I Like My Best Friends Brothe...

By Mahomie4evz

27.7K 84 21

What happens when Kayla and Alexa(Lexi) meet at Teen Hoot, but they don't know each others last names. Kayla... More

Character Profiles
Authors note
Part 2
Part 3
Author's Note
Authors note
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Authors note
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Authors Note
Part 21
end of the story

Part 6

957 3 1
By Mahomie4evz


(Kayla's alarm goes off at 7:30 because her and Peyton are going out and are hang out today before the teen hoot meet and greet. She gets out of bed and gets dressed in a pair of red ripped skinny jeans, her Austin Mahone shirt, straightened her hair and is wearing blue sparkly eye liner on her waterline, brown glittery eye shadow, and purple mascara. She is also borrowing Austin's white supras, then she texts Lexi)

Lexi= L

Kayla= K

K: Hey Lex!


K: Ok, on my way down.

(Kayla heads down to Alexa and Peyton's room she knocks on the door and Peyton answers it)

Peyton: Hey Kayla!

Kayla: Hey Pey!

(Peyton hugs Kayla)

Kayla: Is Alexa here?

Peyton: Yeah, come on in.

(Peyton moves out of the way and lets Kayla through, she walks in the door and sees Amelia, Emma, and Chloe)

Peyton: Kayla, these are my other sisters. Amelia, Emma, and Chloe. (He points to them in that order)

Kayla: Hi.

Amelia: Hi, you're really pretty.

Kayla: Thanks, so are you.

Emma: Hey, how old are you?

Kayla: I'm 16.

Chloe: Are you dating my brother?

Kayla: No,... why has he been telling you that?

Chloe: No but he talks about you all the time, like you guys are dating.

Kayla: Oh, has he?

(Kayla looks at Peyton and he shrugs his shoulders, Peyton's mom walks in the room)

Tammy: You must be Kayla.

Kayla: Yes I am, and you are Tammy right?

Tammy: Yes I am. Did Peyton tell you that?

Kayla: No I was a fan before I actually met him.

Tammy: Oh are you the friend that Alexa would always talk about?

Kayla: Awe! She talked about me all the time.

(Alexa walks through the door)

Alexa: Pey are you gonna let me talk to my friend or what? Because she came here to see me.

Peyton: Awe, I have to leave her.

Kayla: I'm sorry, will this make up for it?

(Kayla hugs Peyton)

Peyton: Yeah, that helps a little bit.

(Alexa comes over and takes Kayla's arm and drags her toward her room, Kayla looks back at Peyton and then Alexa shuts her door)

Kayla: So what did you need to tell me?

Alexa: Austin asked me out!!!

Kayla: NO WAY!!!!!! AWE!!!!!

Alexa: I KNOW!!!!!

Kayla: OH MY GOD!!!!!! My two best friends are going out!!

Alexa: I figured I'd tell you first before I told Peyton because you have known Austin longer.

Kayla: I'm glad you let me know, and I'm okay with you and Austin dating. In fact I'm gonna go tell him to ask you out right now.

(Kayla gets up from Alexa's bed and walks out into the living room, and Peyton gets up)

Kayla: Peyton, do you wanna come with me?

Peyton: Can I?

Kayla: Yeah.

(Peyton walks up to Kayla's side and takes her hand in his)

Peyton: Is that alright?

(Kayla takes her hand out of Peyton's)

Kayla: I'm sorry, I can't date my best friend's brother it's really weird.

Peyton: I'm sorry, can I still go with you?

Kayla: Yeah, let's go.

(Kayla walks out of their room and into the hallway, halfway to her room Peyton stops her in the hall)

Peyton: Kayla I have a question?

Kayla: Fire away.

Peyton: If you don't have to date your best friend's brother, then why didn't you stop me from kissing you last night?

Kayla: I don't know, I...I...I just don't know. I have to go...

(Kayla starts walking down the hall, leaving Peyton right where he stopped her)

Peyton: Kayla, wait.

(Kayla stops right where she is, and let's Peyton catch up)

Kayla: Yeah?

Peyton: What if Alexa was alright with us going out?

Kayla: Then I would go out with you.

Peyton: Ok, well are we still gonna hang out before the meet and greet?

Kayla: I don't know, but can I have your number, so that I don't have to call Alexa to talk to you?

Peyton: Of course, can I see your phone?

(Kayla grabs her phone out of her back pocket and hands it to Peyton, then he puts his number in her phone, then hands it back to her)

Peyton: Text me if you still want to hang out.

Kayla: Ok.

(Kayla walks to her room and calls Alex and Austin into her room)

Alex: Yeah?

Kayla: I think Peyton likes me.

Austin: Do you like him?

Kayla: I do but, Alexa never said that it's alright to, and I don't to do it behind her back. Speaking of her, Austin you need to ask her out, like RIGHT NOW!!!!!

Austin: Ok! But you need to ask her if you can go out with Peyton before I ask her out.

Kayla: FINE!!! I'll text her right now.

(Kayla gets her phone out and texts Alexa)

K: I have a question? Would it be alright if I went out with your brother?

A: Are you kidding me!!! I've been waiting for you to ask me that OF COURSE!!!!!!!!

K: Thanks!


Kayla: Come on Austin you're coming with me.

(Kayla drags Austin down to Peyton and Alexa's room, Peyton answers the door again and Kayla pulls him into a hug)

Peyton: I take it you asked Alexa.

(Kayla nods her head in Peyton's chest)

Peyton: So then, would you want to go out with me?

(Kayla nods her head, then Peyton lifts her chin up and kisses her on the lips, then Austin clears his throat)

Kayla: Sorry Austin. ALEXA COME HERE!!!!!!!

(Alexa shows up in the doorway)

Alexa: What?

Austin: Alexa, would you want to be my girlfriend?

Alexa: I'd love too.

(Alexa runs into Austin's open arms)

Peyton: Well isn't this just great! Two new couples.

(Kayla looks up at Peyton with puppy eyes)

Kayla: Pey, when are you gonna tell your fans?

Peyton: I don't know, maybe tonight.

Alexa: Why don't we go on a double date right now?

Kayla: I'd love to but what about Alex?

Austin: Kayla, remember him and Sarah? They would always have us come along and then they would kiss and hug each other all the time. He needs to taste his own medicine.

Kayla: Ok, I'll text him to come meet us now.

(Kayla texts Alex, then he meets them and they go and and hang out until it's time for the meet and greet)

(At the meet and greet Kayla is by Austin and Alex, but Peyton and her keep looking at each other as do Austin and Alexa, after the meet and greet Peyton is on stage performing "Crush On You" after they call Kayla and Alexa on stage, Kayla and Alexa walk on stage, then Peyton and Austin tell the crowd about them dating each other, then they walk off stage and then Kayla punches Peyton, but then pulls him into a hug)

Kayla: I can't believe you did that!

Peyton: I told you I was gonna tell them tonight.

Kayla: I'm really tired. Pey will you carry me back to the hotel?

Peyton: Yeah, let me just go get my stuff.

(Peyton goes and grabs his coat, hat, then goes back by Kayla and picks her up bridal style and walks her back to the hotel, BACK AT THE HOTEL)

Peyton: Here we are room 21.

Kayla: Thanks!

Peyton: I know this is real soon in our relationship but I love you so much.

Kayla: I love you too!

(Peyton leans down and kisses Kayla then she goes into her room and goes to sleep, but not before texting Peyton, and getting into her pajamas)


There you go guys! The next part, sorry it took so long to get it posted, I finished my book report, so as soon as I finished I started typing. Hope you guys like it! Also follow these people on twitter for me please! @Kayla_Peterson1 @mahomielvr1 @LexiMeyersxo thanks guys!

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