The Trinity dragon

By Raging__Wolf

848K 12.6K 14.7K

Y/n hyoudou is an above average guy with insane intelligence and strength. But how will he and his brother, I... More

A Date to Die For
Another Chance
Meeting the Peerage
Innocence Incarnate
Info Gathering
Burn In Holy Fire
A New Housemate
Second confession
Vote for Familiars
Dodgeball and Murphy's Law
Two Y/n's, One Forest
Phenex and Gremory
Trinity Awakens
Old friends
The Assassination Classroom Returns
Holy Blueberry
Reforging bonds
Awakening True Rage
Scars of Grief
Poolside Shenanigans
Parental Shenanigans
Open House Antics
Vampires and time stopping bullshit.
Two Sides of the Same Coin
Conference Hijinks
Samael Territory
Kanna L/N
An AV Star in Town
Foodgasms Everywhere!
Peerage Antics!
High Class Chaos
Peerage Time
Shiro and Kuro
Reunion Time!
Wolves, Sharks and Oversized Gators
Unholy Vengeance
A/n part 2: battle tendency
New Transfers from Heaven
Y/n says hello!
Shenanigans in Kyoto
The Phoenix meets The Badass
A Fathers Bond
An Emotional Wreck
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A Broken Family
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Clash of the Titans

5.7K 95 58
By Raging__Wolf

When we left off, shit was about to go-


...Yeah, about that well.

Y/n and his counterpart were flying around and causing unbelievable amounts of destruction with every attack.

(Y/N) hit him with a nasty flip kick followed by a devastating downward punch. Y/n managed to recover in time to dodge the punch and launched an uppercut at his twin's stomach.

Both main characters had insane smiles on their faces as they exchanged blows. (Y/N) was piling on attack after attack whilst Y/n bided his time and waited for an opening. He saw one for a split second and took the opportunity to kick his twin backwards with massive force.

Unfortunately (Y/N) was unharmed and had transformed into his life fibre overdrive form.

(No image because it's in Nakedness Weaponised so go read that if you want to know what it looks like)

(Y/N) spread his jet wings and missiles fired out from the tips. Y/n only smirked when he saw them and took it upon himself to tank the attacks with his wings. He curled his wings around himself and used them as a shield to block the missiles.

When the barrage ended, (Y/N) smirked when he saw his twin floating with his wings curled around him.

(Y/N): "heh, didn't put up a bad fight. Unfortunately, you were fighting me."

Shinketsu: "uhh, I don't think he was even fazed by that."

(Y/N): "the fuck?"

To prove her point, Y/n gathered energy within his wings and teleported behind his twin. He slowly opened them and showed the massive amount of fire that was inside of them.

(Y/N): "oh shi-"


Y/n discharged the energy with a massive explosion and he sent (Y/N) spinning backwards for a few yards before he righted himself midair.

(Y/N): "Oi, I'll admit, that was a good move. But you're still gonna lose, fuckhead."

Y/n just chuckled and pointed behind his counterpart.

Y/n: "don't turn around."

Just as he expected, (Y/N) didn't turn around. What he didn't see coming was the Giratina that was below him. Well, he didn't notice it until it tail smacked him to Y/n.

With a maniacal grin, (Y/N) righted himself in midair and used his momentum to charge a punch at Y/n, who responded by delivering one of his own.

The twos fists met in the middle and a huge
shockwave was sent rippling through the dimensional gap. It didn't take long for the assault to continue on both sides however. The two flew around like a pair of blurs that clashed in the middle, causing untold destruction.

Meanwhile, in a cell somewhere in the dimensional gap, The leader of the Youkai, Yasaka, felt the tremors from the bois' fight and grew nervous.

Yasaka: "those tremors...they belong to something powerful."

No shit, Yasaka.

Anyway, back to the mayhem. Palkia had appeared courtesy of (Y/N) and it was engaging Giratina. Whilst that happened, Y/n fought his counterpart with everything he had.

(Y/N) wouldn't admit it, but he was having a blast.

Both overpowered badasses were going all out and they were both loving the thrill.

Y/n: "this is a fight! I fucking NEEDED this!!"

(Y/N): "damn! I actually have to keep focussed on this one. Hell, this shit's actually fun!!"

Both of them had found a mutual respect for each other's power. But they were still gonna fight until the last.

Y/n then decided to employ one of the things he'd learned from Slaanesh.

He spread his wings wide and concentrated his power on an illusion. An illusion of something that (Y/N) held very dear.


The illusion that Y/n had deployed was one of an Ocean of (Y/N)'s favourite beverage. Mountain Dew.

He then charged at his opponent and head butted his foe in the face, snapping him out of the illusion.

(Y/N): "heh, all that for a drop of blood?"

He wiped away the single drop of blood that fell from his head. He then charged at full speed and punched straight through Y/n's abdomen. His fist came out on the other side of Y/n's now limp body.

(Y/N) removed his fist and sighed to himself.

(Y/N): "I did it..."

Now readers...give him a minute.

(Y/N): "...wait."

He turned swiftly, only to find that Y/n was nowhere to be seen.


(Y/N) looked up and near enough did a double take.

Y/n was floating with new armour and another increase of wingage. Instead of the twenty that he had before. There were now Twenty Six of them on his back and they burned brightly like a sun.


In one swift movement, Y/n was in his twin's face and had sent a punch his way. The attack connected because (Y/N) had underestimated the size of his counterpart's fist.

The new armour was standing at a solid fourteen feet tall and its fists were about the size of (Y/N)'s torso.

Shinketsu: "damn! That thing packs a punch!"

(Y/N): "this mother fucker's on his Goku flex!"

Y/n smirked and charged again, (Y/N) did the same and the two connected in the middle with a huge eruption of flames. The energies of the dimensional gap became unstable around the two as they delivered attack after attack.

(Y/N): "get the fuck out of my face roundhouse kick!"

Y/n simply smirked and backhanded his twin's leg away before grabbing him and suplexing the mother fucker into nearby debris.

Once the dust settled, both of them were still up. Neither of them were ready to call it quits yet and they hadn't even broke a sweat.

That was until something caught their attention. A massive red dragon was floating over to the two with a furious aura around it.


(Y/N) also got in on the shenanigans.


The dragon stopped in front of the two and both bois knew, they weren't gonna get to finish their fight with this thing around.

Y/n: "temporary truce?"

(Y/N): "no, I'm gonna kick your ass while there's a fucking dragon here. Great fuckin' idea, asshole!"

Y/n: "ya don't have to be a dick about it!"

The dragon roared, gaining the attention of the two.


The dragon seemed pissed and spewed a massive torrent of flame at the two.

Y/n: "Oh ho ho! You dimmadone fucked up now, son!"

The two nodded to each other and flew directly at the dragon. (Y/N) proceeded to land a series of punches on the beasts side,


Y/n flew up and praised the fucking sun before bringing said sun down onto the dragon's head.

The beast reeled back in surprise before spewing another massive torrent of flame. This time, the guys didn't have to do anything as Giratina and Palkia came in clutch and double teamed the big red retard.

(Y/N): "fuck it up, NOVA!!"

Y/n: "wait, you name the legendary Pokémon you catch?"

(Y/N): "you don't?"

Y/n: "no! I've never nicknamed a legendary. I keep their names as is."

(Y/N): "you're fucking weird."

Y/n: "Oi! Fuck off! By the way, readers, my author's planning shit with Seekvaira."

(Y/N): "the fuck's that?"

Y/n: "the hardass bitch with the glasses that isn't Sona or Tsubaki."

(Y/N): "Oh! The mecha geek!"

Y/n: "yup, that's her!"

(Y/N): "doesn't she have like, three lines of dialogue?"

Y/n: "yeah, but rage has a rule about giving attention to those underused characters. that's why a few of my peerage are hentai characters, because they mostly just get fucked, literally."

(Y/N): "...I have nothing for that."

Shinketsu: "both of you shut up, it's coming!"

Y/n/(Y/N): "HA! That's what she said."

The two laughed as the dragon charged at them. They then nodded to each other and started making even more references.

(Y/N): "One blast from me will set you straight and after this, I'm going to masturbate!"

Y/n: "look at me now, I'm fully charged and when Slightly aroused, my dick is large. Soon I'll be gone without a trace but for now take this L right to your face!"

Both bois smashed the dragon's head from either side and laughed maniacally as their references were at peak levels.

Y/n: "just saying, for that reference alone, you're invited to my weddings."

(Y/N): "that'll depend on whether I could give a fuck or not."

Y/n: "DIO's gonna be there."

(Y/N): "not...tempted..."

Shinketsu: "clearly."

Y/n: "Kamina's gonna be there too."

(Y/N): "fucking WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!?!?"

Y/n: "I'm surprised you didn't see him earlier. Kamina's one of my rooks. As are Jotaro and Meliodas."

Shinketsu: "I think (Y/N).exe has stopped working."

Y/n: "what gave it away?"

Shinketsu: "smartass."

Y/n: "dishrag."

Shinketsu: "asshole!"

Y/n: "bitch!"

Shinketsu: "screw it. I'm fucking done with this shit."


(Y/N) eventually snapped out of his trance before the two decided to go back to taking care of the dragon.

Y/n then had an idea. An insane, incredibly stupid, multiversally retarded idea."

Y/n: "Oi! (Y/N), hold it off for a bit!"

His twin was confused until he saw the wings coming out again.

(Y/N): "solar flare? Really!?"

Y/n smirked before his wings turned pitch black. Energy started swirling around them and he slowly closed his wings up around him like a cocoon. As the wings closed, the energy grew more concentrated and more intense.

Shinketsu: "that doesn't look good."

(Y/N): "really? Gosh, your detective skills must be unmatched in heaven and hell, dishrag."

Shinketsu: "Zip it, asshole!"

The dragon also saw what Y/n was doing and tried to stop him. But it was blocked nonchalantly by our other protagonist for this chapter.

Y/n started to feel the immense strain on his body as the energy built up around him. Finally, he reached his limit and concentrated the energy into one spot.

Y/n: "Oi! Dragon!"

The red beast looked over and saw the huge mass of dark energy.

(Y/N): "well, this is gonna be fun. Wanna tank it?"

Shinketsu: "fuck it, I know you're gonna do it anyway."

(Y/N): "you know me so well."


Y/n fired a huge beam of dark energy and it struck the dragon head on. (Y/N) was tanking the attack as well and found himself pleasantly surprised at how powerful the blast was. When it died down the dragon floated, still and unmoving. Y/n saw that it's eye was open and it wasn't dead. So he decided to meme.

Y/n: "listen well, Dragon. My name is Y/n Rathalli Hyoudou. I'm 17 years old and I have multiple girlfriends as well as two fiancés. I live in Japan in the town of Kuoh, nearby Kuoh Academy where I attend school. Until recently, I had one brother and no other siblings. I go to bed every night at 11PM and do twenty minutes of stretches after a glass of warm milk. In the morning, I wake up refreshed and surrounded by my loved ones, meaning that I know that the day ahead will be a good one. The reason I'm telling you this is because I want to live a quiet life. Things like winning or losing do not matter to me as I know that I will win every fight that I get into."

(Y/N): "we drew though, asshole!"


(Y/N): "..."

Y/n: "s'what I fucking thought! Asshole."

(Y/N) surprisingly obliged. He couldn't argue with a Kira reference.

Y/n: "now then. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now."

The dragon growled before speaking some sort of odd language.

Dragon: "Kh'ema Sry'khashi. Arri'okallus S'ennis Kresus."

Y/n: "...Nani the fuck?"

(Y/N): "Oi! We don't speak fucking Lizard!"

Cykran: "that was ancient dragonic. I know two people who can help."

Y/n nodded and his armour disappeared, being replaced by Trinity's Armour.

Trinity: "I heard you needed me for something."

Y/n: "yeah, can you speak ancient dragonic?"

Trinity: "of course I can."

Y/n then asked her to translate what the red dragon had said.

Trinity: "...this is bad. Especially for you, Partner."

Y/n: "what is?"

Trinity: "Kresus is awake."

(Y/N): "the fuck izzat?"

Trinity: "Kresus is one of the primordial beings. She's known as the goddess of eternal night."

Y/n: "is that a bad thing?"

Trinity: "normally, no. However, your mother sealed Kresus away for a time because of her insanity and lust for power...and her lust in general."

Y/n: "so, she's like the final boss here?"

Trinity: "yes. It seems that our story might be coming to its closing act now."

Y/n: "think we'll have any adventures after this?"

Trinity: "only one person to ask. Rage?"

A/n: "I'm sure I can make something up. It'll probably be a kind of filler book for readers to just chill out and read. No fights, lots of laughs, and plenty of fun."

Y/n smiled before looking out towards the void of the dimensional gap. He then spotted a small room on a piece of debris. He quickly bolted over to it and saw that Yasaka was sat up against the back wall.

Y/n: "fuckin' finally!"

He then flew down to the door and ripped the fucker off of its hinges. Yasaka looked up and tears came to her eyes when she saw Y/n.

Y/n: "Lady Yasaka?"

Yasaka: "yes, that's me."

She stood up slowly and Y/n helped her by letting her lean on his shoulder. They then flew out and (Y/N) opened a portal to their world. The three headed through and popped out back at the hotel where the class was staying.

(Y/N) then saw Ryuko and Mako running over to him. One with excitement, that other with seething rage, guess which ones which. He sighed and dealt with Ryuko's lecturing while Y/n got buried by hugs from the girls. Even Kamina gave him a bro hug. Yasaka laughed lightly at the scene before her.

The group then turned to the power trio. Y/n smirked at his counterpart and extended his hand. (Y/N) just sighed before smacking his hand away and going for a punch, which Y/n intercepted with one of his own.

The two laughed before they gave each other a light bro-fist and (Y/N), Ryuko and Mako turned and headed home through another portal.

Y/n then turned to his group.

Y/n: "well, who's up for some sightseeing tomorrow?"

The others laughed lightly and then everyone headed to bed. Yasaka, as thanks, spent the night with Y/n who, predictably, started fluffing her tails. It was something that she found rather amusing about him. He held so much power, yet he was still such a child.

The two fell asleep without any worry as another few people of importance arrived in Kyoto. One of which was a man with blue hair and a blue leather jacket. Another was a pink haired girl that wore a red hoodie, with her was an absolutely adorable girl that wore a green hoodie that looked like a cat. The Igawa sisters arrived on the scene as well and began scoping the place out. In the forest, a Dark elf and a knight fell out of a rift. In a bar not too far away from the others, a large bald man worked away at his job whilst a black haired boy with an ear piercing voice complained about his problems.

On the other side of the city, another pair of sisters appeared alongside a blonde woman with pointy ears and two others.

At the fushimi Inari shrine, one of the Karasa Tengu warriors kept watch for any sign of Yasaka.

???: "come on, sis. It's cold out here."

???: "I'll go inside when I'm ready. Don't worry about me."

???: "but, Shaga..."

The youkai looked at her sister before conceding and following her Inside.

This was going to be a fun trip. But it would also be the calm before the storm as a familiar brown haired boy stepped off of the train from Tokyo.

???: "it feels good to be back. I'm coming home, Brother."

The boy couldn't hide the smile on his face as he headed off to find his brother.

End of Chapter.

Next time: Issei!?

*(A/n: "okay, I just want to say two things. First of all, thanks to SmartNeoBoi for letting me borrow (Y/N) for these few chapters. It's been a blast having my Y/n interact with him. On that note, since he let me use his character, Neo, if you want to have Y/n show up at some point then go for it! Second off, yes, this book will be finishing up after on more arc. It's a bit sad to see it almost finished and I wish that I could keep writing it forever. So I will! I'll write a follow up book once we're done here. Anyway, I've rambled on for long enough, see ya next time where a lemon may be inbound. Ciao!")*

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