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Rin and I are on a date. He took us to a park. We've been walking nonstop for soooo long. My feet are starting to hurt.
"Rin" I whined, "My feet hurt. Can you carry me?"

He just chuckled and kneeled down in front of me. I leaped on his back and he carried me. We reached a nice little open field. We were on top of a hill looking down into a valley. Rin let me off of his back. The tall golden grass was swaying in the breeze. The sun was just about to set. With light pink and gold clouds streaking in the sky. I looked back down in to the valley. There were dear in the valley eating some grass. It was breath taking.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Rin whispered.

"Yeah" I agreed.

"Still not as beautiful as you" you looked over at him. He was on a knee holding up a flower. He had a light blush on his face. He had that smile... That smile that I loved to death. Where his eyes are closed and the corner of his cheeks are curled up into the giant, white, toothy smile.

I gently picked the delicate flower from his hands and held it to my chest. I lifted it to my face and took a quick whiff. It smelt beautifully. He, by now, was standing up and grabbed me by the waist. "(Full name)," he whispered, "You are the prettiest girl in the world. Your smile can bring me out of the deepest darkest moments of my life. Your laughter... Your giggles... Can fill my heart with joy. I love you. I would travel to hell and back then to the end of the universe if that's what it takes for you to understand how much I love you.

"The world would be so dull without you hear." -he rested his forehead in you forehead and closed his eyes- "I love you. And I can't thank you enough... For being my best friend, the better half of me, the light to my darkness, and the love of my life."

He opened his eyes and smiled at me. My eyes were over flowing with the salty tears. Why is he thanking me? I asked myself, I should be thanking him.

"Rin" I spoke quietly then I took a lung and kissed him on the lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. A single tear ran down my cheek. When we pulled back I payed my head on his shoulder still having my arms around his neck. His arms around my waist. "I couldn't live without you" I spoke, "You're all I have. I love you so much words can not describe." -we began to rock back and forth- "thank you..." I whispered.

His hand went down to my knees and picked my up bridal style. "Let's go home" he said with a devilish smirk.

"You sly dog" I chuckled.

~The End (; or is it??

Burning Love(Rin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now