By MireyaZachani

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Sixteen years ago, Melanie was supposed to be crashing a party on her birthday with her friend. It was a week... More

Author's Note
Author's Note
Note Of Thanks


262 43 1
By MireyaZachani

Jenna's POV

I love you, Jenna. The words actually woke me up.

I blinked my eyes open and carefully took in my surrounding. It was a familiar bedroom. The fact that I tend to wake up in strange bedrooms whenever I'm drunk, wasn't a new thing to me anymore. But the fact that this was very familiar, was.

I sat up, cradling my head in my hands. Okay,, I made a mental note to take painkillers along with me when I plan to get drunk.

Then, I paused when the bedspread fell off my chest and I realised that I was butt ass naked.

I stared into space, trying to analyse what actually happened with me last night.

Flashes of how I had lured Heart into sleeping with me cane flooding into my head. And for the first time, I felt really embarrassed about that. I looked around; he wasn't there.

Right on cue, the door opened slowly and in came the sight of a tray, then a body.
Heart looked up from the tray filled with breakfast and smiled at me.

"You're awake. I was actually thinking of how rude it would seem to wake you up from such peaceful slumber."
He smirked and set the tray on the bed beside me.

I said nothing. Not a greeting. Nothing. He didn't seem to notice because he turned around to get a tablet of painkiller from the drawer beside the bed.

"Good morning. Sleep well?"

"Yeah. I did."
I said, hoping he wouldn't bring up anything about last night. I drew the tray to myself and opened the hidden secret between plates as the fresh smell of breakfast made my stomach turn in a delightful way.

He smiled. "Bon A petit."
He said to me.

I love you, Jenna. The words came in again. And when he spoke, I was able to link the words to his voice.

What the. . .

I looked up at him.

"Look, about last night. . ."

"Was a mistake." I completed.

He looked up at me with a confused frown. "What?"

"Last night was a huge mistake, Heart. A mistake which shouldn't have happened, but as it was, both of us needed the exercise. So, right now. . ."

"Wait. Hold on."
He cut in and sat back to look at me. "Exercise? That's what you call last night? An exercise?"

"What else would you call it, Heart? A tangle? Pocket full of fun? I would pick the latter. It was fun while it lasted but right now, I think we should make it clear. Nothing happened last night."

He scoffed. "Really. I hope you believe that after screaming my name for a release. I hope you believe that nothing happened. Because I won't."

"Oh, great. Then, suit yourself." I pushed the tray off me. I already filled my stomach with anger and no amount of food would relieve me right now. I made my way to the floor where I believed my clothes were scattered from last night's sex.

"Jenna, wait."
He said. I pretended not to hear him and made for my bra hanging on the sofa. I'm sure he put it there. My clothes were just beside it.

"Jenna, listen to me."
He pulled me to look at him. I tried not to stare at his eyes else I would see the pain I just caused. But if I don't, then he won't understand that I don't want him.

Not now.


"Last night meant something. And you know it."

I chuckled. "Yeah. It meant that you were horny and I was drunk. A perfect combination for a hot mind blowing sex. Because that's what it is; Sex."

"What do you think will happen to you if you let your guard down? That I would use you? If you haven't been noticing, I actually love you, Jenna. And I have done things to make you know how much I love you. How much I want you to heal, Jenna. Why can't you just let it go?"
I hadn't realised that in the middle of this confession, he had already stepped closer to me and I felt his hand cup my cheek.

For a second, I felt like throwing my arms around him and cry out like I had always shamelessly done.

But I shrugged instead. Because I can't stand not being a fulltime bitch.
"Because, there's nothing to let go."
I reached behind and zipped my gown, picked up my purse and turned to leave.

On my way out, I came face to dace with Lala. She slowed down her pace and stared at me.

Oh, God. Not this one again this morning. I thought and gave her a bitchy smile.

"I still need to process the fact that you are always here whenever I come around. And it is killing me. I'm still fighter ng the urge to  bash your head against something."
She said.

"Awwn. Should I be scared? You should he scared of me, Lala. I'm a destroyer."
I told her.

"Wow. News flash. I'm not scared of you. How about that?"

I simply smiled and walked past her.

"But I still believe I should thank you. For the lift last night. But don't forget that I will still kill you, if you plan to have Heart damaged like every other thing you touch."

The smile I had from the appreciation for the lift, suddenly died down when she made that last note.

I walked out without looking back. Hoping to hear from her again, the next time she comes to me with a gun to fulfil that promise.  Because I had just damaged Heart.


Melanie's POV

I smiled when I heard Maya laugh at something TJ said about hating carrots.

She nodded and picked out the carrots from her own food with a smile at her grandson. They have been getting along lately pretty well. I didn't expect this to happen.

Derrick had picked me up from Lala's this morning for breakfast with the family. Lala didn't come because she wanted to make a quick visit to Heart's. I'm guessing she's still avoiding Kendrick. I still don't know why she wouldn't just talk to the guy.

I heard he's dating a beautiful and rich heiress to a popular shoe company, which also had connection with the Jacobs.

Her name is  Isime or Isi something.

Maybe that's what getting Lala's dander up about him.

"Okay, then we are even."
Maya's voice sliced into my thoughts.
I looked up, smiling at her and TJ. The little boy smiled up at me.

"In your face, mum."
He said.

I gasped. Maya laughed and so did every other Jacob at the table. It was a full house. Except AJ and Jenna, who were somewhere unknown to me.

"TJ, I will spank you so hard ,you won't sit up for weeks."

Maya gasped. "That's a hard word to tell a little boy, Melanie."

"Mum, you need to know how he talks most times. I'm sure you will support me."

"I admire African mothers most times, Melanie. But sometimes children can be very smart mouthed, if you would put it that way, sometimes. Threatening them won't make it any better."

I sighed. This isn't making it any better either.

"I'm sure you would get used to children like I did with five unbearable children, Melanie. When you and Derrick have more kids, you will understand."
She said and smiled.

I looked up at her in shock. Then my brain registered what she said and I forced a smile, turned to Derrick who was smiling and watching me carefully as if he expected me to do more than just smile.

"Well, I need to spend more sun, don't you think?"
Maya said, adjusting the scarf on her head. I had asked Derrick about the hair covering and he said her cancer had affected her hair.

So, she covered it with a wig or a scarf.

"More sun, mum?" Jamal said. "You went out with AJ to the malls yesterday and I heard how you dragged her around the mall like you were on an energy drink or something."

"Well, you should know your mother finds more energy in having fun."
Maya said. "Well, you won't understand, would you?"
She turned to me. "What do you say, Melanie? A beach party would do, don't you think?"

I looked up at her, then at Jamal who was giving me a sign to say no, to Mayor who simply picked at his food and then Derrick who was now looking at TJ.
"Yes. That would be nice."

Jamal groaned. "I have to rule you off my friend list, Melanie."
He said and shook his head.

Maya clapped her hands and jumped on her seat like a little girl. I laughed at that adorable act.
"So, it is settled. A day of beach fun with my kids and Melanie and little TJ and you all should call Lucas and Tammy. Why haven't I seen them since I arrived?"

"They travelled, mum. They're on a pre-wedding honey moon, I guess."
Jamal said.

Maya snorted. "What does that even mean?"

"They're getting engaged. At least that's what Lucas plans on doing on this trip. He said it is supposed to be a surprise to Tammy. Something like that."
Derrick said.

"They're getting married?"
Maya asked.

"That's what I just said."
He shrugged.

"Wow. Nice of you to finally be in good terms with Lucas again, Derrick. I see you both have been talking often."
She said.

"All thanks to Melanie here."
Jamal said.

Maya turned to me. "Really. How did that happen? I wasn't even able to bring them together. See why you are perfect for my son?"
She said and turned to Derrick who smiled down at his food.

"Anyways, I'm happy for them. Tell Lucas that he mustn't be absent before I leave. And I want to see the ring too. And where is AJ? She's not down yet?"
She looked around the table at her son's, her eyes rested on Mayor who was still silent.

"She stepped out this morning. Said she had an appointment with a friend."
Derrick said.

"Are you okay, May?"

Mayor looked up at his mum. "Mum. May. Seriously?"

"Well, if you don't start talking, I won't stop calling you May."

He sighed. "Nothing, mum. Just shit load of work, is all."

"Shit load?"
She repeated with a raised eyebrow.

Mayor rolled his eyes. "Lots of work."
He corrected.

"Yeah, right." Jamal muttered under his breath. Mayor heard it and shot him a glare.

My cellphone rang and I turned to it.


I excused myself from the table to pick the call.

I said.

"Hey, beautiful. Howdy?"

I chuckled. "Howdy?"

"Just trying something new. How are you?"

"I'm fine. And howdy sound good coming from you."

"Hmm. Don't tempt me to use it again."

I laughed. "How are you doing today?"

"Oh, good. Just closed for the day. My shift is over. I'm on my way home and I was thinking of taking you out to eat breakfast."

Oh, shit.

"Oh. That sounds very tempting. And great."

He was silent for a second. "But?"

"But, I don't . . . I'm not free right now."
There was a loud laughter from the breakfast table and I glanced at them as if to tell them to keep it down.

Henry was silent from the other line. "Where are you? It's noisy there?"

"I'm at home. Uh. . . Aunt Bertha has guests. So, see why I have no time to eat out right now?"

He said.

I hoped it was convincing enough. I hate lying to him but it would seem really bad to tell him that I was over at Derrick's that morning at cancelled just because I was over at Derrick's.

I really hated lying to him.

"Okay. Uh. . .I don't know, Mel. I am free today until 6p.m."

"Sure. I will swing by at your place when I'm done here, okay?"

"Okay. Cool."

"I'm really sorry, Henry."

"It is fine, Mel. I love you."

Again, I couldn't speak. I wish he would stop telling me that until i can find the will to say it back to him. I wish I could say it to him too. I still don't know what I feel for him yet.

"Okay, bye. See you later."

"Okay. Bye."
I was the first to hang up. Didn't want to stay up too long.

I sighed and rested my head against the wall, my eyes closed.

"You okay?"
A voice pushed me back to reality.

"You scared me."
I whispered.

He stepped forward with a concerned frown. "Sorry about that. Are you okay? Is everything okay?"

"Yes, everything is fine. I was just. . .feeling a bit dizzy."
Another lie. I'm really getting too good at lying much these days.

I'm getting good at being like the Jacobs these days.

His hand rubbed against my back gently. "You should sit. When did it start?"

I looked up at him, confused. I was really into the back rub.

"Dizzy spells."

"Oh! Just now."

"I think you're stressed."

"Yes, that should be it. Unless I'm planning to have another baby. . ."
I gulped in the rest of the words and looked up at him, my cheeks blushed in embarrassment.

He smiled. "It's okay, Mel. You don't need to watch your words around me. Having a baby would look good on you."

I hit him and he laughed.

"Not funny, Derrick."

"Okay, sorry. I was just wondering out there if my terms are making you feel uncomfortable. Maybe I'm being a selfish asshole, pulling you into a bargain with me."

I looked up at him. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"I can't keep pulling you into this, Melanie. I'll tell her about us. She needs to know the truth anyways."

He stared at me. I was silent for a while. Then I looked up at him and shook my head. "No. Not yet."


"Not yet, Derrick. Not like this. She believes that we are together and if you break it to her that we're not, it will make her feel bad and played. Not like this. Maybe we should have a real breakup instead. Not now, though."
I don't know which was correct; that I didn't want to end this between us just yet or that I wanted him away from Gina for a while.

Speaking of which, I haven't heard from or seen her since that night. Although she did call him earlier today while we were making our way to the breakfast table.

He nodded, took my hands in his and kissed my forehead. I've really missed that.

"You both need a photograph."
We nearly jumped put of our skin and Maya laughed.

"Come on, Melanie. I want to show you something." She left us standing there and wondering; what just happened?


Henry's POV

I liked the fact that she didn't feel bored at everything I've been saying to her so far.

Most times when I talk about my love for politics, people yawn most of the time. Melanie never did that though.

And Ann was the next person who didn't seem bored by my explanation. And she listened with an undivided attention and a very pleasing interest as if her life depended in what I was saying. Then, she would chip in some of her thoughts on a particular topic and we would make a funny joke and laugh about it.

I didn't want my day to be this way, but when I ended my call with Melanie and she said she was at home, I knew she was lying. And that hurt. Because, I didn't know why she would lie to me about being at home when she obviously wasn't. I did t need to be sure. I was just pulling over at her place when I ended the call, about to turn around leaving when I saw Aunt Bertha who was on her way out, fully dressed.

She made me understand that Melanie left few hours ago. But I couldn't tell her how her niece had lied to me.

I didn't want to judge her, because I needed to be sure I wasn't just being paranoid.

Again, my morning was to be spent alone. Not until I got a call from Ann on my way home to hang out. She had insisted to stop by at my place since I was just returning home. But I declined. It won't seem nice for Melanie to change her mind about spending time with me that morning, only to walk in on a stranger in my house.

So, I simply met up with her outside for breakfast. At a new place she recommended. And she was right. Their meals are to die for. I made a mental note to bring Melanie here for dinner sometime. She would love this.

And so, here I was, sitting opposite Ann, who smiled at me when I said the food was divine.

"I knew you would love it. It is a good place to go when you need to have a nice breakfast. That's if you're not a good cook."
She said and shrugged.

"Are you saying you are a good cook?"

"Uh. . .Well, if you won't add the part where I burn down the kitchen, then yeah. I guess I am."
She said.

I laughed at that.

"Honestly, I try. But it just doesn't work for me. Maybe that's why I know all the eat outs in town. Maybe not all. Unless you know one that beats this place."

"Oh, no. I'm not really the eating out kind of person. No time."

"So, you cook most of the meals you eat?"

I nodded. "All of them. Unless my sister is around. And she doesn't stay around much. Says I leave her all alone."

"Mm. Sounds like something you would do."

"Hey! I'm a gentleman."

She rolled her eyes. "So, if you don't eat out much, why did you want to eat out today?"

"Oh. I wanted to take my girlfriend out. But, it appears she has plans."

She looked at me for a while. "You know, I have relatives who are mostly men and I know when they are having woman problems. So, what's up, doc?"

I chuckled and scratched the back of my head.

"And they do that when I'm right."
She added, pointing at my hand at the back of my head.

I laughed. "You're good. And funny too. Well, I just. . ."
I sighed heavily. "I love her. But, when she told me she wasn't free, I just knew she wasn't telling me the truth."

"Okay, hold it right there, Mister. You shouldn't lose trust in your woman, if you love her."

"No, it's not that. I know Melanie. And she's not a good liar. When she lies, I can tell even from a distance."

"Wow. I'm scared."
She said and chuckled.  "Oh, well. You see, sometimes we ladies are unpredictable. Maybe there's a thing she would rather not talk to you about yet. Because she knows that if she does, then she fucked up."

"If she does?"

Ann nodded. "A woman is nothing without secrets, Henry. If I give up all my secrets to you then, there's simply nothing to hold unto because I already gave you my heart and dignity. The things that make me who I am."

"Wow. What did you say you read again?"

She laughed. "Okay, I know. For the record, I also considered becoming a psychologist."
She smirked.

I smiled at her.

Her cellphone chimed and she loomed at the screen. I heard her mutter something.

"Everything okay?"
I asked.

She loomed up at me with a smile. "Yeah. Good. I have to go. It was nice spending time with you today, Henry."

I nodded. "Me too."

She stood up, picked up her bag and left the room.

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