Claimed By The Alpha

By LightTeal21

129K 3.3K 400

Waking up completely hungover in a hotel room next to a complete stranger wasn't what I was expecting. Howev... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Authors note
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Not an update sorry
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Authors note
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Authors note
Authors note

Chapter 15

3.2K 101 14
By LightTeal21


I wanted desperately to FaceTime Nature and my friends but what would they think when they see my red eyes? Would they be worried? Disgusted? Or above all fearful? I didn't know what to do... a knock at my door caught my attention.

"Come in." Nova poked her head in with a nervous smile making me frown deeply.

"What's wrong?"

"Forgive me. It's just that your a newborn and it's been hours since you have eaten. You could say I'm a bit on edge."

"To be honest I'm not really thinking about food." She seemed to relax at my answer as she put a wine bottle in front of making me tilt my head in curiosity.

"Ah I appreciate it but I'm actually not old enough to drink yet." She chuckled as she shook her head while pointing at it.

"The mistress likes to save her wine bottles, especially the rare ones. This one is filled with blood. You are quite amusing to me Petrova. If you where human I feel like we could have been friends."

"Please call me Fall. I'm not Petrova, I'm just a girl who looks like her."

"I see. So, Fall Huh? What's on your mind? Maybe I can help?"

"Lots of things. For one I want to use this tv and FaceTime my girlfriend and friends but I fear of what they might think of me now. Second why can't we be friends?"

"Is that all?"

"Hehe I actually have more but I don't know if I should really tell anyone about it." I could tell that caught Nova's attention.

"I see. Close your eyes for me, just for a minute."

I do as I'm told and for a split second I feel my eyes start to tingle.

"Ok, you can open them now."

Upon opening my eyes I couldn't help but beam at my reflection when I saw my normal plain brown eyes once again.

"Thank you thank you thank you!"

"Hehe it's no problem. It won't last long but it will help with your issue. Now about your other problem? If you tell me I may be able to help you. And if you want I will most certainly keep it a secret from the mistress and her sister."

I felt as if I could trust Nova, she just had that aura about her. And so I told her everything that happened between me and my girlfriend Nature.

"So your telling me that when you where human you where meant to turn into a werewolf this upcoming full moon but instead Lenora found you and turned you into a vampire without your consent? That's kinda neat up but I can understand why you would have questions... hmm in order to be able to tell if you will still turn I will no doubt need a blood sample."

"Huh? But vampires don't bleed do they?"

"They do. Just very little, and it takes a while to collect the blood as well since they have so little. In order for me to obtain your blood I would need to inject a large needle deep within your vain."

"Whatever you have to do." I was trying hard not paying attention to the needle as I felt it sink deeply into my skin.

"Your a strange one. You show a lot of emotion for a vampire. Maybe we could be friends? I mean I hesitated before because back at my coven I learned that Vampires and werewolves are our enemies but you and the mistress have been really kind to me."

"Why wouldn't we be kind to you? I mean you didn't really do anything wrong."

"Here. While I'm taking your blood you should probably drink. You know most vampires would have guzzled that down already."

"I'm not like most vampires." She smiles at me as she slowly pulled the needle out.

"There. I should be able to determine wether or not that werewolf part of you is still active."

"Can I come with you and watch?"

"I'm sorry. It's still light outside."

"Hmph. You know for a vampire Lia has far to many windows." She laughed once again making me smile. I was feeling a little less bored now and once she left I quickly rushed towards the tv screen typing in Nature's number.

Come on, come on please answer... I beamed as I saw Nature's familiar sunset colored eyes making me smile until I heard a girls voice in the background.

"Let me see let me see"

"Stop it Miyu. Hello? Is anyone there?"

Can she not see me? But I can see her...


"Fall? Fall is that you?! Please tell me your ok! See Aubrey I told you she wasn't dead! Fall where are you? I'm coming to get you right now!"

"I'm.." before I could answer the tv screen suddenly shattered making me grow pale as I look over and see a very angry Lenora.

"What do you think your doing?! I told you that any form of contact with your friends and family is forbidden!"

Oh no. What should I do now? For the first time since I got here I felt scared.

Surely she wouldn't hurt me... would she?

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