Shining of the Four

By ad_meliora

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[Warriors Cats Fanfiction] "As the Moon's shine vanishes and the light burns out, another cat will be lost. F... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Author's Note

Chapter 57

215 14 1
By ad_meliora

            Sunrise awoke to a sunny autumn day in the SnowClan camp. She opened her eyes, glancing around the warriors den. Lifesnow was curled up next to her, cushioned in between Sunrise and her mate, Goosefur. Sunrise watched her sleep peacefully and smiled slightly before rising.
            She could count seven days since she had left her home. So far, she had seen no sign of Fawn, Anna, or Frog, and she wondered if Boulder had kept his promise and told them about her. Perhaps they agreed Sunrise should take awhile.
            Still, Sunrise was desperate to go home to see the others. She wanted to tell them all about her experience, how it felt to be in a clan, how her dream had nearly come true. Despite all the goodness of staying in SnowClan, she also wanted the prophecy to be fulfilled now. With one cat left, she was desperate to find the last cat of the prophecy and discover her true identity.
            Sunrise padded outside and grabbed a mouse from the fresh-kill pile, nibbling on it slightly. The food in SnowClan was much better than the dry cat food she was used to eating at home, and she wondered if she'd ever be able to go back to eating her old food after being spoiled like this.
            Going back...Sunrise hadn't thought about it too much. Would she go back to her kittypet life? Or would Thornstar allow her to stay and be a warrior? Either way, Sunrise wasn't sure what she wanted. She'd always wanted to be a warrior, but she wasn't so much pleased about leaving her friends behind.
            Sunrise watched as some cats eyed her as she ate her breakfast. That was another thing about being taken into SnowClan camp. While many cats were very kind toward her, it was obvious she was ranked below them, and many eyed her with suspicion, wondering if she was just taking advantage of their hospitality.
            Sunrise had told Lifesnow this issue, but Lifesnow had only shooed it off, assuring her that the cats just didn't understand how important she meant to everyone at SnowClan. Despite these kind words, Sunrise still felt like she was prejudiced.
            Licking up the remainder of her mouse, Sunrise noticed Lifesnow exiting the den with Goosefur by her side. Lifesnow happily trotted up to Sunrise and sat down across from her. Goosefur grabbed a squirrel for him and his mate to share, then joined them.
            "Good morning," Lifesnow spoke gladly.
            "Morning," Sunrise replied in a less ecstatic manner.
            "Already eat breakfast?" Lifesnow wondered.
            Sunrise nodded.
            "Hey, Goosefur and I are heading out on patrol this morning. You're welcome to come," Lifesnow suggested.
            Sunrise felt her stomach clench. She glanced down at her white and golden speckled paws, refusing to make eye contact. "I-I don't know. I don't think I'd be much help..."
            "Sure you would!" Lifesnow assured her. Goosefur, his mouth full of squirrel, nodded beside her.
            "What could I even do?" Sunrise wondered.
            "Well, we're just patrolling the border, keeping an eye out for other cats trespassing, marking borders and such," Lifesnow explained. As she continued, Sunrise felt even more nervous and out of place. She didn't understand half the terms Lifesnow was mentioning.
            "I think I'd rather stay here," she decided.
            Lifesnow frowned but did not press Sunrise any further. "Well, okay then. We'll be back soon," she told her as she and Goosefur rose. Together, they trotted off, leaving Sunrise alone in the SnowClan camp once again.
            Unsure of what to do, Sunrise laid down in a sunny spot near the warriors den, letting the sun warm her fur as a gentle autumn breeze swept by. She watched other cats trot by and eye her. Sunrise wanted to hide herself in embarassment.
            When the fifth cat glanced at her, Sunrise stood up and angrily trotted towards Thornstar's den, wishing the other clan members would just leave her alone. She wasn't trying to take advantage of any cat's hospitality. She was merely here for prophecy purposes.
            Marching towards the leader's den, Sunrise stopped in her tracks, unsure of what she was even going to tell Thornstar. It wasn't like she could complain. He was offering her shelter, food, a temporary home. How could she complain?
            Sighing, Sunrise was about to turn away when Thornstar padded out of his den.
            "Oh, Sunrise, hello," he called, padding up next to her. "I thought you went on patrol with Lifesnow and Goosefur."
            "Uh, I slept in," Sunrise lied, not wanting to tell him the true reason.
            The golden-brown tabby eyed her oddly but did not question her.
            "I-I think I'll go on a walk in the woods, if that's all right with you," Sunrise suggested.
            Thornstar nodded happily. "Of course. Do you know your way around?"
            Sunrise nodded, recalling how she and Lifesnow often took a familiar walk through the territory. She wouldn't stray too far.
            Waving good-bye to Thornstar, she padded into the SnowClan forest, glad to be away from the camp. Out here in the woods, she could be herself, free from any strange looks.
            Walking on the familiar path, Sunrise glanced around, recognizing certain landmarks in the forest that helped her keep track of where she was. Lifesnow needed only to use her nose, but Sunrise still hadn't mastered that yet. She remembered being overwhelmed with all the scents when she had first arrived. Still, she could barely distinguish Lifesnow's scent from Thornstar's.
            Lifesnow had told her it would take practice, but Sunrise doubted she'd be able to master distinguishing scents in the short amount of time she stayed here.
            Noticing a wooden stump up ahead, Sunrise sat down against the stump, wondering if maybe it would just be best to return home. Lifesnow could fetch her when they found the last cat. She was desperate to see her friends again.
            Sunrise traced her paws in the dirt, wondering how her owner was dealing with her disappearance. She hoped they hadn't replaced her with another cat...
            But if I want to be a warrior, I shouldn't worry about my home, Sunrise thought. She knew no cat had even offered to allow her to become a warrior, but the thought still remained in her mind.
            Carried away in her thoughts, she jumped at the sound of a twig being cracked. Looking up, Sunrise saw a dark gray tom and white and golden she-cat walking forward slowly and cautiously. At first, she mistakened them for Lifesnow and Goosefur. But she knew better. These cats looked as if they weren't from around her.
            When the she-cat's eyes fell on Sunrise, she stopped in her tracks.
            "Excuse me," she spoke quietly. "Are look like me."
            Sunrise rose, surprised. Was this the last cat of the prophecy? She was too stunned to speak.
            "Are there clans nearby?" the tom asked. "We're trying to find the clans."
            Sunrise gulped and nodded. "Y-Yes. Are you, by any chance, a part of a prophecy?"
            The she-cat froze, then nodded. "Are you part of it too?"
            Sunrise nodded, then sprang into the air in excitement. "Oh, yes! Yes! The prophecy is complete! We've found every cat!" she explained, hopping around. The two cats glanced at her oddly, speaking not a word.
            "I'm Sunrise," she said to the she-cat. "Who are you?"
            The she-cat glanced at her oddly. "I didn't think Sunrise was a clan name, and I didn't think clan cats wore collars. My name is Salmon, and this is my mate, Storm. We've traveled far from Oak's tribe. Perhaps you've heard of it?"
            Sunrise shook her head. "I'm merely a housecat. But maybe the others have heard of it. You are in the forest of clans though. I'm just staying at this clan while we searched for the last cat."
            "You mean you've found the other two?" Salmon wondered.
            Sunrise nodded. "One is in this clan, SnowClan. The other is in the clan nearby, NightClan. We were so eager to find the last cat. But now you're here! You'll have to come back with us to camp! Thornstar will be so excited!"
            "Are you sure it's safe?" Storm asked. "We don't want to trespass any more."
            "They'll accept you easily," Sunrise assured them. "Follow me."
            She watched as Storm and Salmon hesitantly followed her through the forest. Sunrise easily retracted her steps, coming closer to camp.
            Salmon lifted her nose to the air and spoke. "I've never smelled so many cats before."
            "It's a big clan," Sunrise admitted. "Come on!" she called, beginning to run now. The others ran after her, and at last, she entered the camp, coming to a halt.
            Immediately, cats turned towards the two new strange cats, throwing even more odd glances at Sunrise. Ignoring them, Sunrise led Storm and Salmon through the crowd of cats toward Thornstar's den.
            "The kittypet has brought back friends!" a cat shouted. Other cats began to whisper among themselves, and Sunrise kept her head down as she entered Thornstar's den.
            "Thornstar!" she shouted, causing the tom to jump. He spun around, gasping as his eyes fell on Salmon and Storm.
            "That's not Goosefur and Lifesnow, is it?" he asked.
            "Who?" Storm wondered.
            Sunrise ignored his question. "This is is Salmon and Storm. They've traveled from a tribe far away. Salmon is the last cat in the prophecy!"
            Thornstar's eyes widened. "Why, this is fabulous!" he exclaimed, rushing to greet the couple. "My name is Thornstar, leader of SnowClan. I believe the information we've put together will help you. Just let me gather Lifesnow. She's another cat in the prophecy. Oh, we'll have to contact Lemonfur too!"
            Sunrise stood, her heart beating with excitement. Finally, it was coming all together.

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