As we Planned

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Rin has been bragging about his car and his girl for a few months now. Did he forget our perfect date? He does have a pretty clumsy memory. It really shouldn't bother me but it does.

"(Y/N)" I got snapped out of my thoughts by Rin's sweet voice, "Can you help me load the car?" He had his hands full with blankets, bags of luggage, and a picnic basket balanced on his head. He had a light dust of pink on his cheeks with a goofey smile. I laughed and walked over taking a blanket and the basket from his possession. "Rin" I asked with a playful trail off, "What is this for?"

"Remember that date I promised you?" He held open the door for me.

"How could I forget it?" I laughed.

"Well this weekend seemed like the perfect time" He opened the trunk of the car. He placed the objects in the back including what I had. He smiled and ruffled my hair. He walked me to the passenger side of the car opening the door for me, "After you malady." He closed the door as soon as I got in, I quickly bucked up. When Rin entered the car and buckled up, I couldn't help it but have a silly smile on my face.

He turned the keys turning on the car's engine. It left me biting my lip. I loved the smooth purr the car gave off. Rin just chucked, "Like that?"

I blushed, "Y-Yeah... It gives me the chills."

He smiled, "You haven't seen anything yet."

He switched the gear from park to drive and zoomed down the street. I rolled down the window and put my hand out playing around watching my hand fly. "You miss flying I bet" he said sadly glancing at me then back on the road. I can't lie.. I really do miss flying. It's not that I no longer can. It's just now that we have the car, I don't really have a reason to. "Yeah," I sighed.

"Once we get into the country me and you can play tag." He smiled, moving his right hand on top of the steering wheel now driving with one hand. He stepped on to the gas petal teasingly. The wind was blowing threw my hair. Suddenly in a blink of the eye I unbuckled my self and threw my head and torso out of the window. I was leaning forward with my legs in the car, and my hands rested on the door. "Woah!" I screamed.

The sun was at the pretty stage of setting. Where the sky had clouds painted with hues of the prettiest pinks, light-purples and oranges. The sun's rays touching my bare skin and the wind flying through my hair. The birds sang their songs. The water danced on the beach that we were passing. I smiled and crawled back into the car.

Brushing my hair with my fingers, and humming a sweet tune. I stopped what I was doing and looked over at Rin forgetting that he was driving. I forgot I was in a car actually...

He was looking the other way with his cheeks bright red and mouth puckered like he was pouting. "What?" I asked.

"Check your skirt size next time" he mumbled still not looking at me.

I looked down remembering I had a loose, short skirt. The wind must have been making it fly around... Wait.... Oh my god!

Burning Love(Rin x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن