shadow Lavender asks with a big smirk on her face. 'You know that you will lose!'
'We will win!'
'We? You mean you and your five little friends? They don't even truely like you!'
'Liar! You're just trying to play with my mind!'
'Do you really want to betray Rascal like this? I knew it. You will never be his!'
'He's trying to take away the one's I love! My siblings, my family... And that is a big mistake!'
Suddenly a rush of power flows trough you. Something new and powerful. You will show them!
'Glitter Force!' you say while glowing purple. 'Sparkle Lavender Airshot...' You make a huge purple ball appear. '...Crash!'
You send the ball towards Shadow Lavender. She gets hit and is gone. Now you can escape trough the cards back to the real world and fight against Nogo's evil will!
'I don't believe it! Impossible!' the voice of Rascal sounds.

'I totally believe it!' the voice of Pop sounds.
You all escape at the same time.
'It can't be!' Rascal says.
Pop has the last Glitter Charm. You are happy. Rascal is bad, he can never love. He only wants to destroy all good. You won't let him!
'My brilliant plan! My best ever! Ruined!' Rascal says.
'It's over,' Glitter Lucky says. 'No matter how brilliant your plan, you'll never beat us, Rascal, so pack it up and go home!'
Rascal takes some steps backwards and he looks full of fear. You can see all the pain and sweat of fear.

He whimpers and throws his head backwards. 'Oh, woe is me, woe is me!'
Suddenly he starts laughing like he has lost his mind.

'Whoa,' Glitter Lucky says. 'He's lost it.'
'You presumptuous little mall rat, I have beaten you!' Rascal says once he stops laughing. You still notice the pain on his face. Even his mask. 'You were just too busy making speeches to realize!'
Something is wrong.
'Realize what?' Lucky asks.
'You've run out of time!' Rascal throws his arms in the sky and looks up. 'The time is here at last, master! Welcome back! Better late than never as they say! Now, arise! Arise!'
Suddenly Nogo's giant egg than hung in the air dissapears. All of you gasp and wonder where it went.
'It dissapeared!' Lucky says.
Suddenly a black drop lands on Lucky's face. She wipes it off with her finger and looks at it. 'What is this, black paint?'
She gasps. 'It's the paint they use...'
'For painting the future black!' Peace says.
You got the feeling something is really, really wrong.
'Yes! Yes!' Rascal's voice sounds.
All of you look at him and gasp when you see him. He's covered in black paint...
'That's right, master, take my power, absorb my energy!'
You freeze in place from shock and a painful feeling hits you. You don't want this to happen! You love Rascal!
'Do with me what you will! It's an honor and a privilege to be reduced to a puddle of goo in your service, master!'
He falls down in the puddle of black paint and the puddle dissapears. You stand there in shock.
'Can't say I'll miss him,' a voice of one of your friends say.
You don't notice what happens next. You're completely frozen in place. From shock and sadness. Remembering the pain on the face of that sadistic, but actually caring and good inside jester.
Rascal is dead.

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