I Purple You V

By _Dark_Serenity_

82 13 2

Being accused of being a gold-digging cheater was not something that I wanted when I first met him. I had met... More



5 1 0
By _Dark_Serenity_

Once the movie was over, we all went to sleep. It had been a long and tiring day. Although the boys were on break, they always made sure to practice.

  'Kila?' His deep voice came out in the most delicate way. 

I look over at him. He stood there with a big pajama shirt. Both his arms were out in front of him with the shirt hanging from his clenched fists. His face was in a natural pout as if he wasn't even aware of it. When I made eye contact, he smiled and waved it in front of me. I took it and questioned.

'For me?' He nodded with enthusiasm and quickly turned around so that I could change into it.

 I smiled and quickly put it on. It smelled just like him. He liked buying oversized clothing for himself. Imagine, if its baggy on him then it's gonna swallow me whole. I tapped his shoulder and he quickly turned to face me. He held me at an arm's length away and looked at me. His deep yet high, but soft laugh sounded throughout the whole entire room. He threw his head back and laughed. I laughed along with him.

  'Why are you laughing?' I softly hit his arm.

 He smiled at me and gave me a hug. 

'You look cute.' I just shook my head. 

These were the moments that I will always love. I thanked him for the pajama shirt and pulled him to bed. It was the same thing as the nights before. I told him stories about my childhood while he hugged me until he fell asleep. Once I realized that he was asleep, I made sure to memorize every detail on his face. I was scared of letting go especially after getting to know him and falling for him. With that, I was off to dreamland.

 When I woke up the next morning, I knew that I was awake before anyone else. I looked at the calendar after carefully getting out of bed. It had already been two weeks. What felt like only a few days was actually two weeks. The time was going by way to fast and I was anxious. I didn't want it to end. All of these bad thoughts weren't good so I decided to hit the gym so that I can let all my stress out. Once I got to the gym, I went straight towards the weights. 

In high school, I did three years of weight lifting and I loved it. It was something that I would do outside of school as well. Back squats were always my go-to as well as incline bench presses. An hour and a half of my routine, I got a call. 

'Hello?' I didn't look at the caller ID so when I answered I was confused.

  'Do you know how worried we were?! Tae almost lost his mind!' I cursed. 

I quickly made sure to pack my things and ran out the door and back home. When I got home, everyone was outside waiting for me. I bowed the full 90 degrees and stayed that way.

  'I'm really sorry guys. I could've sworn I left a note. I promise to always make sure a note or something is there to tell you where I am.' I heard sighs so I looked up.

 They all seemed worried but I can also see that they were trying not to smile. They shook their heads while laughing softly. Tae was the one to come up to me and hug me. I tried to push him off since I was sweaty.

  'Tae. I'm really sweaty and gross.' He didn't care.

  'I don't care jagi. I was worried so please don't do that again.' I gave in and nodded.

 I hugged him back and looked up to him. I gave him a reassuring smile and kissed his cheek. We let go and went inside. I clapped my hands together to get their attention.

  'Alright, Oppas!! Since I made you all worry this morning, I'll make breakfast. Let me clean up first!' 

Before they could say anything, I quickly escaped and got clean. Once I made it to the kitchen, I began to cook. While cooking, I thought of some ideas on how I could spend time with them and help them enjoy their vacation. That's when I got it. Once the food was done, I set the table up and served the food before calling everyone in.

  'Mmhhh smells and looks really delicious!' Jimin quickly sat down and began to eat and soon the others followed.

 I always made sure to refill their plates so that they could be as full as healthily possible. Once they were done, I collected the plates and took them to the kitchen. Jin and Jimin volunteered to clean up so I let them. Knowing them, I knew that they would have pulled the 'I'm older than you' card. Once they were done I sat them all down in the living room so that I could tell them of our plans. 

'Alright, kids! Since it is the weekend and I don't have class for a few days, why don't we go somewhere fun?' 

They looked at one another quietly agreeing. My thought was to visit Jeju-si. I did some research and learned that they have a folklore museum and seawater sauna plus much more. I quickly got their attention and asked them about what they thought.

 They agreed. We packed a few things and got lunch. Our flight was to be within the next two hours. 

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