Shiro's Discovery

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A/N hey guys thank you so much for 100+ reads!!! Love ya

~Space Dragon

~~~~Shiro's P.O.V.~~~~

I was sitting at the table doing umm... a back round check in little miss (Your Name). She was cute dirty but cute.

Parents died 4 months ago, car accident, 10 people died, 1 survivor (your name), Blue Flames??, Explosion, investigation says the Explosion should not have happened. 'Shit, I wonder if Satan got involved with this?' I pondered upon.

Court date: to gain custody of (Your name). No-one from her family showed up to gain custody.'Man that's awful'

School: Good grades, awesome attendance, expelled 3 days.'What the hell?' Expelled 3 days for punching a boy and breaking his jaw.

"In self defence from a bully messing with her. She reacted in a violent way. And violence is intolerable in the school " wrote a teacher.'How was the bully "messing with her".'

'Holy fuck!' Dad and Mom abused (Your name) Dad: physically. mom: sexually. (Your name) has had 3 different hospital visits for broken bones. Parents say from falling down the stairs. (Your name) says otherwise.

"Damn... how the hell is this girl able to smile." I thought out loud. Not knowing there are ears listening.

Rin cones out "Now why d-do you say dat?" he questioned.'... um' "...Well she has had... a lot happen in her life"

"Can we go visit her?" Yukio asked with is goofy smile "I would wait a bit, okay?" I said "Hey don't you two have choirs to do?"

Rin and Yukio's mouths dropped and looked at each other and ran out of the room.

I turn back to my computer and go to the orphanage's website. Printed out the paper work to adopt (your name) and headed to the Hugimi's house.

On my way out the door I passed the bench (Your name) was sitting on. There was a little stuffed tiger.'I wonder if that's hers' I grabbed it anyways

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