Burning Love(Rin x Reader)

By PastelASAP

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A young girl now orphaned after losing her parents in a freak car accident. She ran away from the orphanage t... More

Your Life
Chapter 2: A New Home?
A Better Future?
Shiro's Discovery
New School, New Side
Mr. Stripes
True Cross Academy
First Day Worries?
Dorms and Friends
Boring Day, New Student
Death do us part
Catch up! Storms! Oh my!
Authors Note: Help
Truth Comes Out?
Welcome Back! Part 1
Valentine Special
So Close
Got the Gang Back Togather!
Judges and Demons
Hot Hot Hot
Dragged Down
I miss you...
Bring It down
Author's Note
Cold Stormy Nights
Happy Birthday!
Cars and Work
As we Planned
All done (:
Author Note:


6.1K 200 30
By PastelASAP

****Toshi's POV****

Yukio and I walked, well Yukio was more pulling me by the tail. I don't feel like talking to that bitch Emerald. But I guess I have to. After all her familiar is my brother... poor  Takumi (aka Taku).

Yukio dragged me into the courtyard. A young girl young teens with green eyes and green hair. She had pale skin and delicate features. She sat on the top tear of the fountain. While a little older looking boy was sitting at the bottom looking bored as hell.

I recognized the boy right away as my older brother Taku. The girl though took a minute to realize it was Emerald. Her looks matured now let's see if her attitude did. As I approached, Yukio greeted first.

Yukio: "Hello Ms. Sitie (Pronunciation: City) and Taku"

Taku and I really don't have a last name.... see the council just gave us the names to identify us "properly". Then we were sent to protect the little angels.

Emerald: "Yukio its been so long!!!" She jumps down and in to Yukio's arms. Yukio hesitantly hugs back.

Yukio: "Emerald I saw you just 4 days ago!"

Emerald: "That's still too long!!!" She pleaded

I gave out a little cough to catch her attention but that had no effect.

Emerald: "Taku!!! Get off your lazyass and say hello like a normal demon" Taku slowly gets up. He stretches and gave a yawn. "Hey, Yukio what's up?"

"Am I invisible or something!?!" I ask myself

Yukio: "Well see Toshiro and I came to talk abou-" Taku interrupted him "Toshi!?" Taku looks over his shoulder to see me. He rushed over and gave me a hug.

Taku: "Been too long." I hugged back.

It has been too long. Last time I saw him was when (Y/N) and Emerald were about 8... so 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... 6 years. We were sent to both girls when they were 7 but we would sneak out to hang out while they were sleeping.

Emerald jabbed both her hands in between us and separated them pushing us apart. Taku has always been patient, tolerable and quiet but how can he stand her!

Emerald: "Come on you too lions and tigers don't get together, remember? They live on different parts of the world"

Me: "Well he's my brother you-"

Taku: "Toshi hold your tongue. It's fine."

I did as my brother asked I kept to myself and bit my tongue. Emerald pushed me back fixing Taku's long scruffy emo blonde hair. Getting his hair out of his golden brown eyes. Caressing his silky pale skin.

Emerald: "There. Perfect!"

Yukio: "Emerald, Taku, Toshi we need to talk!"

Emerald: "Why can't we play!" She moaned  and winked at Yukio.

Yukio: "Maybe later. But (y/n), and Toshi are coming to True Cross, too. I pulled some strings so that all 6  of us(Rin, Yukio, Taku, Emerald, Toshi and you) are in the same dorm." He pulls out a map of the campus pointing to dorm 6. Then pointing to the building.

Yukio: "(Y/N) doesn't know about her parents or yours." He said talking to Emerald directly.

Emerald: "So.... what does that have to do with me?"

Me: "So you can't tell her keep you damn mouth closed got it?"

Taku: "You could have been a little nicer right?"

Me: "Yeah but then my point would've been crossed so strongly."

I started home after that statement. I didn't care what Yukio had to say. If it was extremely important he would've chased me. He knew I'm.not going to tell (y/n) for a while now. Taku and I will see each other every day in a week so I gave him a glance. He nodded. Emerald I didnt care really. She had such a perfect life. Great parents spent all their money on her happiness, gave her anything she wanted in the world, and gave her love. It made me sick how she became a spoiled brat. Then (Y/N) crossed my mind.

I closed my eyes and put my hands behind my head. I let her story in full picture.

Parents coming to Earth to have a baby girl. God sent them to make life to control one of the Dominic twins. Since Rin was stoner than Yukio (y/n) would pair up with him. Her patents had more power and held high positions. Then a little after (y/n) was born... Satan can't to kill them. Her dad didn't want his wife or daughter to fire do he fought and fought he got scratched across his chest. He lost a lot of blood and blacked out.

(Y/N) mom didn't get do easy. She pulled out her sword and charged Satan grabbed her and threw her against the wall. Satan started to walk towards (y/n)'s crib. Mom picked herself up and ran towards Satan cutting off the body's back half. He grabbed her and put her between his jaw and bit down before disappearing.

After the incident her dad blamed himself for what happened. He drank and drank  until early in the morning. Normally hammered as fuck would beat the shit out of (y/n). He forgot who she was at times. It was awful.

Her mom now infected with the blood of the worst demon of all. She developed a milti-personality disorder. 4 new personalities.

1.) Carly- Sweet, party teenage girl

2.) Billy- Old, mean grandpa man (sexually touched)

3.) James- Young, thirsty man (sexually intercourse)

4.) Sarah- young kind woman

Man how can she laugh about her scars and past? I smiled thinking of her laughing.

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