Cliche sucks.

By capsized_

258K 7.2K 1.3K


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chappie numba 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapyer 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 13

10.9K 292 39
By capsized_

Happy Halloween guys! Comment what you did!

I had a party, so yeah that was fun. The only thing I hate about parties is the drama that comes with them. Someone always gets mad at someone else. And yeah this morning we broke my bed. Don't be getting any dirty thoughts tho. We had a massive dog pile and it ended badly with my bed losing its bearing and snapping pieces of wood everywhere. I was also on the bottom of the pile.

Anyway, here's your story.

I woke up the next morning, basically stiff as a board. My body just physically wouldn't move. I ended up rolling, rolling, out of bed. The feeling of smacking the ground woke up Mt body because I was able to move.

What happened last night?

As my memories start to resurface, I walk out of the room the girls and I are sharing and wonder how I got there.

Last thing I remember is laying in Braxton's arms on the beach, soaking wet because he threw me in.

He must've brought me inside. The thought of him carrying my dead weight body through the sand and up to the house brought a smile to my lips.

Had he really brought me inside?

I walked out through the hallway and passed Rory and Dacey's room on my way to the kitchen, laughing because we had actually thought they were burglars.

Dacey and Rory would never steal anything from me, even if that's why they ran away.

You see, Rory and Dacey's parents are Con artists. They own a gallery a couple hours from here, and they sell forged art work for thousands of dollars. Well it's safe to say, growing up in a family full of con artist dealers wasn't the most loving lifestyle, and they hated it. Their parents controlled every aspect of their lives, school, sports, jobs. I'm assuming they finally 'asked' Rory to take over the business, and that's why they ran. I have no problem protecting them because 1, their parents love me and wouldn't think of hurting their dead best friends daughter, and 2, They may not have a big heart, But I do know they loved their kids and me, they showed it in different ways than normal though.

As I reach the kitchen I hear whistling. Like hard core whistling. Someone is singing in the background too. And it sounded suspiciously like Kalie.
I walk into the kitchen and see Kalie sitting in the counter singing her heart out to the tune bursting from Ricky's mouth. Their position is what made me stop on the opposite side of the counter from them.

Ricky was in between her legs, whistling, while he stares Kalie straight in the eyes.

I don't know how that happened without someone laughing. I mean Kalie's the type of girl who sings with her whole body, so her face moves and she's basically making faces at him, while Ricky is sitting there, lips pursed, staring intently at Kalie's hazel eyes.

So naturally when I see that, I burst out laughing and with my obvious skill and grace, smack my forehead off the granite counter, flail backwards, and end up on my butt.

This is just not my day.

And that's when the whistling ceases, the singing stops, and the laughing starts. It's not just from Kalie and Ricky, nope, Braxton, Dacey, Rory, Dylan, Andrew and West also are doubled over. They're sitting at the table that I didn't notice was full when I walked in.

I just grumble at them as I pick myself up and walk over to the table where the food is layed out.

I sit in between Braxton and Dylan, and that's when I realize just what I'm wearing.

Spandex, and a huge T-shirt.

"Who changed me?", I ask the table, as I pile my plate full of food.

"Nickie did."
I look over at Braxton to see him smirking at my legs which the table cloth doesn't cover fully.

I smack him on the side of the head just as Nickie and Brylon walk in.

"Jeez, Savannah, I didn't see you as the violent type." Brylon tells me as he smirks and grabs Nickie's hand.

"Shut up." I grumble to him, and all I get is a smirk in response.
After breakfast is over, and I'm thoroughly stuffed, we decide to go out to the beach.

I go to the room Kalie, Nickie and I are sharing and grab two bathing suits out of my bag.

"Which one?" I ask my girls as they each come out of somewhere different, dressed and ready for the beach.

"The red one!", They say simultaneously.

They then proceed to grin at eachother creepily.

"But don't you think it's too revealing?" I ask, holding up the bathing suit.

It's red, with white polka dots everywhere and the top looks like a bra.

"Braxton will like it." Kalie winks while she slips her skirt over her blue bottoms.

I roll my eyes at her comment and try to hide my blush.

Will he like it? Do I want him to like it?

Yeah, I do. But I don't want to try to please him, I wanna live for myself.

Ugh, feelings are so complicated.

(never written a more true statement)

"Wait so what is going on with you guys? Are you dating or not?" Nickie asks me with a raised eyebrow.

I sigh and sit on the bed, still in my pajamas.

"I don't know. Last night he made his feelings pretty clear, but he didn't ask me out, or even on a date. I just don't know. He's confusing me." I tell her.

"Well, talk to him. Brylon and I kissed for the first time yesterday!" Nickie squeals, and my frustration melts away and is replaced by happiness for my best friend.

"Oh my gosh! Ricky and I kissed yesterday too! We're going out! He asked me out yesterday after he kissed me!" Kalie squeals, just as excitedly, a massive smile taking up her face as she speaks.

I find myself sighing again, because Braxton still hasn't made his move, even though we've kissed multiple times.

"C'mon, the boys are waiting.", One of the girls tells me.
I just slip the red bikini on and walk outside with the girls, trying to forget my doubts by the light sand and warm waters.

An hour later.

I'm laying out on the sand, towel underneath me, sun lotion lathered on, and lemon juice in my hair, trying to get it to be a little lighter for when winter comes.

"Vannah!" Someone yells as they run up the me.
I crack an eye open to see a volleyball hurtling towards me. I screech and
I jump up just in time to be grabbed out of the track of the ball.

"Watch out, babe.", Braxton tells me as he removes his hands from my waist and I cross my arms and narrow my eyes. He can't call me babe if he's not making a move. That made me snap because, babe is used as a term of endearment and when he says it I feel insulted because he isn't my boyfriend, and he hasn't asked me out on a date. So this kid needs to solve his issues.

I poke his (very toned and firm) chest, ignoring the tingles that race up my arm when I do.

"We need to talk. You know, you never did answer my question last night." I tell him, while his eyes widen a fraction from the force of my poking.

"Whoa, Vannah. I thought I made it clear?" He says, as his eyebrows crease and he wraps his fingers around my upper arm.

"Ugh! Braxton! You didn't. I'm as confused as ever now!" I tell him as I throw his hands off me and throw mine up in the air, exasperated.

"Van, look. I like you okay? I was just.. Nervous. I didn't want you to say no if I asked you on a date." He tells me as his ears turn red and he looks at the ground.

Immediately my hand reaches out to cup his face and pull it up so his eyes meet mine.

"Hey. Sorry for overreacting, it's just the girls are talking about their relationships and how they all asked them out and I'm just like, I want some chips. And I just feel weird, like you weren't nervous, and I forced you into liking me or something. That would be bad. And embarrassing. So I mean if you just asked me out then yeah I'll go on a date with you, but I'm telling you now, I have a real brother, Brad, I have Dylan, Andrew, and Rory who are also overprotective of me so your going to be judged alot. They just assumed the father figure position after, well yeah. And anyway, now that I'm rambling, let's do something, I mean your all oily-" I don't get to finish because after I said oily, his amused face is gone and he wraps his arms around me and then we're as close as ever.

He threads his hands through my curls, doing the impossible and untangling them, and pulling me even closer.

I wrap my arms around his neck, grabbing his hair and his reach down to my waist.

We kiss for what seems like hours, and only stop because Andrew chucks his water soaked spiderman ball at us, screaming, "Kids! Could you keep it PG? I'd like my eyes to stay virgin for a while longer!" causing everyone to look at him except, Kalie, Dylan, Nickie and I, who all knew he was a virgin.

I get why they all looked, he's a gorgeous guy obviously, and he's a football player. So why would he be a virgin? Because him and Dylan aren't players. Well, Dylan can be. But Andrew is like an innocent bunny rabbit, friends with a wolf.

Braxton picks me up, sits down on my Towel, and lays me down next to him.

"Yes. I did ask you out. And I haven't figured out where we're going yet, so don't ask me. I know your going to bug me forever when I do find out but you have to trust me. It's a surprise." He tells me as he kisses my nose and then lays down.
I scrunch up my nose, but nod anyway. Arguing won't solve anything.
I turn over onto my back because thats the part that I haven't tanned yet.

I just lay there for a while, basking in the heat from Braxton's hand wrapped around mine, and the sun.

That's how we spent our day, just happy in each other's company, listening to our friends become something a little more.


Guys, please comment on when u make mistakes, I really need to edit them soon. And I miss stuff so that's helpful!






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