I Purple You V

_Dark_Serenity_ tarafından

82 13 2

Being accused of being a gold-digging cheater was not something that I wanted when I first met him. I had met... Daha Fazla



18 2 2
_Dark_Serenity_ tarafından

Being accused of being a gold-digging cheater was not something that I wanted when I first met him. I had met him on accident when I had gone to South Korea when I was studying abroad for college. It was so random and unexpected. He was someone I thought I would never meet, no, I was for sure, 100%. The moment I stepped foot onto the plane was when I met him. He sat all alone and he for sure was on my seat. He looked so innocent and of course, I already knew who he was by that cute boxy smile. I looked around him and noticed that the other guys were there as well. I knew they were people like me and that they were normal, just with a few more people knowing who they were. I walked over and tried to be as calm as possible. Me being me, I'm genuinely a shy but also reserved person. Trust me, I've been told that I looked as if I hated everyone. As I got closer they started to notice that I was headed in their direction. It was also in my culture to bow slightly, a sign of respect and acknowledgment. I put my carry on into the overhead compartment and then turned to the one in my seat. "Hi, um, I'm sorry but you're in my seat." I tried to give a smile, but I'm sure it looked like a cringe instead. He looked surprised that I talked to him and gave me an embarrassed smile. He shyly got up and moved out so I could sit near the window. I smiled at his cuteness, but later covered it when I noticed everyone else looking at our interaction. I quickly sat down and he then followed. After that, they had started talking and me being me, I only understood the basics. The one I knew could speak English fluently turned to me and started to talk. "Hi, I'm Namjoon." He gave me a genuine smile, his dimple showing as he did so. "Hi, I'm Kira." I tried to smile, but I was getting nervous and I'm sure I looked like a tomato. "My friend over here wanted to ask if he could sit on the window side. He loves photography and well...." I smiled and shook my head. "I don't mind." I turned to V and smiled shyly. "Let's change yeah?" He gave me a smile and glared at Namjoon. That's when I came to the conclusion that he didn't want him to ask. Everyone was looking as we made the exchange. Then they all decided to try and talk to me. "Hello, I'm your hope, you're my hope, I'm J-Hope." I smiled at his enthusiasm and shook his hand and said hello. They already knew my name. After that, they all introduced themselves to me in their unique ways. Of course, I already knew who they were. There was one person who hadn't introduced themselves to me and that was the man who I changed seats with. I turned to him and smiled. "I'm V" it was simple and cute. He made a V with his fingers and put it up to his right eye and gave me that cute boxy smile. I knew that I blushed and I also knew that everyone else noticed. That's when we started a small conversation. RM would translate for us and we made it work. Of course, they tried to talk to me in English and me in Korean. I wasn't good at pronunciations so I stopped after a while because I didn't want to offend them. "I don't want to make things weird, but I just wanted to let you know that I know who you guys are." RM looked away and they started to speak in Korean. After they finished, I quickly went to add what I wanted to say before they thought the worst of me. "I know that me not telling you, in the beginning, is bad, but I didn't want you guys to think that I was a crazy fangirl and that I would spill all of your guys' plans or anything. Every conversation we had was genuine and I was truly interested in everything you guys were talking about." He nodded. I sighed knowing that they probably wouldn't believe me and to be honest I was hurt. I shrugged it off knowing that they had to be careful since their popularity was growing as the minutes go by. I put my headphones in and leaned against the chair and prepared for take-off. I closed my eyes and since I've traveled so many times, I didn't pay attention to what was being announced. Something that I had to do was keep calm because I knew that when I flew alone, I get nervous and I start to psych myself out. In and out, in and out, you got this Kira. I tap on my left shoulder got my attention. It had startled me and I about punched the crap out of V. "Please don't do that. Shit, I could've hurt you." I puffed out the air from my lungs. I was mad, not at V, but at myself. I didn't want to hurt anyone and I wasn't able to control myself. I gave a sarcastic laugh, "You shouldn't startle someone who has had military training like that. Please be careful next time. I really don't wish to hurt anyone." I knew all seven boys were stunned and that RM would be translating that to them and they would be talking. I was frustrated and I got up and went into the bathroom not caring that I wasn't supposed to. I closed the door, turned the water on, and splashed the cold water onto my face. I looked at the shitty mirror and started talking. "Damn it, Kira, you could've hurt the guy. Why is it that you always fuck things up." A few tears ran down my cheeks and I let them fall. Being strong for too long leads to my breakdowns and that's something else that frustrates me to no end. I washed my face once more before drying it off with the paper towels and opening the door to leave. Outside the door, V stood there and I knew he heard what I was saying. I don't know how it happened, but the next thing I knew I was in his arms. He was much taller so he basically had his arms around my upper arms and his head was tucked into my neck. My arms were limp at my side until I reluctantly wrapped my arms around his waist. After a while, he pulled out and held me at arm's length inspecting me as if to make sure that I was okay. He could instantly see my red eyes and he gave me a quick hug before leading us back to our seats. Once we were seated, no one turned back to look at us and I guessed that Taehyung, V, probably said something to them. He got his phone out and went to google translate. 'I'm sorry about stealing your seat and scaring you. I know you don't want anything bad to happen.' I turned to look at him and gave him a small smile. I then wrote back and hoped the translator did a good job trying to say what I meant. 'It's not your fault. I respect that you like photography. About scaring me, don't worry about that. I'm trying to control it. It's working though, my fist had no contact with your pretty face.' He turned to look at me and laughed. I smiled and shook my head at how cute he sounded. 'Pretty? I'd like to say I'm worldwide handsome. P.s. please don't tell Jin I said that.' I tried to laugh quietly and nodded. I teased him. 'I'll let Jin know as soon as possible.' I faked as if I was going to tell him. He quickly got a hold of my wrist and brought it to his chest. He looked at me with wide eyes and shook his head. He tried so hard to seem as genuine as possible, but he and I knew that it was all for jokes. Throughout the flight, all we did was talk about ourselves, family, life. I had gotten to know him more personally and he had gotten to know me as well. Once we knew our time was almost over we both got quiet. I had liked him before even knowing him personally and now that I do know him, I know I've fallen. Did he reciprocate those feelings? There was no possible way. I knew that his management wouldn't allow it. They are too busy for all of that and even if we could, there was no way it would work. He's a superstar, I'm normal. I'm only here for a few weeks and he lives here. There was no way we would work out, there was no hope. As we neared, I closed my eyes and processed everything. This would be the first and last time that I would ever see them like this. Even if they didn't like me or were cautious of me, that wouldn't stop me from supporting them and always cheering them on. As I came to the understanding that this would be the last time I saw them, we had landed and were now getting off the plane. I usually wait for others get off since I wasn't in a hurry. I turned to them all once it was finally almost clear. "I'm sorry if you felt as if I lied to you all. I'm an honest Army and I will support you always, just know that anything that happened on this plane will stay on this plane. It was nice to meet you all." I bowed slightly and got my stuff and began to leave. I made it near the front of the plane before I was grabbed by the elbow. I was turned and once again I was in someone's arms. I instantly knew who's. I looked into his eyes and he didn't say anything. I felt his hand go into the pocket of my hoodie. 'Call me, please.' I then knew that he had given me his number. I nodded and was about to pull away until I was brought back into his chest. I hugged him back and let go knowing that the rest of the boys and their staff were watching. I looked at him and nodded before turning and leaving. I walked as fast as possible knowing that I had to go get my things before the swarm of fans came and blocked the passages. Once I made it into a taxi, I pulled out the paper and looked at the number. Of course, this guy wrote it in Korean lettering. I laughed and put it on the back of my phone in my case. Once I was dropped off, I got situated into the apartment that I would be staying in. Since I was the only one from my college coming to South Korea, I had culture classes twice a week. Once I was done unpacking and settling in, I got the paper out and began to 'uncode' his number and messaged him instead of calling. I made sure that I wrote it in English first then translated it to Korean. 'Hi! It's Kira from the plane :) ' I smiled knowing that he'd like the little smiley face that went with the rest of the message. I knew that he would most likely be working I decided to take a nap. This jetlag thing was going to be a problem for sure. I'm grateful that the professor decided to give me a few days to get used to this. I was awakened by the ringing of my phone. Once I saw that it was V, I answered quickly. 'Hello Kira!' I smiled at how excited he seemed and greeted him as well, with the same amount of enthusiasm. 'I'm sorry I called so late. I just got out of dance practice. We have vacation for a few weeks! Can you believe that?' I giggled at his childishness. I was surprised that I could even do that. It seemed to shock Tae as well since he got silent afterward. I cleared my throat and began to speak as well. 'That's great Tae. I'm happy for you.' I meant it as well. They all deserve a vacation. They are always working so hard to make sure that everything is done well for their performances. They always want to make sure that Army is having a great time. 'Um, hyung's want to say something to you if that's okay.' I stilled and got nervous. I really don't want them to tell me to stop talking to Tae. It hasn't even been a day and I've already begun to be attached. I nodded and then shook my head realizing that they couldn't see me. 'Sure....' He began to request a video call and I denied. 'Yah! Why did you reject me like that? You're so cold.' I laughed and began to explain. 'I don't look presentable at the moment Tae. If you don't remember, I was awakened by someone very energetic.' He laughed. 'No I don't remember. I bet you look great. You always seem to.' The last bit I'm sure I wasn't supposed to hear, but I blushed. I made my hair look presentable by trying to quickly tame it. It was never too wild but I didn't want to look bad. I made the request this time and prepared myself for what was to come. Tae could see how nervous I was and gave me a reassuring smile. I could only nod. He set the phone down on something high enough so I could see all seven of them. I got up and walked to my desk and set my phone down on the highest level so they could see me clearly. 'Goodmorning everyone.' I gave a slight bow and then somberly looked at them concealing every emotion. I gave nothing away, at least that's what I thought. 'Goodmorning Kila-ssi.' They all bowed as if practiced. 'We wanted to apologize about how we behaved yesterday on the plane. Once we found out you were a fan we shut you out and that was mostly my fault.' RM was the one to speak. I was curious. Yesterday as Tae and I talked, I could tell that a few of the boys wanted to join, but once they got 'the look' they averted their attention elsewhere. 'I didn't want anything to happen and since we didn't really know you I felt it was best if we were to just avoid you and pretend that you weren't there.' Once he said I wondered if they had done this with other fans that would meet them on these occasions or if it were just me. 'Can I ask something?' They looked scared as if they already knew what I was gonna ask and I wasn't going to like the answer. They nodded. 'Am I the only one you guys acted this way with? Or do you do this to everyone else?' Yoongi started to speak, but I was only able to understand a few words. 'You're the only one. We're usually very friendly with other fans and we talk to them, but the only reason as to why we were rude to you was because it was the first time a fan had actually sat next to us. That's why we acted the way we did. It was nothing against you personally. We thought you were really cool. That and the fact that Tae wouldn't shut up about you yesterday and kept scolding us.' I laughed at the last part. I looked at Tae on the screen and he was glaring at the rest of them as they teased him. It was cute. He looked at me and gave me a small embarrassed smile. I was kind of hurt that they would just assume that I was going to do something to hurt them, but I couldn't blame them. They had been the talk of the country in the US and I knew that they had to be careful. 'I can understand why you did that. It hurt a little, but I can see where you're coming from.' They frowned once they heard I was hurt, but I smiled at them and they gave me guilty smiles in return. Tae drew my attention to him and started to talk. 'Since we have the day off, and we're on vacation for a while, we thought that it would be a great idea if you came to hang out with us. Or would you prefer if we went to visit you?' I was shocked. I raised a brow and looked at him; he was nervous that was for sure. 'Did you just come up with the idea or did everyone else agree too?' He looked so cute. I gave him a teasing smile and he laughed nervously telling me that this was news to everyone else too. That was until Jungkook stood up for him. 'We agreed! I wanted to talk to you yesterday, but the hyung's didn't let me.' I laughed and nodded. 'Well, I don't know where you guys are staying and I don't think you guys are comfortable with me knowing so if you guys don't mind, I think that you all coming to my place is what's best.' They smiled gratefully and were happy that I wasn't offended by that. I wanted to earn their trust and show them that I would never do anything that would hurt them or ruin their careers. 'Since it is early and ya'll are coming over, would you like an American breakfast?' They cheered and I took that as a yes. I smiled and told them that I would have the food ready by the time they got here.

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