
By Orry47

16.6K 630 233

This is a sequel for the story: Servant-(Sahyo) Sana and Jihyo are both learning how to be a wife and care fo... More

....Beautiful Sea....
....Him Again....
....stressed out....
....go home....
....Defending Her....
....Starting To Show....
....Its Good To Have Friends....
....You'll Be Ok....
....Are We Really Sure....
....No More Trouble No More Pain....
....Same Encounter....
....In Love?....
....What To Do....
....Stop Holding On....
....Love Changes....
....Changed For The Good....
...Happy Forever....
New book
Happy days

....I Can't Let Her Go....

697 32 6
By Orry47


A job. Out of all the things she wanted to have it was a job. I had no idea why she wanted that. What was wrong with being with me all day.

I stood at the side of the bed and looked at Sana. It was an hour before she had to get up. I wanted to know why this was going on in her head.

I couldn't wait. I tapped on her shoulder. She turned and her beautiful face was facing me. She was so hot when she was tired. "Sana wake up I want to talk"

She shook her head and turned. "Baby come on" I tapped her shoulder again. She groaned.


"Why work?"

"Because I can Jihyo..leave it be. I'm tired come here."

"You upset me." I crawled next to her and she turned to face me. She opened her eyes and are lips make contact.

I pulled away but she made an angry face at me. "I want more"

I gave her what she wanted until she started to escalate the kissing into touching. "Don't worry about me Jihyo I'll be fine."

At this point non of that mattered to me. I needed to let her do her own things. "I trust you."

"You should because I'm your wife. Not a girlfriend anymore. I'll be ok." Something just didn't settle right in my heart. It ached like always. I couldn't let her do something like that on her own.

I walked into the first day of work. This company was the biggest one I'd ever seen. Eventually I wanted this place to be all mine but that would take a while.

"Hey hottie. Come here it's your first day right." I looked at him and just continued to walk. Men already trying to get with me...

For a whole year I was called out and everyone wanted me to fuck them. I was sick of it.

"How do I control them? Boss it's getting to be to much..." they started reaching for me and getting closer everyday I wasn't in control of the company.

"By taking over. Next month if you work hard enough it's all yours." That soon. I

"Ok. I'll make it happen."

The fact that Sana would most likely go through the same bullshit I did ached me. It was Just stupid to let her go.

I walked through the door, everyone greeted me and I looked around for Nayeon. She was nowhere.

I chuckled and saw the text on my phone. It was an excuse for why Nayeon would be late but in reality her and Tzuyu were on camera making out in the practice room an hour before  that room was supposed to be filled with all types of trainees.

I barged in. "What the fuck!!" Nayeon shot back from Tzuyus arms and fell down to the floor. Tzuyu was all red and bowed when she saw me. "Nayeon lets get to work no fucking."

"Says the one who almost took Sana in her office!"

"I said let's go Nayeon. Stop distracting the idol." Nayeon rolled her eyes. "Your a cock blocker Jihyo..I'm higher than you now so I'll be there in five"

"I still own the company. Just because you took over my part doesn't mean I can't take it right back. See you in five"


Sorry for not updating the story sooner. I'll try to pick up the pace now that I know where I want the story to go :)

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