True Cross Academy

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****YOUR POV****

I'm finally starting True Cross Academy. Semester 1 Quarter 1 is starting in a week! I can't wait! A new school, a new start, new friends (I hope), and I get my own dorm!!! But I have to share with Toshi -_-. Man that's going to be weird :/. I've shared bedrooms and houses with him but we always had our own space, bathroom and area.

Mother and Father aren't home at the moment. Just me and Toshi. I started to pack my clothes and things. Toshi on the other hand had already finished packing. Going out somewhere. I didn't mind it I mean he would probably distract me so... what evs.

****Toshi's POV****

(Y/N) has to pack still for True Cross. Perfect :3. I have a "date" with a good friend. Luckily (Y/N) seems she doesn't care that much that I'm going out. So I left the house. Walking down the street to our meeting place. At the gate of True Cross I leaned against the wall next to the entrance grabbed my phone and texted:

"I'm here. Where's you at?"

Not much longer my phone goes off. New text message.

"I'm on my way" it read.

I waited about 5 minutes then here comes Yukio with his normal smirk, 4 eyed face."Aye. Sup man" I waved over. We shook hands and walked in the gates and towards the school.

Yukio: "Nothing really, but you know why I called you here right?"

Me: "No but I have a feeling its about (Y/N) 15th birthday."

Yukio: "That's a part of it, yes. But... Shiro died. Rin broke the protection of the Kurikara sword. He ran into Satan and manages to kill Shiro..." He pushed his glasses up his nose.

Me: "Shiro is... Dead! What? Kutikara and Rin's powers... unleashed. SHIT! The world hates us."

Yukio: "We have to tell (Y/N) sooner or later. Otherwise-" I cut him off, clenched my jaw, hid my face and curled my hands into fists.

Me: "I know but it would break her. I can't handle that. I'm not losing her for him. I don't care what he says I'm going to tell her later. That's final."

Yukio: "He's doing it for a reason. God sent her parents; the general of the Angel's Army, and the his own daughter. So that his grand daughter can control Rin."

Me: "What about Emerald?" I lifted my head to see him.

Yukio: "She found out when she was 10."

Me: "And look at her she's a monster! She can KILL you. I don't think (Y/N) ready to know her duty or parents."

Yukio: "Fine but if (Y/N) finds out by Emerald-"

Me: "Emerald knows about (Y/N)?

Yukio pinched the bridge of his nose. "Yes, Emerald knows about (Y/N). After all Emerald's parents told her everything! The plan, (Y/N), me, Rin,... even you."

Me: "She'll blow my cover than!!"

Yukio: "Go talk to her than."

Sorry guys I sprained my ankle and I've been bed ridden with no charger. :( sorry again. But any questions just ask please (: thanks for reading

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