Iplier One-Shots

By KureikoJashinowa

37.9K 866 858

Hello and welcome to this One-shot-book! As you can read in the title, it's about the egos of Markiplier, a p... More

Take a pick #1
- Darkstache -
- Ipliers -
- Darkstache -
- Mark x Dark -
- Googleplier -
- Don't touch my son! - (Request)
- Mission Friendship (Request) -
- A lone man -
- Falling into the past -
- Y O U R F A U L T -
- When Water Turns Red -
- A Legend's Death -
A question for you
- Always There -
- Dark x Google -
The plan for the near future
- A Classic Jim Adventure (Request) -
- Unwanted Glass -
- Are You Sure I'm The Villain? (Request) -
- The Things I'm Capable Of -
- We are what we believe in-
- The Same but Different -
- Unwanted Glass #2 -
- Still the same -
- One drink won't hurt, right? -
- Them legs be gone -
- And the things have changed -
- A nice visit -
- Broken -
- I shall take the pain -
- Storm of Agony -
Memento Mori - Unus Annus
- The Ballroom -
I will always remember you
- Born To Be This Way -

- Sugar and Blood -

1.6K 34 107
By KureikoJashinowa

Author's note:
-No relationships at all
-Second chapter: The excitement after (smut)
Ps. : A guest appearance! Surprise yourself!

- Sugar and Blood -

"Wilford! Your treats are super good!", Bim complimented as he ate one of the cinnamon buns.

"Well, thank you!", thanked the hobby backer cheerfully and took a bite of his muffin.

"I really don't want to know how much sugar is in this stuff. I bet it's enough to fill two fucking bowls.", Dr. Iplier commented with a judging look on his face, eating one piece of cake.

"Come on, Doc! You have to say it tastes delicious though!", Wilford exclaimed and threw his hands in the air, crumbs of his muffin falling on top of his floof. The doctor only shook his head and was about to leave the room, disappointed that his medical advise was ignored by the other egos again.

"Yeah, we'll see when you two lay passed out in your rooms. Feeling horrible because of a sugar coma.", Dr. Iplier taunted, mumbling the last part.

Bim only shook his head and Wilford watched as the doctor left them alone in the living room.

"Well, it were three and one forth of a bowl, but he was pretty close.", shrugged Wilford and looked at Bim, who smiled and started laughing.

"Oh what a surprise.", Bim chuckled sarcastically and enjoyed the last bite of his treat.
- - - -

Some time passed, it now was around 2 pm, and Wilford Warfstache and Bim Trimmer were hyperactive like kids with caffeine in their systems. They were in the backyard of the manor, running around in cycles, basically out running all their new gained energy.
You might ask from where it came; well, when Wilford said, that it were three bowls and one forth of sugar, he wasn't lying. You see, the two egos ate pretty much of that stuff, like, enough for a whole week in one hour.

"Gotta go faster than this, Bim!", Wilford screamed and ran away from Bim as he tried to chase the mustached man. 

"Oh, you don't have to say that twice!"

As the men were running and having the time of their lives, Dr. Iplier looked out from his window and watched as his lookalikes were having a sugar rush. He sight and sat back in his chair, watching them a few more minutes until they ran out of sight.

Wilford was ahead and ran back into the manor, throwing chunks of glitter wherever he ran. Bim was on his heels, a crazed look in his eyes he rarely had. The show host had a few attitudes from the giddy reporter and one of those were the fun on killing out of nowhere.

As they ran around, Wil took the next corner left and collided with someone. He fell to the ground with a big "Uff!" and Bim tripped over him, falling forward onto Wil's crotch. Wil yelped in pain and rolled onto his side, clutching his lower part while Bim toppled onto the floor. As they were lying there, the person Wil collided into just flashed them a amused smile.

"And why are you two running around here, may I ask?", Dark asked them, his hands clasped behind his back and the small smile still on his face.

Wilford just groaned and looked up at Dark through squinted eyes. Bim on the other hand was standing again and jumping up and down like the hyperactive man he currently was.

"Wil and I are just running around! Having fun, you know!", he exclaimed happily and smiled from one ear to the other.

"Y-yeah, we were just having a great time.", Wil added and stood up rather cautiously.

"And since when are you so physically active, Bim? I know that Wilford sometimes is, but you? Did he gave you one of his shots?", Dark asked and raised an eyebrow, a bit worried that his assistant might have had one of Wilford's favourite 'Candy Shots'.

"What?! No! I didn't gave him anything! Those are only for me!", Wilford exclaimed indignantly and stood straight, slightly towering over Dark.

Before the situation could escalate, Bim jumped in between them and smiled brightly at Wil.

"Come on, Wil! We have a mission to accomplish!" With that, the show host sprinted away in no time, heading straight down the hallway to the front door.

Wil began to smile again and was about to run after his companion, when Dark took a hold of his shoulder.

"Where do you think you're going?", Dark asked strictly, his face shifting back to its usual stone face.

"Well, what do you think, Darkidoo? After Bim of course!"

"And where do you two want to run?"

"I dunno, downtown maybe. Doing the usual stuff I do.", Wil answered and shrugged his shoulders, trying to walk past Dark.

"I don't think that it's a good idea for the two of you to leave the area around the manor. You know what happened last time when you were this...hyperactive, Wilford."

"But Daaark! He practically asked me to be tickled with my knife! I didn't mean to 'kill' him purposely!", he put 'kill' in quotations with his fingers and tried, again, to squeeze his way past Dark.

"Enough. Go to your room and calm down. I don't want to chain you to your bed again, before you kill somebody, Wil.", Dark instructed as if he was a strict parent, and got a firmer grip on Wil's shoulder.

The mad man huffed and stepped back, throwing a frustrated glance at Dark.

"Ugh, fine! I'll go!" With that, Wil stormed off into the direction of the bedrooms, secretly plopping behind the next corner to reappear right beside Bim.

"So? Can we go now?!", Bim jumped up and down, eyes shining with joy and a hint of insanity.

"Away we go!"

The men left the house behind them, Wil dragging Bim after him into town.

"We are going to have so much fun, Bimmy Boy!"
- - - -

They were literally on the way to storm the town.
Unfortunately for them, Wilford and Bim's first encounter, when they were on their way to a public place, was in an dark ally. A group of five, a woman and the rest men, blocked their way, all masked with hoodies and mouth masks or scarfs.

"Hey you! Hold up! Where do you thing you're going?", one of the men asked.

"We are on our way to the local festival, sir! So may we pass by?", Bim asked politely, besides the burning fire in his eyes in combination with his charming smile.

"Youse two together?", another one spoke up with wide and shocked eyes, his accent sounding somewhat New Jerseyan.

"Us? No! We're just friends on an adventure! So can we get past you now?", Wil asked impaciente, while holding onto Bim's hand to drag him around, the other on his back to pull out his gun.

"Anyways,", the woman chimed in and pulled out a gun herself, "give us all your valuables and we won't harm you!"

Wilford and Bim just starred at the group, eyes going dull for a moment, before showing the same insanity in them. Bim got a hold of his throwing knives in the inner part of his suit jacket, letting go of Wil's hand and aiming at three of the men. Wil didn't hesitate to show his silver gun openly to his opponents, a sly smile under his mustache.

"So you want it the hard way-", a big fella of the group asked and stepped forward, immediately getting a bullet between the eyes by Wil's gun.

The rest of the group was shocked by the sudden death of their teammate, besides one, the man with the Jersey accent, he looked rather relieved.

"So, who wants to be my next candidate?"

The piercing blue eyes of the woman fixed Wil's brown ones. The weapon in her hand began to shake in her grip.

"You killed Mike... You fucking killed him, you monster! Without any hesitation!", she screamed and fired several times at the mad man.

Wilford was lucky to have his powers, otherwise he would be dead by now. He plopped up behind the group and put the barrel of the gun on the back of the head of the possible New Jerseyan.

"One wrong move and your little friend here is down as well.", Wil threatened.

As the other group members turned their surprised faced towards Wilford, Bim pulled out his throwing knives and hits the woman and the two men right in the throat.

"100 point to the good looking show host Bim Trimmer!", Bim grinned as they all fell down.

"Finally, I'm free from these bad people. Thank youse so much!", the male breathed out in relief and locked eyes with Bim, tears building up at the brim of his eyes.

"And why should we have mercy on you?", Bim questioned the masked man and pulled his knives out of his victims throats, "You're no difference in comparison to them."

"H-hey! I surely am unique! I can show youse! Let me get that mask off!", he quickly said, him sounding a bit unsure and nervous.

Wilford and Bim exchange glances but nodded to the last group member. Wil lowered his gun, still aiming at him with his small smile. The man pulled down his hood and the mask. Bim looked at him with wide eyes, mouth slightly agape and Wilford raised a brow at his expression.

"What's wrong? Me havin' something in my face?"

Bim shook his head and woke up from his stare, taking off his glasses to rub his eyes before putting them back on.

"You- you are an ego as well?"

"A what?"

Now Wil got all curious as well and put his gun back, plopping next to Bim to look at the others face.
The man had tanned skin just like them, his hair was slightly gelled to the side in a loose style, and a tattoo at his neck was barely visible to see.

"Oh. Erm. Well. That was unexpected.", Wilford stated and twirled his mustache between his thumb and index finger.

"So...? Youse still gonna kill me?", he asked them nervously.

"What? No! Definitely not! Damn, we almost killed one of our kind.", Bim breathed out and ran a hand through his hair, "It's hard to explain it, but as you can see, we... are all somewhat the same."

"Yeah, we have Mark as our creator. He created you and me and lil Bim here.", Wil added and ruffled through the smaller male's hair.

"Oh. Okay...?"

"By the way. The names are Wilford Motherlovin' Warfstache, me, and Bim Trimmer, my fella here.", Wil introduced them.

"Oh hi... Bim and Warfy. Name's Yancy.", Yancy introduced himself kinda unsure and rubbed the back of his neck.

There was a short silence before Yancy looked at the corpses around them and took a deep breath in.

"Hey, youse having a phone with you? I, erm, need to call the cops."

"What?! Why?!", Wil exclaimed shocked.

"I- I need to go back to jail, you know? Family waitin' there..."

"Oh. I see." Bim looked at him a bit... hurt, but gave Yancy his phone anyways. He somewhat thought that the new ego would come with them to the local festival or to the manor.

"Thanks." Yancy dialed the police and told them his location. He then gave Bim his phone back and look at them thankfully.

"Guess youse should run. They will be here in a few."

"Yeah. S-sure. We'll be on our way. See ya around, Yancy.", Wil stuttered and dragged Bim after him, who looked back to Yancy who waved them goodbye.

"Bye! Youse can come visit me! Every third Sunday! And every four months me has a performance! Visit me someday!", Yancy yelled after them as the sirens of the police came speeding towards him.
- - - -

"You think the new ego will be fine?", Bim asked with a worried look in his eyes, the sugar in his system dying down.

"He surely will. He's one of us after all.", Wil reassured him with a confident smile.

They arrived back at the manor where Google was expecting them already.

"Dark asks for your presence at your room, Wilford.", Google simply passed the information on to him and went back inside.

Wil sighed and let his shoulders hung, wearily knowing what will follow in his room.

"So, we gonna storm the town another day?", Bim asked hopefully, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yep. Next week or so."

"...There are still some of your sweets in the kitchen.", Bim pointed out and smirked to the mad man, "Wanna, you know, eat the left overs?"

Bim looked at him expectantly, his smirk widening. Wil looked a bit unsure but shrugged it off and flashed his companion the same smirk.

"First in the kitchen gets more!", he screamed an sprinted away, Bim on his heels.
- - - -
About ten minutes later, Wil came running into his room, his eyes full of joy and energy again. Dark just sat at on his bed, an annoyed expression on his face. Everything he needed for Wil's punishment laid prepared on the nightstand.

"Wilford.", Dark greeted.

"Hey Darky! Guess what happened!"

"You killed people again?", he asked sarcastically and stood up, to walk past him to lock the door.

"How'd you know?!"

"The blood stains on your shirt say it all." Dark pulled out a wristband and put it on Wil, it hindering him to use his powers.

"Are we doing this the easy or the hard way?", Dark asked as he stripped his suit jacket off.

Wil's eyes glistened with mischief and something else as Dark asked that, a cheeky smile forming on his face.

"Let us do it the funny way.", he responded and licked over his lips, stepping up to Dark.

"Yeah, I thought you'd say that.", Dark sighed defeated and managed to catch Wil off guard, pinning him to the wall.

"Let's see how the outcome will be this time"
- - - -

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