The Phantoms new Angel of Mus...

By TheCreator900

12.6K 229 48

Erik Destler has been alive for 121 years. Why? He is immortal, well, only until his life goes the way he pla... More

Chapter one: The girl
chapter two: staying
chapter three: sing for me
Chapter four: Pranks and revenge
Chapter five: A day out
Chapter six: The nightmare
Chapter seven: The Auditions
Chapter Eight: The dream again
Chapter nine: Erik meets Addie's friends
Chapter eleven: Erik meets Milo
chapter twelve: Erik's gift
Chapter thirteen: Milo meets Addie
Chapter fourteen: Milo's choice
Chapter fifteen: Saying goodbye
chapter sixteen: moving in
Chapter Seventeen: a distraction
Chapter Eighteen: Erik meets Addie's mum again
Chapter Nineteen: the wedding
Chapter Twenty: pregnancy days
Chapter twenty-one: The End

Chapter ten: Love Never Dies

425 10 1
By TheCreator900

Tonight was the night of the show and I was honestly a little nervous about how this show was going to go. Katelyn and (Y/N) said that they didn't want to come to the show so they stayed in the lair.

(A/N: I'm only going to be writing some scenes from the show with Erik's reactions so there will be a lot of Time skips. Erik on stage will be just Phantom)

"You ready?" Addie asked me when the lights dimmed.

"Yes," I replied.

(Time skip, after Megs first performance)

"So I'm Megs Sempai?" I whispered to Addie.

"Pretty much" Addie whispered back.

(Time skip, Dr Gangle, Mr Squelch and Miss Fleck pick up Christine, Raoul and Gustave)


Everything and everyone
It's all just how I dreamed
All the freaks and all the fun
Exactly how I dreamed!
And Phantasma still awaits
Wonder what's behind its gates?

"I like this kid" I whispered to Addie who just nodded.

(Time skip, Phantom meets Gustave for the second time)

"Who are you? Where are you taking me?" Gustave asked the trio.

"I'm Miss Fleck"

"The Mighty Squelch"

"Doctor Gangle"

"At your service..." they said together.

"...And his" Miss Fleck said to the boy.

Come along and follow us

Come and follow faster

Come along and follow us

Come and meet the master
Hurry up and follow us, hurry if you care to
Soon the dark will swallow us, follow if you dare to

"Is this where Mr Y lives?" Gustave asked the trio.

"This is where he works," Doctor Gangle told him.

"Step lively, child" Miss Fleck said.

"He is waiting," Mr Squelch told him.

What is this place?

This is my realm, illusions domain
Where music and beauty and art are first rate

"Go, look around, while I finish my work" Phantom told Gustave.

"May I?" Gustave asked before playing the piano.

"What's this?" Phantom asked.

Just a song in my head

"Go on," Phantom told him.

Gustave continued to play while I was asking myself, 'isn't he a bit young to have a mind of a composer?'

I think it's beautiful
Beautiful, beautiful notes
Beautiful, beautiful sounds
Don't you agree?
It's beautiful

"This boy..."

So very beautiful

"This music..."

Music that comes on control

"He plays like me..."

Floating and lovely and bold

He's just 10 years old
10 years old
My god.... my god!

My eyebrows raised in surprise. He's ten and yet, he can hear music in his head AND he can play like me. I'm starting to like this boy even more.

(Time skip, Christine tells Phantom Gustave is his son)

Once upon another time
You went off and left me alone
But that's not all you did
You left me with a son

My mouth dropped open.

"T-the boy.... is mine?" I whispered but Addie heard.

"Yes," she whispered back.

(End of act 1)

"So Raoul is drunk and abusive, Christine is willing to sing to pay off Raoul's gambling debts, I'm running a freak show on Coney Island, Gustave is my son, Meg is obsessed with me and Madam Giry has become greedy" I summed up to Addie.

"Basically," she said, "but, there is still more to come."

(Time skip, Madam Giry told Meg the Phantom didn't watch her performance)

"Madame Giry is telling this to Meg like she's a princess," I said slightly annoyed.

"I've noticed this and it still annoys me," Addie said.

(Time skip, Meg tries to commit suicide)

Now that I've got your attention at last
Here's the big finish, and then you can go!

Meg held a gun to her head and at that point, I was on the edge of my seat.

Give me the gun, Meg
Give me the hurt and the pain and the gun, Meg
Give me the blame for not seeing the things
That you've done, Meg

Give me the gun, Meg
Give me the chance to see you clear at last

See me clear at last

You feel ugly, you feel used
You feel broken, you feel bruised
Ah, but me, I can see all the beauty underneath


You've been robbed of love and pride
Been ignored and pushed aside
Even so, I still know there is beauty underneath


Diamonds never sparkle bright
If they aren't set just right
Beauty sometimes goes unseen
We can't all be like Christine

(A/N: great choice of words Jackass)

(Christine, Christine...
Always Christine!)

The gun went off and a second later, Christine fell to the floor. I swear my heart stopped when she fell. When Christine told Phantom to kiss her one last time, I was on the verge of tears but at the same time, I was praying that she would survive but when she fell limp in the Phantoms arms I let my tears fall. I watched her funeral years ago and it broke my heart to see her dead while I was still alive but seeing her die here on stage broke my heart even more. The show ended and everyone took their bows.

"Hey Erik, you go back to the lair, I'm going to stay here a little longer," Addie said.

"Very well," I said, "I'll be at the boat waiting."

"Okay," she said.

Little did she know, I stayed in the shadows to make sure she was safe if Milo came to box five.

(I'll probably write chapter eleven tomorrow, my neck is aching)

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